Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarships (AIUS) in Australia, 

Entries are currently been accepted for the 2024 Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships – AIUS in Australia and submissions will be ongoing till 23 June 2024 for students commencing in Semester 2 (July) 2024.

Applications are invited for Adelaide international Undergraduate Scholarships in any discipline except Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor of Oral Health, and Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience).

The University of Adelaide provides a waiver of 25% of the annual tuition fee for each year of the program for the full duration of the program, up to a maximum of four years.

All International students who want to take advantage of this program are to send in their applications before the stated deadline and are also advised to read carefully all the eligibility criteria as stated.

More About Adelaide International Scholarships For Undergraduate Students

The University of Adelaide offers a 2020 Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships program for commencing international students undertaking an undergraduate study.

The selection process for the Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships is competitive, with academic achievement forming the main basis for scholarship selection.

As the aim of the scholarship program is to attract excellent applicants from a wide range of countries, factors such as country of citizenship and program of study may also be taken into consideration in some cases in the scholarship selection process.

How Much Is The Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarships (AIUS) in Australia Worth?

Benefits(Value/ Inclusions):

Award No

Up to 40 international undergraduate scholarships available each year.

Scholarship Duration

Scholarships are awarded for up to a maximum of four years.

Scholarship covers

The University of Adelaide provides a waiver of 25% of the annual tuition fee for each year of the program for the full duration of the program, up to a maximum of four years.

Who Can Apply For The Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarships (AIUS) in Australia? | Eligibility

The Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships are:

‣ Available for commencing international undergraduate students only;

‣ Open to citizens of any country (except Australia and New Zealand);

‣ Available for study in any discipline except Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor of Oral Health and Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience);

‣Open to eligible applicants completing Foundation Studies or secondary studies overseas or in Australia, or those transferring into the later years of an undergraduate degree with advanced standing.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is open to students at the Undergraduate study level. Scholarships are awarded in any discipline except Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor of Oral Health, and Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) at the University of Adelaide.

Host Nationality

The host institution for the Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarship is the University of Adelaide, Australia.

Eligible Nationality

Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships are targeted for International students(except Australia and New Zealand).

Interested candidates from the eligible countries can apply for these international undergraduate scholarships.

Selection Criteria for Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarship selection is based on academic merit (in certain cases country of citizenship and program of study may also be taken into consideration when awarding scholarships).

The selection process for the Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships is competitive, with academic achievement forming the main basis for scholarship selection.

As a general guide, the University of Adelaide will consider applicants who have achieved an academic level which is the equivalent of a GPA of 6/7 (85%) for a scholarship.


Successful applicants will be notified within 4 to 6 weeks of lodging the scholarship application; unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

Terms of Scholarship

Please download a copy of the scholarship conditions.

Application Method For The Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarships (AIUS) in Australia  

Application Process

  • Applicants may apply Apply Online for a scholarship at any time
  • Applicants must have received an offer of admission from the University before lodging their scholarship application (applicants with a conditional offer may apply, but will need to accept and meet the conditions of their offer before a scholarship can be confirmed)
  • Scholarship selection is based on academic merit (in certain cases country of citizenship and program of study may also be taken into consideration when awarding scholarships)
  • Applications will be considered and scholarships offered on a rolling basis until all scholarships have been awarded
  • Successful applicants will be notified within 4 to 6 weeks of lodging the scholarship application; unsuccessful applicants will NOT be contacted.

‣ Applicants may apply online using the Application Form for a scholarship at any time.

‣ Applicants must have received an offer of admission from the University before lodging their scholarship application (applicants with a conditional offer may apply, but will need to accept and meet the conditions of their offer before a scholarship can be confirmed).

‣ Applications will be considered and scholarships offered on a rolling basis until all scholarships have been awarded.

Application Deadline

Scholarships are open throughout the year but applicants are encouraged to finalize their admissions process as early as possible. This is to allow enough time for them to apply for a visa and prepare for their studies. (

For further assistance please contact International Student Recruitment and Admissions Services or one of the University of Adelaide’s International Representatives.

‣ Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from the official website

‣ It is important to read the application procedure and visit the official websites (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

For more information about Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships, click on the link below:

.ugb-3797b3f .ugb-button1{background-color:#a36820}.ugb-3797b3f .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-3797b3f .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}


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