10 Best Free GED Classes in Columbus, Ohio, | Online

Getting your GED gives you a chance to make your future better. Even if you don’t have money, the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024 are here for you.

With some planning and work, you’ll be able to get the certification you need to get a higher-paying job and a chance to go to school.

If you are in Columbus, your excellence in your GED depends on the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024 you attend. In this article, we help make that choice easier for you.

You will find the ten best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024. We also provided all you need to know when taking the GED in Columbus. Let’s dive right in!

What is the GED?

The GED- General Educational Development is used instead of a high school diploma. People who didn’t finish high school can get a GED, the same as a grade 12 education.

Students with other responsibilities, like a full-time job or taking care of a family, may also benefit from getting their GED.

To get a GED, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Be 16 years old or older.
  • You don’t have a diploma from high school.
  • When you fill out the application, you are not in high school.
  • You can show up in person to take the test.

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Why Should You Get your GED in Columbus?

Here are a few reasons why you should think about getting your GED:

Job opportunities

People who want to work at many businesses need to have at least a GED or a high school diploma. Getting a GED can mean you qualify for more jobs or jobs that pay more.

Increases your knowledge base

Getting a GED can help you learn the basics of math, language, science, and history, among other things.

You can use this information to learn more about your surroundings and gain skills and knowledge you can use in your job.

Helpful skills

If you get your GED, you might learn essential skills like how to reason, analyze, communicate, and think critically. These skills can help you at work and in your personal life.

Getting more education

If you want to go to college or university, you usually need a GED or a high school diploma. This certification can help you get the extra training you need for a successful career.

Check out: How to get your GED classes online: Free classes you can take in 2024

Is taking the GED in Columbus, OH, worth it?

Without more education or training after high school, a GED certificate does not open up the same job opportunities as a traditional high school diploma.

People who have passed the GED test tend to earn more than dropouts but less than high school graduates.

Economist James Heckman has found this mostly because GED test graduates come from different backgrounds and have other traits.

When he considers other factors, he finds no proof that passing the GED test improves a person’s job prospects more than other high school dropouts. Some say that people with a GED have a certain stigma that makes it harder to get a job or go to college.

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What is the Cost of the GED in Columbus, OH?

Columbus, OH, has one of the most affordable GED programs. The GED costs $30 (per subject). In total, it should come to $120 (all subjects).

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10 Best Free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024

#1. Godman Guild Association ASPIRE Program

  • Address: 303 E 6th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
  • Phone: 614 – 294-5476

This program at Godman Guild Association lives up to its name because it has a lot of resources. The classes give you access to as many lessons, study guides, and practice tests as you want.

At Godman Guild Association, the practice tests look like actual tests. The tutors here ensure each question comes with immediate feedback and a detailed explanation of the answer. Students writing the GED in Columbus do very well after attending this GED class.

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#2. YouthBuild Columbus Community School

  • Address: 1183 Essex Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
  • Phone: 614 – 291-0805

At YouthBuild Columbus Community School, you can take a full practice test with a time limit or tests for each subject. The school also gives you quizzes to find out how you learn best. This test will help you manage your time and understand what you read better.

You should expect to take the whole course physically, so you must contact the school to ensure you enroll on time. YouthBuild Columbus Community School will have one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

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#3. Franklin County YouthBuild

  • Address: 303 E 6th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
  • Phone: 614 – 607-5641

At Franklin County YouthBuild, you can choose the specific subjects you want to work on at the time. It could be math, science, social studies, or reasoning through language arts. Each of these subjects breaks up into sections meant to be like the actual GED test.

Once you enroll in the Franklin County YouthBuild, you can access all of the library’s study tools. They will run one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

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#4. The Salvation Army Career Enhancement Center

  • Address: 966 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43205
  • Phone: 614 – 221-6561

The Salvation Army Career Enhancement Center will have one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

The tutors here help you prepare for success by figuring out your specific needs and doing their best to meet them.

After enrolling, you’ll have to take a practice test to show you where you stand. The tutors would teach you how to read and retain what you have read. The teachers also teach all the core subjects you should expect to see in the exam.

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#5. Dominican Learning Ctr

  • Address: 1111 Stewart Ave, Columbus, OH 43206
  • Phone 614 – 444-7330

Ranking #5 on our list, Dominican Learning Ctr has one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024. The school has a lot of great reviews.

It offers many helpful resources, like free one-on-one help from real Student Advisors and free access to live coaching sessions and webinars.

These give students more tools to help them study faster and get ready for the GED test.

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#6. South Side Learning and Development Center

  • Address: 280 Reeb Ave, Columbus, OH 43207
  • Phone 614 – 468-9280

South Side Learning and Development Center will be one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024. With this school, you can focus on getting better at the test parts where you are doing the worst.

If you don’t know where you’re weak, you can take a quiz designed to help you figure it out. On top of the practice tests, you can access a tutorial called “How To Pass The GED.”

This tutorial gives you tips on how to take the test and advice on how to manage your time and understand what you read.

