Health Systems Global Media Fellowship  in UK

The first Health Systems Global (HSG) Media is delighted to invite applications for six Health Systems Global Media Fellowship awards to journalists undertaking cutting-edge news and reporting on health systems and health policy topics across the world.

This is an opportunity for journalists to engage and build relationships within the community and report on some of the biggest issues and challenges facing the global community in a rapidly changing world.

The Media Fellowship will include funded attendance and participation in the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in October and close collaboration and support from health systems research and policy experts.

The journalists will be working closely with leading thinkers and practitioners to promote the agenda of Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) and address critical health systems and health policy-related topics in their country and region.

The Media Fellowship will begin in January, with fellows beginning research or investigation for a feature piece to be published in a major outlet before September. This published piece will be considered for the inaugural Health Systems Global Media Prize.

Host Nationality

HSG Media Fellowship is hosted by Health Systems Global in Liverpool, UK

Eligible Nationality

The Fellowship will be open to six professional journalists in each of the six World Health Organization regions (one from each region will be selected):

  • Africa
  • The Americas
  • South-East Asia
  • Europe
  • Eastern Mediterranean
  • Western Pacific.

HSG Media Fellowship Worth

  • Certificate and citation from Health Systems Global
  • Profiling on Health Systems Global website and social media
  • Full access and support to participate in the Global Symposium in Liverpool in September 2019, including satellite and skills sessions (flights, accommodation, and subsistence for five days)
  • Opportunity to interview leading thinkers/actors within health systems
  • Full membership of Health Systems Global for 1 year
  • A chance to win the inaugural Health Systems Global Media Prize for their feature piece.

Number of Awards

Health Systems Globa offers 6 fellowship awards annually.

Eligibility for Health Systems Global Media Fellowship 2022

  • Print journalists – Newspaper/magazine (to submit at least 3 pieces from a recognized media outlet with applicant by-line on the article)
  • Broadcast journalists and film-makers (to submit at least 3 audio or video files of broadcast programs)
  • Freelance journalists (to submit at least 3 pieces from a recognized media outlet with applicant byline on the article or audio or video files of three broadcast programs)
  • eNews journalists (official news website); (to submit at least 3 pieces from a recognized media outlet with applicant byline on the article).

How to Apply Health Systems Global Media Fellowship 2022

Applicants will need to:

  • Pitch one idea for a feature piece
  • Have experience in public policy; health or human development and/or have a clear interest in health systems and policy by providing 3-5 published articles/podcasts/radio shows/blogs
  • Be employed or regularly freelance for an accredited outlet, as verified by an editor.

Thereafter, Fellows will be expected to:

  • Place at least 1 piece ahead of HSR2024, for consideration for the prize, by the panel in October (it must be published and submitted to the panel by September). The byline will need to express that this is their submission for the HSG Media Fellowship.
  • Express their interest in who they would like interview during HSR2024
  • Place at least 1 piece during the symposium (or within 2 weeks of the event)
  • Place at least 1 piece within 2 months of the end of the symposium.

*All pieces must speak to the symposium themes

Additional support to successful applicants will include:

  • Introductory welcome webinar for successful applicants
  • Support in developing the pitch idea contributed at the application stage
  • A toolkit to strengthen their work on reactive pieces, e.g. access to HSG spokespeople people (including people in their country and region); a glossary of key terms.

If you wish to apply for the HSG Media Fellowship, please submit your application.

HSG Media Fellowship 2024 Application Deadline

Health Systems Global Media Fellowship started on 31st March, but the deadline was not stated.

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

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