DRD/DAAD Masters & Ph.D. Full Scholarships for Africans 

If you are seeking a grant-in-aid for students, apply for the DRD/DAAD Masters & Ph.D. Full Scholarships for Africans.

This scholarship will help fund your tuition and take care of other educational materials.

For applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, the DRD – Institute of Development Research and Development offers DAAD merit scholarships per year.

The scholarship will be taken at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany.

About DAAD Scholarship

DAAD, in collaboration with the Research for Development Division (DRD) of the African Center of Excellence at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa, is inviting applicants from sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record to continue their developing Masters and Ph.D.

The DAAD, a power plant in the academic world, is an autonomous national agency of higher education institutions in Germany, funded by the federal government and the state.

The exclusive focus of the Development Research Division of the African Center of Excellence is to prepare the next generation of leaders to address the economic, social and political challenges of the development process.

Courses offered: Related development.
Course Level: Graduate (Master, Ph.D.)
Provider: Development Research Division-SA
Country to study in South Africa, Germany.

To adequately prepare the next generation of leaders through research-based training, it is not enough to have the opportunity to award scholarships to promising candidates from all over sub-Saharan Africa, but it is also important.

It is necessary to maintain a strong focus on research. Work center and cooperate closely with other universities in the region.

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is mainly available for Masters & Ph.D. Students.

Field of Study: 

These Scholarships are available for full-time students of

Host Nationality:

The scholarship is to be taken at School of Government, University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationalities 

Students who are citizens or resides in Sub-Saharan Africa are eligible to apply.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

DRD/DAAD Masters & Ph.D. Full Scholarship Worth

Scholarships include monthly allowances of 650 Euro plus travel allowances for Master candidates and 900 Euro plus travel allowances for Ph.D. candidates.

Selection Criteria and Eligibility:

Requirements for application and application procedure

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  • You from Sub-Sahara Africa
  • You should have an outstanding academic record – at least 70% of your last degree
  • Apply within 6 years of having completed their previous degree
  • The study must have been completed at an internationally recognized university
  • The previous degree (Baccalaureus or Master) should have been an academic discipline which is related to Development Studies or Public Administration
  • South African students are required to have an honors degree in order to be admitted to a Masters’s degree course. Other students need the equivalent of a 4-year undergraduate degree
  • Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in English, both written and spoken. This can be a TOEFL test or a similar standard test or a letter from an academic institution
  • Work and/or voluntary experience in your field of interest would be a recommendation
  • Women are encouraged to apply
  • Applicants must be able to study full-time at the UWC for the required period.
  • South African students are encouraged to apply
  • Candidates must be able to study full-time in the UWC during the required period.

In addition to the above requirements, scholarship applicants are advised to carefully read the specific entry requirements and the application procedure for the program of their choice. The information is available in the different sections of the program.

How to Apply For DRD/DAAD Masters & Ph.D. Full Scholarships: 

  • You will have to fill in an electronic application form (ONLY AVAILABLE FROM mid-APRIL to 15th July)!
  • As the e-form can only be submitted once, please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it!


MA applicants will have to write a one-page paper about 1 of the following 4 topics:

  1. François Bourguignon, a former Chief Economist of the World Bank referred to the “poverty growth inequality triangle”: Discuss this comment, critically evaluating the role of inequality in the current study of development in Africa.
  2. Write critically on perceptions about governance in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  3. It has been claimed that climate change could potentially interrupt progress toward a world without hunger. Consider the evidence for this claim and discuss how climate change might impact food security.
  4. Discuss the relationship between social movements and civil society in a specific SSA country of your choice.

More information about requirements for application and application procedure is provided in the link below.


Application Deadlines For DRD/DAAD Masters & Ph.D. Full Scholarships:

  • MA in Development Studies (next deadline July 2024)
  • Master in Public Administration (next deadline July 2024)
  • MA in Development Management (Bochum Programme, next deadline November 2024)
  • Ph.D. options at the center (Ph.D. UWC) (next deadline July 2024)

It is important to carefully go through the “How to apply” section of the Bochum program and/or the course homepage; AND also to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on this scholarship and to access the electronic application forms.


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