Free Online Courses at Harvard University for All Students

The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of self-improvement. There are a plethora of free online courses available to enable anyone to attain more knowledge and increase earning power.

Free online courses at Harvard University are available in several areas. These courses are called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Anyone from any part of the world can access these best online courses, register, and learn from the world’s best teachers.

Basically, Harvard University founded in 1636, is one of the best and oldest American universities.

Situated in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard has over 20,000 applicants, undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Harvard has more than 360,000 alumni from around the world.

Free Online Course at Harvard University:

EdX | Free Online Courses from Harvard University:

EdX is an online training provider and MOOC founded in 2012 by Harvard University and MIT. EdX offers unique, high-quality courses delivered by the world’s best teachers, universities, and institutions to learners around the world.

The online trainer has more than 90 global partners. The best part of this platform is that edX University members run QS World University Rankings®, our founders receiving top honors and edX partner institutions at the top of the list.

University MOOCs Harvard

Browse free online courses at Harvard University on various topics. The Harvard University courses listed below can be audited for free or students can receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Choose a course to learn more.

These free online courses at Harvard are available in the following areas: physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, architecture, data analysis and statistics, energy and earth sciences, humanities, social sciences, history, arts and culture, law, literature, education and teacher training, biology and life science, health and safety, communications, commerce and management, commerce and finance.

Explore this list of Free Online Courses at Harvard and learn how you can become a better person in your career.


Science and Cooking: Haute Cuisine in Soft Matter Science (physics): Cooks and Harvard researchers explore how traditional and modernist cooking techniques can illuminate the basic principles of chemistry, physics, and Engineering. Learn more about elasticity, viscosity, mayonnaise, baking, and more!


Calculation applied! Use one-variable arithmetic tools to create and analyze mathematical models used by real social, life, and science practitioners.
Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground Up: Increase your quantitative thinking skills through a deeper understanding of probability and statistics.


Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter (Part 1):
Renowned chefs and Harvard scientists explore how daily cooking and cooking can lighten the basics of physics and chemistry.

The quantum world: Learn the heart of quantum mechanics and program Python simulations to apply quantum theory to chemistry.


Introduction to computer science: Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.

Understanding the technology of the CS50: This is the first technology of the CS50 for students who (still!) Do not understand themselves as computer scientists.

IT for business people CS50: This is the first introduction of IT for business people.

AP® Computer Science Principles: This is CS50 AP, the introduction of Harvard University into the IT and programming business for students who respect the new training framework of the AP CS Principles.

Using Python for Research: Take your Python introduction knowledge to the next level and learn how to use Python 3 for your research.


Architectural Imagination: Learn the basics of architecture – as an academic or professional career – by studying the most important buildings in history.

Analytics of Data Sciences

Data Science: R Basics: In this first course of the HarvardX Data Science Series we learn the basic elements of R. The series will cover data Wrangling with dplyr, visualization with ggplot2, probability, inference, regression, and machine learning.

Causal Charts: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions: Learn simple graphical rules that allow you to use intuitive images to improve study design and data analysis for causal reasoning.

Principles, statistical and computational tools for reproducible science: acquire the skills and tools that data science and reproducible research to be able to trust, and support the results of your search, reproduce themselves, and communicate with others.

Energy & Earth Sciences

The Climate Energy Challenge: Learn more about the science behind climate change.


Learning Leaders: Learn to understand and understand your own theories of learning and leadership. Get the tools you need to imagine and build the future of learning.

Economy & Finance

The energy in the context of environmental Constraints: Quantitative introduction to the energy system and its impact on the environment.

CitiesX: Past, Present, and Future of Urban Life: Discover what makes cities vibrant, amazing, exciting, and perhaps the greatest invention of humanity.

Business & Management

Entrepreneurship in Emerging Nation’s Economy: Exploring how entrepreneurship and innovation address complex social issues in emerging economies.

contracts 2024: Contracts are part of our daily lives, they are created through cooperation, trust, promise, and credit. How are contracts concluded? What makes a contract enforceable? What happens when a party breaks a promise?

Healthcare Innovations: Improve critical thinking about entrepreneurship in the healthcare sector by reading, discussing, and analyzing case studies and creating a business plan.

 Arts & Culture

Le Sacre du Printemps by Stravinsky: Modernism, Ballet, and Riots: Discover the fascinating history of Le Sacre du Printemps by Igor Stravinsky, one of the most demanding and rewarding ballets ever written.

First evening: Berlioz’s Symphony fantastique and music program in the nineteenth century: “programmed music” discover the Symphonie fantastique by Hector Berlioz, an iconic romantic symphony that ushered in a time of.

First Nights – 9th by Beethoven: Discover the 9th monumental symphony by Beethoven and the forms of orchestral music.

First Nights – Handel’s Messiah: Discover Handel’s Messiah in this episode of First Nights, exploring five masterpieces of western music.

Poetry in America: Modernity: Game works by Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Langston Hughes, Marianne Moore, William Carlos Williams, and Wallace Stevens, among other things, learn how American modernist poetry is far from the traditions and forms of the past.

