Cullman Center Fellowship for International Students in USA, 

The New York Public Library is offering the Cullman Center Fellowship for international students. Fellowship is awarded to outstanding scholars and writers—academics, independent scholars, journalists, and creative writers. If you fit into these described categories, this post is for you.

The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing from academics as well as from creative writers and independent scholars.

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It aims to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level—within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows’ published work.

“The New York Public Library has provided essential access to books and information for more than a century. Today, we are building on that legacy by increasing access to our collections physically and online, and by transforming our libraries into proactive centers of education and opportunity for all New Yorkers ”

Read the post for all the information needed for the application and its process.

Scholarship Level/Field

Fellowship is available for outstanding scholars and writers—academics, independent scholars, journalists, and creative writers pursuing the research program. Get access to other Research  scholarships, click on the link

Host Nationality

Cullman Center Fellowship is hosted in the United States. If you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States. Also, explore some of our great opportunities to study in the United States.

Cullman Center Fellowship Benefits

The Fellowships are awarded to individuals or partners comes with the following benefits;

  • A Cullman Center Fellow receives a stipend of up to $70,000, an office, a computer, and full access to the Library’s physical and electronic resources.
  • Fellows work at the Center for the duration of the fellowship term, which runs from September through May.
  • Each Fellow gives a talk over lunch on current work-in-progress to the other Fellows and to a wide range of invited guests and may be asked to take part in other programs at The New York Public Library.

Eligible Nationality

The Cullman Center Fellowship 2024 is available for international and locals applicants in the United States.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Number

The Cullman Center’s Selection Committee awards up to 15 fellowships a year.

Eligibility for Scholarship

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Have a previous degree.
  • Those whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
  • The Cullman Center’s Selection Committee awards up to 15 fellowships a year to outstanding scholars and writers—academics, independent scholars, journalists, and creative writers. Foreign nationals conversant in English are welcome to apply.
  • Candidates who need to work primarily in The New York Public Library’s other research libraries—the Library for the Performing Arts, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Science, Industry and Business Library—are not eligible for this fellowship, nor are people seeking funding for research leading directly to a degree.
  • The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing from academics as well as from creative writers and independent scholars. It aims to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level—within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows’ published work.

Application Procedures

You can begin the application by using the following links to download the Application Form.

The application documents are as follows.

  • Online Application Form
  • Letter of Acceptance from Higher Education Institutions Abroad
  • Letter of Acceptance from International Advisors
  • QS World University Rankings
  • Official English Version

Visit the Official Scholarship Webpage

Application Deadline:

The application time for 2024 has passed.

The application for the 2024 Fellowship competition application submission closed on September 25, 2024.


Cullman Center Fellowship for International Students in USA is here for you.

Apply while the deadline has not been exceeded.


We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response in the comment box for us to serve you better.

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