Nigerian Law Scholars Fund at Kings College London 

The King’s Nigerian Law Scholars Fund is a fund to help students from Nigeria to undertake the one-year LLM Law program at King’s. 

The Nigerian Law Scholars Fund is worth $33,016.55 and should help towards the cost of your tuition fees for the year, as well as living costs whilst you are studying.

Brief Description of the Nigerian Law Scholars Fund at Kings College London

King’s College London is delighted to offer the King’s Nigerian Law Scholars Fund. The award has been established by a friend of the College who would like to support residents of Nigeria who wish to study law at King’s. This fund is intended to give students the opportunity to further their legal careers in an internationally recognized center of excellence.

The winner will be selected on the basis of a personal statement and a demonstrable financial need. Applicants must have a confirmed place to study the one-year LLM Law program at King’s College London in September.

This Fund is open to residents of Nigeria only. The scholarship will be worth $33,016.55 and will cover the full cost of your tuition fees for the year, as well as provide a living costs allowance whilst you are studying.

For 2024 one scholarship of $33,016.55 will be available.

What Does the Scholarship Offer?

The King’s Nigerian Law Scholars Fund is intended to support the winner with the full cost of tuition fees and provide a living costs allowance whilst studying.

  • International students: The scholarship will be worth $33,016.55. This will comprise $30,111.09* to cover full tuition fees and $2,905.46 towards your living costs.


Eligible students must be:

  • be undertaking the one year LLM Law program at King’s, 2024 entry;
  • be able to demonstrate a need for financial assistance;
  • have provided a written personal statement;
  • be ordinarily resident in Nigeria, and be liable for the international rate of tuition fees at King’s;
  • be intending to return to Nigeria on completion of studies, to share the skills gained whilst studying at King’s;
  • be willing to provide an end of year report and a letter of thanks to the donor.

How To Apply For Nigerian Law Scholars Fund

Applications can be downloaded here.

The Deadline for Nigerian Law Scholars Fund

The deadline for applications is April annually, after which further applications will not be considered.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

Provided your application form has been accurately completed and the appropriate documentary evidence supplied, you will be notified of the decision during May.

The award of a scholarship to an offer-holder will be conditional upon:

  • the offer-holder accepting a place on the King’s LLM programme and
  • the fulfillment by the offer-holder of all conditions, both academic and English Language, attached to his or her offer of a place at King’s by 10 July.

Deposits are not required until a decision has been made on the scholarships, unsuccessful scholarship candidates will need to pay their programme deposit within two weeks of the outcome.

The successful candidate will be selected by the panel of senior academic Law School representatives.

Where can I get further information?

To find out more about the Scholarship scheme, please contact the Student Funding Office


The College has tried to give students an early opportunity to begin their research on student funding. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information provided is both helpful to prospective candidates and accurate at the time of its publication, it is possible that some information may be outdated or superseded before the start of the 2024 academic year.

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