Top Ten Marketable Courses in The World in 2024(SHARE THIS)

There has been a drastic change in the world in just a few decades. The show up of technological innovation has benched many mechanical and Laborious works down. Goods and services are now easier to produce and deliver using technological means.

One thing you should know is that, no matter how much technology is changing in today’s workplace, some jobs will always be in demand, so in that case, you may have to consider a marketable career.

This article will keep you abreast of these latest trends and marketable courses worldwide.

Most careers have been relegated just by the surfacing of technology. It is easier and more economical to outsource some of these jobs online to ‘experts‘ in remote places.

With this in mind, students make should lead to good jobs and distinguished careers. But with thousands of courses available, it can confuse to settle on one course finally.

Many students worldwide face the same dilemma: how to make sure the course of study at the university will lead to an outstanding job.

What are marketable courses?

You may enroll in a marketable course and add to your CV to improve your chances of landing a job.

A marketable course or career puts you in a position to be contacted by an employer for an interview. These courses are available in schools, both online and in person.

List of the best Marketable courses for jobs in the world in 2024

Choosing a career path can be time-consuming and difficult because your decision can make or break you. Thousands of degree programs are available, but just a few are more lucrative, marketable, and successful.

Though everyone can enroll in a specific course of study for various reasons, personal or influenced, there is a saying that “one man’s food is another man’s poison.”

So, based on the factors and research worldwide, here are some of the courses for jobs worldwide.

#1. Veterinary Medicine

According to Merriam Webster, veterinary medicine is “the science and art concerned with the preservation of health and the prevention, mitigation, and cure of disease and injury in animals, particularly domestic animals.”

This course is a good field of study because so many people (almost 75 percent) love and have pets.

You might be asking what a course in veterinary medicine has to do with this. Indeed, there is a link because, according to data, every family or property with a pet or cattle would always seek the services of a veterinarian if a problem arose.

As a result, a high-income opportunity is created, and a veterinarian’s services are in high demand.

#2. Psychology

Psychology as a course and degree provides prospects for personal growth and fulfillment based on characteristics such as high employment rate, wage rate, professionalism of the course, being in high demand, and being marketable.

It creates opportunities for various occupations, including clinical, sports, health psychology, industrial and forensic psychology.

With a degree in psychology, you can work in places like hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers, sports centers, and social service agencies.

Furthermore, it allows you to easily fit in and pursue different careers such as sales, advertising, criminal justice, and human resource management.

More importantly, if you are interested in assisting people in overcoming personal challenges, diversity, and despair, this course is for you.

#3. Actuarial Science

According to Wikipedia, actuarial science is a subject or course of study that uses mathematical and statistical methods to analyze risk in insurance, finance, other businesses, and other professions.

According to this definition, actuarial science encompasses various fields, including finance, statistics, computer science, economics, and everything that deals with numbers.

Because of the foregoing, actuarial science is a marketable study because it opens the door to various professions and puts actuarial science degree holders in great demand in the labor market.

#4. Engineering courses

Engineering is a broad term that encompasses a variety of disciplines. It includes various options: electrical, petroleum, mechanical, and aeronautical. This and other engineering courses are each unique in their way.

Petroleum engineers have the greatest pay among engineering graduates, while stationary engineers have the lowest pay.

Aside from the lucrative financial package that the engineering profession seeks to provide, there are other advantages to studying engineering courses, including the prestige it confers and professional growth.

Also, the ability to apply some skills to solve technical problems and the opportunity to contribute creatively to the ever-growing technological world.

#5. Accounting

Accounting, like engineering, is broad because it encompasses a wide range of lucrative specializations and areas of study.

According to Times Higher Education, this course is in high demand because the world’s commercial activity of business relies on the skills of an accountant who manages and analyzes transactions and capital holding.

The likelihood of gaining a job in accounting after completing the degree is very high because money and commercial activity must be controlled in all parastatals of life, from the government to private institutions, which necessitates an accountant’s skills.

Furthermore, there’s always a rise in the employment rate of accountants, estimated to see job growth of 6% by 2028.

