10 Coding Bootcamps in Nashville

Nashville is arguably one of the best cities to learn how to code. It has a lot of programming bootcamps. It is our utmost desire to help you find your perfect coding Bootcamp in Nashville.

In Nashville, several coding bootcamps offer courses in web development, programming languages, and software development.

According to a job search engine Indeed report, the city is highly demanding software developers. Consequently, these coding bootcamps will likely be in high demand as well. Here’s our list of the ten best coding Bootcamps in Nashville so far;

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What is coding?

Coding is simply the creation of computer programs from scratch. Bootcamps in Nashville offer an excellent opportunity for beginners who want to learn how to code.

Coding bootcamps provide a thorough grounding in the basics of programming and help students develop skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and software development.

In addition, boot camp graduates often find jobs that require advanced coding skills. So if you’re interested in learning how to code and are looking for a way to improve your job prospects, a coding boot camp may be the right option for you.

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Why should you learn to code?

As the technology industry continues to grow, so does the need for coders. Coding Bootcamps in Nashville can help you gain the skills you need to land a coding job.

Whether you’re looking to update your existing skills or to get started in this exciting field, these programs will help you achieve your goals.

Coding Bootcamps in Nashville offer a variety of courses that will teach you how to use coding languages like Java and Python.

You’ll also learn how to create websites and apps from scratch, which will give you a strong foundation on which to build future career opportunities.

What are the benefits of taking a coding Bootcamp?

In today’s technological society, being able to code can be a crucial skill for anyone looking to get ahead. That’s why many people are interested in taking coding bootcamps – educational programs that teach people how to code. Here are some of the benefits of taking a coding Bootcamp:

-Coding bootcamps provide an excellent way to learn new skills. They’re tailored specifically for beginners, so you’ll be able to quickly learn the basics of coding. This will give you a head start on your career path and help you stand out from other job applicants.

-Coding bootcamps can help you find a new career path. Many students who complete coding bootcamps end up finding jobs in fields like software development or web programming.

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Who is the target audience for coding bootcamps in Nashville?

The Nashville area is home to several coding bootcamps, which provide students with the skills necessary to become web developers. Which Bootcamp is suitable for you may depend on your goals and interests, but all of them offer flexible coursework that can help you land a job after completing the program.

Some Nashville-area coding bootcamps cater specifically to women and veterans, while others are open to anyone who wants to learn how to code.

Regardless of your background or target market, these programs offer intensive training in programming languages such as JavaScript and HTML5.

If you’re looking to jumpstart your career in web development, a coding boot camp might be the right choice for you.

How many Bootcamp coders are in Nashville?

According to a study by Upwork, Bootcamp grads earn an average of $62,000 more than people who only made high school diplomas. Additionally, Bootcamp grads are twice as likely as high school graduates to be employed full-time in their field.

What are the ten coding bootcamps in Nashville in 2024?

Here are some coding bootcamps in Nashville you may be interested in.

1. Nashville Software School

Nashville Software School is the oldest coding Bootcamp in Nashville. It’s part of a national network of software schools, meaning you can expect to meet other students from other schools while you’re there.

The school also has an extensive network of alumni and employers that they work with as well and they’re not just limited to the city.

What is the most significant advantage this school has over other bootcamps? Their investors. They have already raised $2 million in funding through angel investors like Matt Mullenweg (creator of WordPress), Cody Sexton (CEO at Bonfyre), and Noah Kagan (founder & CEO of Udemy).

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2. Nashville Tech Council

The Nashville Tech Council (NTC) is a non-profit organization that supports the growth of the technology community in Nashville.

They offer educational programs, networking events, and mentorship opportunities for software developers and tech entrepreneurs.

The NTC’s vision is to connect people who share an interest in improving their city through technology.

Their mission is to create an inclusive culture by providing access to education and resources for all ages, backgrounds, genders and ethnicities.

They work towards encouraging innovation, creating opportunities for collaboration across industries, supporting entrepreneurship, and funding projects that advance this mission through grants & donations from corporate partners like Microsoft Corporation.

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3. We Can Code IT

The third Bootcamp on our list is We Can Code IT. This coding boot camp is focused on full-stack development, meaning it teaches you how to build a complete application from start to finish.

