John Monash Scholarship Program 2024

John Monash Scholarship programs are special sponsorship programs for outstanding and excelling, top-notch graduate students. The program was first inaugurated to honor General Sir John Monash, who was one of Australias finest leaders.

General Sir John Monash was Australia’s outstanding military and civilian leader as well as a great contributor to Australian life. Born to German Jewish parents in 1865 in Melbourne, Monash was Dux (jointly) of Melbourne’s Scotch College.

He graduated from the University of Melbourne with degrees of a Master of Engineering in 1893, a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law in 1895, and a Doctor of Engineering in 1921.

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be an applicant for the John Monash Scholarship.

About John Monash Scholarship

The John Monash Scholarships are prestigious postgraduate scholarships awarded by the Sir John Monash Foundation to outstanding Australians with leadership potential who wish to study at any university overseas.

The John Monash Scholarships are amongst the most important postgraduate scholarships currently available in Australia. They are designed to help Australia’s outstanding students go through their studies and are rated in the category as the British Rhodes Scholarship and the American Fulbright Program.

The Scholarships are awarded every year to outstanding Australian graduates to support them with postgraduate study at the world’s best universities. Successful applicants are students who have demonstrated excellence in their field, leadership potential, and have shown a vision of how they can contribute to a better Australia. The John Monash Scholarships are not limited by age, gender, the academic field of study, or choice of overseas university.

The ever first group of scholars that benefited from Sir John Monash Scholarship were selected in 2004 and interestingly, ever since, the alumni numbers have increased to over 182 Scholars and the John Monash Scholarship has become one of Australia’s most important postgraduate scholarship programs for outstanding students.

It might also interest you to know that the John Monash Foundation and Scholarships have received proud supports from the Australian Government, private sector organizations, universities, and well-meaning individuals across the globe.

More Details About John Monash Scholarships

This section describes some of the specific details you would really require to successfully apply and win the Monash Scholarship. Explore them below.

Level/Field of Study

The Sir John Monash scholarship is packaged for outstanding postgraduate (masters and doctoral) students only and the offer is open to students from all fields of study. No particular field of study is specified for the scholarship.

Host Nationality

The Monash Scholars program is organized by the John Monash Foundation in collaboration with the Australian government and other donor agencies but can be taken in any country where the candidate’s choice school is located.

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Eligible Nationality

Australian Monash scholarships are strictly for outstanding Australian citizens who wish to take a postgraduate program in any of the world’s top universities.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who wish to apply for the Monash Scholars program must:

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  • Be an Australian Citizen;
  • Have completed or been about to complete a full degree from an Australian University, and;
  • Be planning to undertake postgraduate study at an overseas university commencing in the calendar year following the year of application and selection; it is not necessary to have already been accepted to the institution at the time of applying.
  • To be eligible for the John Monash Scholarship you must plan on undertaking your postgraduate degree the year after application and selection. E.g. an applicant submitting an application in the 2020 calendar year, must be planning on commencing their studies in the 2024 calendar year 

In addition to these, In awarding John Monash Scholarships, factors considered include:

  • Excellence in the candidate’s field of expertise – Usually a university degree obtained with outstanding results, but can also be demonstrated through prizes, awards, publications, performance, exhibitions and professional endeavors;
  • Leadership – Candidates should demonstrate leadership experience or potential in the field of study, professional environment and/or the community.
  • Research project or study program – Specific, well-developed case for support for the candidate’s study at the best overseas university in their field. It is not necessary to have been accepted at the institution at the time of applying for the Scholarship;
  • Proposed career pathway– Candidates must present a credible pathway, addressing an issue the applicant is passionate about, and which will be of benefit to Australia; and
  • 3 references: outlining the applicants’ abilities and endorsing the proposed course of study – there may be any combination of academic, personal and professional. 

Scholarship Worth

Every year about 15 to 20 well-deserving postgraduate Students are awarded scholarships and each of these scholarships is valued at AUD $70,000 per year. The offer runs through for a maximum of three years totaling up to AUD $210,000.

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Wondering if you can go to college with a GED, read Can you go to College with a GED | Best Answers

Monash Scholarship Application: How to Apply

Interested candidates who wish to apply for this scholarship should visit the official scholarship website to watch a video that describes how to apply for the scholarship. Here is the link.

Application Deadline

Applications for the 2024 John Monash Scholarships are NOW CLOSED. But will open in May 2024 for 2024 applications.

Applicants can apply for the scholarship through the official scholarship website below

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Monash Scholars Program FAQs

When can I apply for a scholarship?

Applications open on the 1st of May and close on the midnight of the 14th of July each year. The Foundation accepts applications once a year, applications are not accepted outside of the set round each year. 

Please is it possible to apply for the scholarship to support two postgraduate programs?

The Scholarship funding may only be used to support a whole postgraduate degree. For a postgraduate degree structure to be eligible for the Scholarship, it must be a full degree that is applied to and accepted by one application. For example, a full Masters/M. Phil or Ph.D./D.Phil. Applications for a dual Masters are only suitable if they fit this requirement of one application to guarantee entry to both, such as in the Oxford 1+1 style double masters. 

Is there a certain grade point average to qualify for the application?

There is no set GPA requirement as a part of the applicable eligibility criteria. However, the expectation is that the applicant can evidence their ability to get into their proposed degree of study and manage the academic rigor of a postgraduate degree. If there are variables in your grades throughout your academic career, it would be expected that applicants give context to this in their application.

Will I be eligible to apply again for the scholarship if I’m unsuccessful in the first attempt?

There is no limit to the number of times you can apply for the John Monash Scholarship. Feedback from your prior application can be provided.

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