Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund for Studying in UK 

The Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF) is now available for U.S postgraduate student who has been commencing academic and artistic studies in the United Kingdom. Successful applicants may expect to receive a maximum of £5,000.

The Trustees of the Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF) are pleased to announce the availability of funds for awards the academic year commencing in September.

The CCSF is a UK-registered charity (No. 313966) and is administered through the Canadian Women’s Club in London.

The CWC has over 200 members and runs activities and events in London and the Home Counties from an office in the Canadian High Commission, Grosvenor Square W1.

Many of these activities are undertaken to raise funds for the Maple Leaf Trust, the main sponsor of the CCSF.

What you Need To Know About The Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund for Studying in UK

The Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF) provides awards ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 to Canadian men and women for academic and artistic postgraduate study in the UK.


The scholarship is available for  Any Postgraduate study in Arts and Law, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Social Sciences.


The scholarship is to be taken in the UK. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK , this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.


The scholarship is open to Canadian students ONLY. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits:

The winners of this scholarship will receive ranging from £1,000 to £5,000.

Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund for Studying in UK Eligibility 

Recipients are chosen on the basis of academic excellence, as well as on their ability to represent Canada within the UK academic and artistic community.

To be eligible to apply for a CCSF award, an applicant must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen: proof of Canadian citizenship is required in the form of a pdf/jpg of your passport details. You may be asked to bring this document with you if you are shortlisted for an interview.
  • Be currently enrolled in a postgraduate program (or equivalent) and at the time of applying be attending a full-time UK university or similar institution, and have completed at least one term of study, with at least one term remaining from September 2024. (Applicants undertaking a one-year program are not eligible.)
  • Be able to demonstrate academic excellence.
  • Require funds to complete their studies.
  • Previous applicants may re-apply.

How to Apply

Applications to this scholarship are made directly to the Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund. Please see the detailed instruction at the application link below. (

Application forms can be found on the organization’s website.

The deadline for 2024 scholarship applications will close on 8th March 2024.


Doctoral Research Enquiry Service
0121 414 5005 Website


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