10 Best Coding Bootcamps in Orange County

Choosing to attend a coding bootcamp can never be a bad idea. In the best coding bootcamps in Orange County, you focus on your growth and keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

Online bootcamp for coding can be for learning more about system design, operating systems, full-stack development, or database management.

It is essential because upskilling and learning new skills can help you get a better job and make more money.

In this article, we have a complete guide on the best coding bootcamps in Orange County. It includes the cost and how you can quickly get in.

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What is a Coding Bootcamp?

Over the last ten years, coding bootcamps have sprung up to help fill a talent gap. There were more jobs than qualified applicants at tech companies.

In addition, the number of college graduates with four-year degrees wasn’t enough to meet the growing needs of the industry.

The idea behind coding bootcamps is clear from the name: you learn to code in a short, intense period. Pioneers like Dev Bootcamp in San Francisco and The Iron Yard in Greenville, South Carolina, created programs that prepare students for work in months instead of years.

The combination of speed and ease of access attracts a growing number of people who want to improve their skills and compete for high-tech jobs that pay well.

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Are the Coding Bootcamps in Orange County Worth It?

Bootcamps aren’t just popular because they are easy to get to and cheap. Many students probably worry about only one thing: will they get a well-paying tech job?

Based on data from 29 coding bootcamps between July and December 2018, CIRR found that about 78% of graduates worked in the field 180 days after graduating.

The percentage of people working in the field includes people working full-time, part-time, as an apprentice, or on a short-term contract.

CIRR data shows the median salaries of 2,000 graduates reported between July and December 2018 ranged from $55,000 to $117,500.

The average median wage for all bootcamps was just over $72,000. It shows that attending the coding bootcamps in Orange County is worth it.

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How much does attending the Best Coding Bootcamp in Orange County cost?

Some coding bootcamps in Orange County are more expensive than others. However, bootcamps may give students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to learn computer science the chance to do so.

The price of a bootcamp in Orange County can be anywhere from $1,300 to $30,000. According to data collected by BestColleges from over 620 bootcamp programs offered by about 130 bootcamp providers, the average cost of a bootcamp in 2020 was $13,579.

Whether any price is worth it depends, of course, on the quality of the teaching and how well the students do.

Since the average cost of a four-year degree can range from $20,000 per year at a public college to $43,000 per year at a private college, coding bootcamps may be a good deal for students who want to break into the tech industry.

10 Best Coding Bootcamps in Orange County in 2024

#1. On-site Coding Dojo Coding school

The 14-week full-time On-site Coding Bootcamp is a challenging program that will teach you to be a full-stack engineer.

This course differs from most bootcamps because it gives you different “tech stack” options that you can choose from depending on your school.

It starts with lessons in HTML and CSS that teach you the basics of front-end development. After that, you’ll learn Python, which will help you set up your back end.

You will do a total of three projects and then show your final project to your classmates and possible employers. Coding Dojo runs one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County.

Check out the bootcamp here

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#2. Coding Bootcamp at UC Irvine

This twelve- or fourteen-week bootcamp will teach you how to build websites from the ground up. This full-stack program helps people get ready for a wide range of careers. Students learn programming languages like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, C#, and React.js.

They also work with others in groups, make unique portfolios, learn soft skills, and get a certificate in web development. This bootcamp has made its name and is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County.

Check out the bootcamp here

#3. The Data Science Fellowship from the Data Incubator

Students learn how to be well-rounded Data Scientists through the Data Science Fellowship. The course teaches essential skills like Python, Pandas, SciPy, NumPy, Apache Spark, Scikit-learn, and more.

It ends with a capstone portfolio project. This course is, no doubt, one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County. It costs about $10,000, but every penny is worth it.

Check out the bootcamp here

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#4. The Data Engineering Fellowship from the Data Incubator

This bootcamp also stands out as one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County for many reasons. Students learn how to be well-rounded Data Engineers through the Data Engineering Fellowship.

The course teaches essential skills like Python, Pandas, AWS, Bash, Apache Airflow, AWS, PostgreSQL, and more. It ends with a capstone portfolio project.

