Top 10 Best Medical Universities In Africa 2024

Looking for the best medical universities in Africa to study? This article covers the top 10 best medical institutes in Africa. The location and contacts of these institutions are also provided.

Did you know that Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world?

There are many places of interest in Africa, such as Cape Town glistens, Essaouira in Morocco, and Nairobi in Kenya are amazing places to visit.

Table Mountain in Africa is the most amazing beach to visit and cherish. Victoria Falls in Africa is the most spectacular waterfall.

Besides all these amazing places and cities in Africa, medical institutes are also very famous. People from all over the world come here to study and live.

There are many prestigious Best Medical Institutes In Africa where thousands of students worldwide study.

Let’s get right into it.

Top 10 Best Medical Universities In Africa

Below, we will rank the best medical universities in Africa and the most famous worldwide.

#1 Makerere University – Kampala, Uganda

Makerere University in Uganda is one of Africa’s best Medical Institutes. The university was founded in 1992 and was dependent at first, but later in 1970. It became an independent national university.

Makerere University offers mainly 145 (140) degree programs, 135 master’s degree programs, and more than 140 postgraduate programs leading to an officially recognized certificate throughout Germany World.

This superior institution is home to a world-class medical school. It collaborates with “The Feinberg School of Medicine,” a northwestern university that organizes a Therapeutic Exchange Program that helps students rotate and graduate in various fields of medical specialties such as family planning, pediatrics, cardiology, infectious diseases, trauma, and many others.

#2 University of Ghana – Ghana

Looking for the best medical universities in Africa? Here you have one of them, known as The University of Ghana.

The University of Ghana has a remarkable population of 30,000 students, of which more than 1,000 are international students. This superior institution happens to be the largest and oldest public university in Ghana.

We go back to the history of this university and see that the university was once an affiliated college to the University of London but became independent in 1961.

This university focuses on research in seismology, ecology, migration studies,
and population studies. The school partners with the Student Exchange Consortium of Commonwealth Universities and Norwegian Universities.

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#3 University of Nairobi – Nairobi, Kenya

The University of Nairobi, Kenya, was originally a technical college as early as 1956
as a university that gained independence in 1970.

The school hosts an average of 120 international students each year. It is also known that there is a partnership with the international community, with an official bilateral agreement Cooperation with at least 20 universities and international institutions in joint publication and research publication.

#4 University of Ibadan – Ibadan, Nigeria

The University of Ibadan in Nigeria is the oldest in Nigeria. It has a student population of more than 35,000, including 13,000 students, 7,000 Ph.D. students, and more than 14,000 students learning from a distance.

This university has earned a place in the list of the best medical universities in Africa. This university is closely linked to international institutions, including the Feinberg of Northwestern University School of Medicine in the United States.

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#5 University of Botswana – Gaborone, Botswana

The University of Botswana was established in the early 1980s as the first higher education institution in Botswana.

Today, this university welcomes more than 19,000 students, its students representing more than 55% of students.

The school has 9 research facilities, including the Okavango Research Institute. They focus on the conservation and research of The Okavango Delta, among other wetlands in South Africa also has a specialized HIV and AIDS research center that requires an interdisciplinary approach to gain better knowledge and examine the effects of the virus.

The University of Botswana is one of the largest libraries in Africa because the library is extensive and has an estimated 460,000 books, 187 Internet workshops, and 123,000 full-text journals.

#6 University of Lagos – Lagos, Nigeria

At present, known as UNILAG University of Lagos, more than 40,000 students, a doctorate of 100 students, and 12,000 graduate students are taught by more than 1,000 academic staff.

As a research institution, the Medical Faculty of this higher institution has published more than 1,700 articles, most of which relate to medicine, science, and technology faculties.

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#7 University of Dar es Salaam – Tanzania

The University of Dar es Salaam was established in 1970. The school has five institutions and ten faculties, including faculties of engineering, water, and engineering sciences, and engineering and chemistry departments.

It offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in various fields of study. The University Library is a vast library of approximately 600,000 volumes and 2,800 titles.

#8 Ashesi University College – Berekuso, Ghana

Ashesi University College in Ghana was founded in 2002. The school has a total of 27 student enrollments. The university currently has more than 600 registered students, of whom more than 50% are women, and 16% are women, international or foreign students.

The university says its mission is to bring knowledge to the next generation of African business and ethics leaders to help improve students’ critical thinking skills and transform their courage.

Read: Best Medical Scholarships For Students From Africa

#9 The University of Addis Ababa – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The University of Addis Ababa started in 1950 with 30 students but currently has about 50,000 students, of which 34,000 students are students, 13,000 graduate students, and 2,000 graduate students.

The students are taught by over 6,000 employees, academic staff, and non-academic staff, whose academic staff is over 2,400, spread over 14 sites. A dozen people block these campuses. College and eight research centers.

#10 University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar University) – Dakar, Senegal

The University Cheikh Anta Diop, known as the University of Senegal, was named in honor of the historian and anthropologist Cheikh Anta Diop.

This university is the only French-speaking university on the list of the best medical universities in Africa, with all courses taking place in French. This university was founded in 1918.

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The above-mentioned are the best medical schools in Africa.  They are prestigious medical institutes famous all over the world. Students not only from Africa but different countries come to study here. They have facilitated students in many ways.

So by these rankings, you can know the importance of these well-reputed institutes.

These African institutes also provide the facility for students to apply online. All of the above-written institutes have their official websites.

FAQs Best Medical Universities In Africa

Which is the best university to study medicine in Africa?

1 Makerere University – Kampala, Uganda
2 University of Ghana – Ghana
3 University of Nairobi – Nairobi, Kenya
4 University of Ibadan – Ibadan, Nigeria
5 University of Botswana – Gaborone, Botswana
6 University of Lagos – Lagos, Nigeria
7 University of Dar es Salaam – Tanzania
8 Ashesi University College – Berekuso, Ghana
9 University of Addis Ababa – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
10 University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar University) – Dakar, Senegal

Editor’s Recommendations


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