University of Tokyo Global Science Course Scholarship 

The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) is happy to invite applicants to submit applications for its Global Science Course for Transfer Students 2024 to be considered for a scholarship. We advise applicants to hurry and apply for this program as soon as possible.

UTokyo’s global science scholarships for transfer students help students offset part of the cost of studying the Global Science Course at the university. The scholarship does not only provide monetary awards to students but also other complementary educational support.

In this post, we will disclose to you all you need to know about getting this University of Tokyo’s science scholarship for transfer students.

What you need to know about the Scholarship

While the University of Tokyo administers the Global Science Course scholarships for transfer students, the scholarship applies to GSC undergraduates.

Meanwhile, the University of Tokyo, abbreviated as Todai or UTokyo, is a public research university located in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan. Established in 1877 as the first imperial university, it is one of Japan’s most prestigious universities.

Also, students admitted to the GSC Undergraduate Transfer Program will receive the “Faculty of Science Scholarship.” In addition to this, GSC students will get access to The GSC Japanese Language Course for beginner level students.

This is to help them with everyday life in Japan. In addition to this course, students also get various levels of Japanese classes which are offered throughout the University. 

University of Tokyo Courses

Variety, they say, is the spice of life and that is why at the University of Tokyo, students can choose whatever course they want to study from a list of courses that are available to them.

The University of Tokyo International students are also provided with International programs tailored for all persons, say from a distance or on Campus.

Students can also decide to see the university of Tokyo Majors before application so as to enable them to know the area they want to go into. All of these have been properly put in place to ensure that students are comfortable studying there.

Provisions are also made for students who speak only English, students from English speaking countries can still get the university of Tokyo English program.

Level/Field of Study

The UTokyo Global Science Course scholarship is an Undergraduate Scholarship for Students pursuing a degree in Chemistry.

Host Nationality

Being that the Global Science Course Undergraduate scholarship can only be taken at the University of Tokyo, the Scholarship is hosted in Japan.

Scholarship Benefits

The UTokyo’s Global Science Scholarship 2020 provides students with 150,000 Japanese Yen. Successful students receive this amount per month during their time as a GSC student (for up to two consecutive years). Also, this scholarship assists in paying for admission fee and annual tuition fees, as well as daily expenses. (

In addition to the monthly scholarship, UTokyo will arrange housing facilities with fully supported monthly rent for GSC students. This support will last for up to two consecutive years. Note, however, that it is the student’s responsibility to pay for any other fees such as utilities and internet.

Also, upon arrival, GSC students will get a Student Tutor. The tutor will help them with their new life in Tokyo, such as assisting with residential registration and opening a bank account. TAs will also help students adjust to their new academic life at UTokyo, mainly in lab sessions.

Eligible Nationality

This Japanese scholarship is available to UTokyo’s students who apply for the Global Science Course. This thus implies that the scholarship is for both Japanese and International students. So, are you an International Student? the opportunity is for you!

University of Tokyo Global Science Scholarship Eligibility

Prospective students must have successfully completed or will be completing their first two years of studies in a comparable undergraduate program at an accredited higher educational institution before enrolling into GSC. It is also necessary for prospective students to have received secondary and tertiary education outside of Japan.

How to Apply

To apply for the UTokyo GSC scholarship, you must first apply and get admission to study the Global Science Course.

Meanwhile, to apply for the GSC, you’ll have to do so on UTokyo’s website.

Also, the online application form for UTokyo’s Global Science Course consists of the following sections.

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  • Personal Information
  • Educational Background
  • English Language Qualifications
  • Personal Statement
  • Additional Information
  • Evaluation
  • Application Fee
  • Required Documents, and
  • Declaration

Click the button below to view the complete application requirement for the Global Science Course, or proceed to access the application form.

Application Deadline

The application period for UTokyo’s Global Science Course for the 2024 academic year is January 15 and March 29 (JST). Note, however, that only the Department of Chemistry is accepting applications, and that you are considered for the GSC scholarships on enrollment.

Get more information on the University of Tokyo Global Science Course Scholarship for Transfer Students by visiting the scholarship link.

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Global Science Course Scholarship FAQs

How many admissions are there in a year?

There are two admissions in a year, Fall (October) and Spring (April).

How many students are to be accepted for each admission?

Only a small number of selected students will be accepted each year. Depending on the number of students admitted in Fall (October), the Spring (April) admission will not be held.

Upon graduation, will I be able to obtain a degree?

Once transferred into the course, GSC students will automatically become a student of the University of Tokyo. If students complete their studies and fulfill all requirements, they will be awarded a bachelor degree by the University of Tokyo.

Can I apply to do a double major?

No, UTokyo does not provide options for double majors.

I am attending University outside of Japan but my nationality is Japanese. May I apply to GSC?

UTokyo accepts students regardless of their nationalities.

Can I apply for GSC even if I am currently a fourth-year undergraduate student at my university?

You may do so as long as you fulfill the requirements here. Once enrolled, you will start from the third year of undergraduate studies as other GSC students.

What is the minimum GPA required to be admitted?

No minimum GPA has been set as GSC Faculty Committee reviews all aspects of the application – academic records, English proficiency test scores, personal statement, evaluation forms, etc.

When do I receive my monthly scholarship?

GSC students will receive their scholarship every three months.

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