It is held in Orange County, in person, and is available online. The bootcamp is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County.

Check out the bootcamp here

#5. Training Centers for ONLC Python Programming: Basics for People Who Don’t Write Code

This 3-day introductory Python programming course is for people who have never programmed before and want to learn the basic skills needed to program in Python. The course will cover the basics of Python.

This includes data types, control statements, using functions and modules, handling exceptions, and debugging programs.

It also covers working with lists and how to work with different data types. By the end of the course, students will know how to write programs for simple applications.

It is not only one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County, but it is also one of the cheapest. The bootcamp costs only $1,195, and students can take classes on weekdays.

Check out the bootcamp here

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#6. Practical Python Programming for Data Science: An Immersive Guide

This one-week data analytics course explains how to use Python to analyze data. Students will learn Python programming basics and start using essential data analysis libraries like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to analyze data and make data visualizations.

This 35-hour intensive helps people who are new to Python learn how to use Python to analyze and show data.

It is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County, allowing live training online from anywhere.

Check out the bootcamp here

#7. Immersive Practical Programming in Python

This one-week Python Immersive is for people who have never coded before. It aims to teach them the basics of Python so they can start coding independently.

Students will learn the best ways to use Python to code, work on Python exercises and programs, and finish with two projects of their own. The bootcamp also offers live training from anywhere.

Check out the bootcamp here

#8. Full-Time Sabio.js Full Stack with React

This full-time program will teach you everything you need to know to start a career in.js full-stack development. Students will learn about APIs, database architectures, client-side frameworks, and more.

They will learn about JavaScript and the JavaScript engine in Chrome V8. When this 12-week program is over, students will be ready to get jobs as software engineers.

It is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County that offers live and online training. This bootcamp costs about $15,000, but reviews show it’s worth it.

Check out the bootcamp here

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#9. Sabio .Net Full Stack, Full Time with React

This program teaches you everything you need to know to start a career in.Net full-stack development. Students will learn about APIs, database architectures, client-side frameworks, and more.

They will learn about JavaScript and the JavaScript engine in Chrome V8. When this 12-week program is over, students will be ready to get jobs as software engineers.

The Sabio bootcamp also costs $15,000 and is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County.

Check out the bootcamp here

#10. Sabio React Bootcamp

This React JS course is a dynamic program. It helps people who know HTML, DOM, and JavaScript make responsive websites that can change as data changes.

In 6 weeks, students will learn how to create React apps, how React works, and how to work with React programming basics like components, JSX, props, and state.

This course will also teach students how to use the React router package to build multi-page web applications. They would learn how to make a custom web application and add an API to a React application. It costs $7,950 and is one of the best coding bootcamps in Orange County.

Check out the bootcamp here

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More and more people are going to code

bootcamps for a good reason. Imagine earning a six-figure salary at a great company with all the benefits you can think of after only 3–6 months of training.

The big coding bootcamps will say that their graduates get great jobs at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and other companies. Finding someone who wouldn’t want to work in such a place would be hard. The best coding bootcamps in Orange County are a great way to start.

Before you go, you should see: Top 10 Machine Learning Bootcamps in 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would you like to go to a coding bootcamp?

Most bootcamps help you get to your goal more quickly. Many online coding bootcamps help you improve your technical skills and your ability to think creatively and solve problems.

Is going to a coding bootcamp worth it?

Yes. Students who need to learn a specific skill quickly should go to a coding bootcamp. In general, employers like these programs, but they want more accountability. A coding bootcamp does not have the same depth or breadth as a degree in computer science.

What is the advantage of going to a coding bootcamp?

You are getting a lot of information. Coding bootcamps teach you what you need to know to start a career as a coder. You can also gain skills that are in demand in a short time and choose not to go to college.

Do bootcamps in coding look good on a resume?

Having a bootcamp program on your resume is a good idea. Not only does it show off your skills and education, but it also shows your dedication and hard work.

Is a bootcamp enough to get a job?

Most people who finish a bootcamp find work within six months, but there are no guarantees in the job market. Many things can affect how well a job search goes, such as location, experience, interview skills, and the type of job you want.



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