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#7. Columbus Adult and Community Education (ACE)

  • Address: 2323 Lexington Ave, Columbus, OH 43211
  • Phone: 614 – 365-5245

The GED testing service agrees that Columbus Adult and Community Education (ACE) course materials match the GED perfectly. You can be sure that this resource will help you pass the test.

Columbus Adult and Community Education (ACE) also gives you a one-week money-back guarantee. This way, you can enrol without spending any money.

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#8. Columbus City Schools Adult & Community Education (ASPIRE)

  • Address: 2323 Lexington Ave, Columbus, Ohio
  • Phone: 43211, 380 – 997-7633

Columbus City Schools Adult & Community Education has what you need if you want a course that won’t take too much time. Most students have two weeks to finish it.

Columbus City Schools Adult & Community Education has what you need if you want a course that won’t take too much time. Most students have two weeks to finish it.

This course is for people who prefer to work hard and quickly (as opposed to working at a leisurely pace over a long period). It is one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

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#9. Columbus Literacy Council

  • Address: 92 Jefferson Ave, Columbus, OH 43215
  • Phone: 614 – 224 – 0501

Columbus Literacy Council focuses on the things you’re not as good at and helps you get better at them.

At the same time, it helps you get better at the things you are good at currently. Columbus Literacy Council will run one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

Resources like printable practice questions and real-life exams can be taken as a simulation.

Columbus Literacy Council also has thorough review guides that go into depth on each exam topic. It also has a small collection of free tests and other tools.

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#10. Franklinton Library (Goldman Guild)

  • Address: 1061 W Town St, Columbus, OH 43222
  • Phone: 614 – 294-5476

Franklinton Library (Goldman Guild) understands that every student has a preferred learning method. They leverage this to ensure that students know what to teach students.

They have different materials, and watch out for how it fits into each students learning style individually.

There are other ways to learn at the Franklinton Library (Goldman Guild), such as by seeing, hearing, reading, and writing. It has one of the best free GED Classes in Columbus Ohio in 2024.

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How to Get a GED in Columbus Ohio? Step-by-Step Guide

If you want to get a GED, you can do the following:

Step 1- Meet the first set of requirements

The GED requirements for each province are different. Check the website for your region to find out what you need to do to qualify.

These criteria may include your age, where you live, whether you are in high school, and whether you need to take any preparation courses.

There may also be a rule about how long it’s been since you graduated from high school. Some provinces, for example, want applicants to have been out of high school for at least 60 days in a row.

Step 2- Study diligently.

To get ready for the GED, you can do things like make a study plan and practice your reasoning and data analysis skills. Free practice tests and other study materials you can find online can help you get ready.

You can take practice tests to determine where you stand regarding the material, how they set up the trial and your progress.

By making an account, you can access official practice tests on the GED website. In addition, you can find out how ready you are for the actual test by how well you do on these tests.

You can also sign up for GED preparation classes in person or online to get more organized help from a teacher. If you study every day for a few months, your chances of passing the test will increase.

Step 3- Sign up to take the tests.

To sign up to take the test, you must first make a free account on the GED website. When you think you’re ready and have done well on your practice tests, choose a testing centre near you and set up your actual exams.

With your online account, you can also pay for tests online. People who need special access measures can ask for changes ahead of time.

Step 4- Get your mind and body ready.

Do some research on the test site so you won’t be late on the day of the test. Find out how to get to the test site, where to park, and where the test room is. Expect delays if you take public transportation to get to the test site.

Get enough sleep and a good breakfast before the test to ensure you have enough energy. You can get nutrition from fruit and make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. Try doing breathing exercises to keep your mind from getting too busy.

Most of the time, you can bring food to your testing site to eat during breaks.

Step 5- Take your tests.

You must pass all four subject tests to get your GED. Most of the time, the GED test takes more than seven hours, with breaks. However, each province has its time limits.

The test is usually on a computer, with multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-drop, select-an-area, and essay questions. You can get between 100 and 200 points.

You should see: GED vs High School Diploma: Differences and Similarities

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my GED in Ohio for free?

Residents of Ohio can get free classes to help them prepare for the GED through the ASPIRE program. The program is present in all 88 counties. Your Ohio HSE diploma will help you get a better job and give you a chance to go to college.

Is Ohio’s GED test free?

No. In Ohio, each part of the GED test costs $30. Ohio gives vouchers worth up to $80 to first-year students. Before you schedule and pay for the GED test and become eligible for the voucher, you must talk to a Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD).

How can I get my GED in Columbus, Ohio?

Sign up for a GED account on the website. Contact your local Career Technical Planning District (CTPD) office to get a state voucher code.

Is the GED test in Ohio hard?

The GED test may be challenging because you don’t have much time. But if you study well and use good tools, the GED is easy. The GED test gives you a limited amount of time (70 to 150 minutes, depending on the subject) to answer 35 to 40 questions in each subject.

The Ohio GED test has how many questions?

240. The GED Tests have one written essay and five tests on different topics. There are 240 multiple-choice questions on the 240 subject area exams. The test gives O.H. students a total of 425 minutes to finish it.


To pass the GED Test, you must get at least 145 out of 200 on each of the four subjects, which is at least 45% correct. It means you have to answer half of the questions correctly.

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