University of Sussex Nigeria Scholarships In UK

The University of Sussex Scholarships is for Nigerians pursuing post-graduate studies in the UK. The University of Sussex Is delighted to invite applications for its UK Scholarships, eligible scholars from Nigeria are by this notice charged to hurry and submit their applications before the program deadline.

About University of Sussex Scholarship

The scholarship is worth £3,000 for applicants that meet the eligibility criteria and will be awarded as a fee reduction upon registering at Sussex.

For applicants holding/expecting to achieve a First Class degree, equivalent to a British Bachelors Honours degree from a Higher Education Institution in Nigeria, the award will automatically be enhanced to £5,000.

All You Need To know About University of Sussex Scholarship

Level/ Field of study

The University of Sussex scholarship is for Postgraduate and master’s to study in the UK. The scholarships relate to all full-time taught Masters degree courses at the University of Sussex (e.g. MA, MSc, LLM. MRes) with a few exceptions

Host Nationality

The scholarship is To be taken at the University of Sussex, UK.

Eligible Nationality

The University of Sussex, UK scholarship is open to Nigerians. Take a look at other Nigerian scholarships you can apply for here.

Value of Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded as a fee reduction of up to £5,000

Eligibility for the University of Sussex Nigeria Scholarships

In order to be eligible for a scholarship you must

  • be a national of Nigeria,
  • be a self-financing student
  • have accepted an offer of a full-time place on a Masters course at the University of Sussex commencing in September 2024.
  • meet the published academic requirements for your chosen course.

If your offer of a place is conditional you will need to meet the conditions of your offer before you are admitted to the University and awarded the scholarship.

To receive the enhanced award, you will be required to provide evidence of your First Class degree from a recognized institution in Nigeria.

How to Apply for the University of Sussex Nigeria Scholarships

You must apply for admission to an eligible Master’s course via the University’s PG Apply online application system.

It will be possible to register for the scholarship from January 2024. If you are made an offer of a place and are eligible for the scholarship, you will need to register your interest via PG Apply as part of the acceptance process from January.

If you have received an offer, you will be notified by email as soon as the declaration is available. You must submit this declaration by 1 August 2024 in order to receive the scholarship.

Application Deadline

The deadline for this may have passed but we encourage you to continue checking this site for recent updates in this regard 

Visit the Scholarship Webpage for details

Important Notes: If you accept a Sussex Scholarship in Nigeria you will be required to undertake occasional promotional or support duties for the University of Sussex at times agreed between yourself and the University (e.g. providing text for the prospectus or web page). Schools of study may have specific duties they wish you to assist with.

The scholarship will be awarded automatically as a tuition fee reduction to eligible students upon enrollment at the University of Sussex.


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