Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society Scholarships in UK, 2024

The Scottish Alliance scholarships offer international students the opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. degree program in Geography, Environmental Science, Natural Resources Management, Agriculture, Engineering, Computing, Social Sciences, Law, or Planning.

Brief Description:

SAGES pools world-leading expertise in geoscience and environmental science from across Scotland’s research base, creating a multi-disciplinary alliance at the forefront of earth and environmental research.

The PhD will focus on how to plan and manage future landscapes, so as to equitably deliver multiple benefits to society.

To do so, it aims to develop a conceptual model and decision-support tool for planners/land managers to visualize and classify multiple ecosystem service benefits (as ‘bundles’) at the landscape scale; relate these bundles to bio-physical characteristics; and, through the use of co-developed scenarios, inform consequences of land management and environmental change–thus challenging the dominant sectoral approach to land use policy and practice.

Read more: 51 Best Scholarship Portals | Websites [UPDATED]


Applicants must meet the following area for the scholarship:

  • We invite applications for the above project from students in geography, environmental science, natural resource management, agriculture, engineering, computing, social sciences, law or planning who have an interest in adaptation, catchment management, planning, governance and environmental protection.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue PhD program.

Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the subjects of Geography, Environmental Science, Natural Resources Management, Agriculture, Engineering, Computing, Social Sciences, Law, or Planning.

Scholarship Award:

These scholarships will cover up to £22,598.

 National/International Students:  Applicants from all countries can apply for the scholarship.

How to Apply:

Applicants can apply via email.

Application Deadline:

application deadline is February 10, 2024.

For more details visit the official site

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