In addition, there are other Marketable courses for jobs in the world in 2024

  1. Nursing
  2. Computer Science
  3. Law
  4. Pharmacy
  5. Medicine and surgery.

Marketable Courses in the World

The following programs listed below are a guide to some of these marketable courses in the world, leading to careers that will always be in demand. If you are a US citizen or resident in the US, you will also need to read 30 Marketable Courses in the USA.

Statistics and Maths

This is one of the marketable courses you can study in the world. Complex technology is all about manipulating vast amounts of data using computers.

The world will continue to need people who can understand and use the large data streams moving around in the digital age.

People with a strong background in statistics would be needed to convert those numbers and figures into something helpful to people.

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Entrepreneurship &Startups

The place of entrepreneurship in making the world a better place in crucial. So people with the acumen to create businesses and jobs would need to improve their game. Entrepreneurs who know how to start businesses would be in high demand.

Money does not mean much unless it can be put to good use. Investors know that giving money to charlatans to manage would be disastrous.
While giving it to experienced entrepreneurs with knowledge about where and how to start a business is one of the best uses of money.

People with lots of money understand this. That is why Entrepreneurs would always be in demand.

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Medical and biological sciences

Medical and biological sciences are some of the best courses marketable in our world today. The need for doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers will always be with us. So also is the need for experts in the field of biological research.

The world’s health will always rest in the hands of experts in those fields. And as the population grows, the world will need more and more people with those qualifications.

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Information technology

The field of information technology is huge. And it is growing bigger every day at a dizzying speed.

In this information age, experts in this field are seriously in high demand. As a matter of fact, there is a shortage of skilled people in many areas of information technology.

Big tech firms and other establishments invest money in training IT experts to address that shortage. This is because universities are not training enough experts fast enough.

So, this is one career that has remained on the list of the top marketable courses in the world and will always be in great demand today and in the foreseeable future.

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How do I make the best career choice?

If you want to learn how to make the best career choices, we have arranged some proven hacks to help you achieve this. See them below:

  • Discover your area of passion.
  • Consult a counselor or career guide to find a suitable choice.
  • Get the requirements to study that course.
  • Find universities offering the course with the most affordable tuition fees or scholarship opportunities and make the best choice.
  • Prepare for the entrance examination and screening.

Marketable Courses In Kenya

Students enrolled in various programs should be aware of current market trends because about 80,000 new graduates enter the workforce each year, resulting in a shortage of jobs. To prevent being tar-maced, you should enroll in marketable courses in Kenya.

So, here is a list of the best marketable courses in Kenya.

  • Computer Science/ Information Technology
  • Pharmacy
  • Business (Finance, Economics, Procurement)
  • Project Management/ Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Medicine
  • Architecture
  • Oil and Gas
  • Marketing

Least Marketable Courses

Some degree programs may require you to “tarmac” for longer periods. These are the courses with the fewest job vacancies in Kenya or globally.

  • Water Engineering
  • Horticulture
  • Criminology
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy

Frequently Asked Questions on Marketable Courses in the World

What are the courses for the future?

Courses with Integration with Information Technology, including Management or Business Administration, Digital Marketing, Finance and Accounting, Engineering Courses, Clinical psychology, Statistics & Mathematics.
Entrepreneurship & Startups Courses, Medical & Biological Sciences, Information Management Technology.

How can I enroll in a marketable course?

Look for Certification courses in your niche and take them. If you’re in the IT Niche, increase your technical skills by learning a new computer language. For example, an individual seeking employment as a computer programmer may find it beneficial to learn how to write code using C++, Java, or PHP.

How much do engineers make?

It depends on the level of study, undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D. But the Salary range for Engineers is $70,000 to $150,000

What is the salary range for a Ph.D. Holder?

The Salary range for a Ph.D. Holder is between $50,000 to $150,000 per month. Courses like Statistics, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering lead.

What are some marketable courses in the world?

Courses Like Digital Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Engineering Courses, Clinical psychology, Statistics & Mathematics.
Entrepreneurship & Startups Courses, Medical & Biological Sciences, Information Management Technology, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence., UI/UX designing, Creative Art, etc.


With these courses, graduates of universities can be sure of getting great jobs to start a great career. However, there are other great courses; if you are not passionate about these careers, why not contact a professional counselor near you.

They would help guide you in a particular direction you need to take into consideration your passion and current circumstances.



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