You’ll learn front-end JavaScript and Ruby on Rails skills, along with back-end Python or Golang programming languages.

The curriculum of this program focuses on teamwork and collaboration between students and teachers. It also focuses on career support through mentorship opportunities between mentors and participants after graduation.

They also hold events like hackathons where they work together on projects that challenge their skill sets while also sharing knowledge with each other outside of class time.

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4. Nashville Code School

Nashville Code School is a 12-week full-time program. They offer a free 5-day intro course, which you can take before deciding whether or not to go through with their entire program. If you decide it’s for you, they have a 100% job placement rate after graduation.

They strongly focus on JavaScript and React in their curriculum, but also teach other languages like Java, Python and Ruby as well (and even some C++).

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5. Coder Foundry

Coder Foundry is a full-time coding school that teaches students how to build web applications using the Ruby on Rails framework.

The class lasts 12 weeks and costs $10K for tuition, but you can get a job after your course ends if you want to continue working on projects with your teacher.

Coder Foundry’s curriculum is based on the concepts of programming languages like JavaScript and HTML5. The same also focuses heavily on building real-world applications with Ruby on Rails.

You’ll learn fundamental principles like design patterns, object-oriented programming (OOP), test-driven development (TDD) and even how databases work. You’ll also learn how to apply these concepts in practice through hands-on projects such as creating an eCommerce site or building an app for iOS devices.

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6. DigitalCrafts

DigitalCrafts is a coding boot camp in Nashville and offers a 12-week full-time program that begins in January, followed by an eight-week part-time program.

The school was founded by Ryan Carson and Josh Elman, who have been working together since 2010 as founders of Stack Overflow. You can learn more about DigitalCrafts here:

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7. DevMountain

DevMountain is a non-profit coding Bootcamp that offers a 12-week full-time program. The Bootcamp is located in Nashville, Tennessee and offers students the opportunity to learn how to build web applications using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.

After graduation from the program, the school has a 100% job placement rate, with most of their graduates landing jobs within two months of graduating from DevMountain.

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8. SaltStack Code & Conquer Bootcamp

SaltStack Code & Conquer Bootcamp is a 12-week course that teaches you how to build and deploy distributed systems. As the name suggests, it’s specifically geared towards coders who want to work with SaltStack in their day jobs.

The program offers both online and onsite options, with a 90% job placement rate and an average salary of $72k per year after graduation.

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9.Fullstack Academy of Code

Fullstack Academy of Code is a coding boot camp in Nashville, TN. It’s an excellent choice for those looking for a short-term program that offers full-time and part-time courses.

The program offers 12 weeks full-time or 8 weeks part-time, with the option to complete either course in just over 6 months, making it one of the shortest programs on this list.

Fullstack Academy of Code has locations in both Nashville and Chicago, so you can choose whichever feels right based on your schedule or location preferences.

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10.The TechTrees Academy

The TechTrees Academy offers two different programs: one that costs $99 per month and another that costs around $150 per month and includes access to mentors.

Both options require you to fill out an application before being accepted into either program at no cost; however, if accepted into either program, there will be an additional fee associated with attending their classes each week (around $100-$200).

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Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to start a coding Bootcamp?

The best time to start a coding Bootcamp depends on your individual circumstances. That said, there are a few things to keep in mind that might help you make the decision.

First, consider your current commitments. If you’re working full-time or have other significant time commitments, it might not be realistic to add a coding Bootcamp to your schedule.

What will I learn in a coding Bootcamp?

You’ll learn how to code, obviously! But beyond that, you’ll also learn how to think like a programmer and approach problems in a logical way. Coding bootcamps will also teach you how to work in a fast-paced environment and collaborate with other developers.

What are the requirements for enrolling in the coding Bootcamp?

To enrol in a coding Bootcamp, you will typically need to have some prior experience with coding. Some bootcamps may require you to take a placement test to assess your level of coding knowledge. Additionally, most bootcamps will require you to be at least 18 years old.


Coding bootcamps in Nashville are a great way to get started in the tech industry and learn new programming languages. The city has a lot of opportunities for those looking to get their career in technology started.

We hope this article helped you gain clarity on which coding Bootcamp to attend in Nashville. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below.



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