Poetry in America: The Civil War and Its Consequences: Explore the poetry of the Civil War and its consequences.

Poetry in America: Emily Dickinson: This module, the fourth part of the multi-part series Poetry in America, looks at the work of Emily Dickinson. Although Dickinson was never released during her lifetime, he is one of the most prolific and best-researched American poets.

Poetry in America: Whitman: This module is the third component of the multi-part series _Poetry in America _ which focuses on the poetry of Walt Whitman, a largely American writer whose work continues to strongly outweigh the American poetic tradition.

Poetry in America: Nature and Nation, 1700-1850: This course is the second part of the series in several parts called Poetry in America, covering the poetry of the early years of America, directly before and after the founding of the Republic.

Visualization of Japan (1850-1930): Westernization, Protest, Modernity: This course explores Japan’s transition to the modern world through historical image archives.

Poetry in America: The Poetry of New England: This course is the first component of the series’s multi-part title Poetry in America, covering American poetry in its cultural context until 1700. Let’s start with the Puritan poets, some Orthodox, and some rebellious spirits. -Who wrote and lived in early New England?

First Nights: Monteverdi’s Orfeo and the Birth of the Opera: Discover Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo, one of the first operas ever written. First Nights will explore five masterpieces of Western music.

The Ancient Greek Hero: Discover the literature and heroes of Ancient Greece through the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey, the tragedies of Sophocles, Plato’s dialogues, etc.


The Opioid Crisis in America: Find out about the opioid epidemic in the US, including information on how to treat and recover from opioid dependence.


Bioethics: Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics: Introduction to the study of bioethics and the application of legal and ethical thinking.

Health and Safety

Improving world health: focus on quality and safety: Access to health services is important – but is it enough?

Global Health Data: Find out more about the most pressing global health issues in a series of reviews and expert interviews.

Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts and Disasters: Learn about the principles of humanitarian aid in today’s emergencies and today’s local challenges.

PH556X: Healthcare Improvement Science: A Roadmap to Achieving Results: Learn about the skills and tools of the science of improvement to bring about positive changes in healthcare and in your daily life.

Case Studies on Global Health from a Biocidal Perspective: Reinventing Global Health Problems with some of the world’s leading thinkers and health stakeholders through a case-based biosocial framework.

Clinical Trials: Clinical trials play a crucial role in evidence-based medicine. This course covers the conception, execution, analysis, and interpretation of Phase I to IV clinical trials.

Health and Society: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the most important social variables that affect the health of the population.

US Health Policy: Learn about the essence of US health policy from some of the country’s best experts.

Lessons from Ebola: Preventing the Next Epidemic: Understanding the Correlation of the Ebola Epidemic: What Worked Well and How Can We All Get Better?


Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature: Examine how ancient cultures were defined by literature and how their view of literature contributes to our understanding of civilization, culture, and literature. today.

Modern Masterpieces of World Literature: Examine how great modern writers capture the subtleties of our globalized world and how their works circulate in this world to find their own audience.

Shylock’s Bond: A Study of Shylock’s Magnetic and Ambivalent Character in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

Hamlet’s Ghost: Exploration of the Insistent is at the heart of one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays.

Masterpieces of World Literature: Embark on a world tour to explore the past, present, and future of world literature.

Biology & Sciences of Life

Introduction to Bioconductor: annotation and analysis of genomes and genomic assays: structure, annotation, standardization, and interpretation of genome-wide assays.

Case studies in functional genomics: Data analysis of multiple experimental open-source software, especially R and Bioconductor.

MalariaX: Overcoming malaria in the world: How can malaria be eradicated? Explore advanced science and technology and investigate the guidelines needed to combat and eliminate malaria.

Cell Biology: Mitochondria: A human-centered approach to the basics of cell biology with a focus on cell power plants: mitochondria.

Principles of Biochemistry: In this course, the molecules of life are explored, starting with building blocks that lead to a complex metabolism and the associated diseases.

Super Earth and Life: Discovering alien life, how we seek it, and what teaches us about our place in the universe.

Statistics and R: Introduction to basic statistical concepts and R programming skills required for the analysis of life science data.

Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra: Learn how to use R models to apply linear models to data analysis in the life sciences.

Statistical Inference and Modeling for High Throughput Experiments: Focus on commonly used techniques for statistical inference of high throughput data.

Education & Teachers Training:

Introduction to Family Involvement in Education: Discover Successful Collaboration between Families and Educators and Explain Why They Enhance the Outcomes of Students and Schools.


JuryX: Proceedings for Social Change: intentional online without fear or resentment with peers who are emotionally charged and experience a system where a jury or any community can move from a place of deep division to an agreement and action.

Social Sciences:

PredictionX: Guide of the Diviner: This course provides an overview of divination systems ranging from ancient Chinese bone burning to modern astrology.

US Government: A Comprehensive Introduction to Government and US Policy – Foundations, Institutions, Organizations, and Policies.

Saving Schools: Reforming the US Education System: An Overview of the Past, Present, and Future Public Education System of the US Public Education System, Kindergarten through Grade 12


Chinese Humanities: The Individual in Chinese Culture: Exploring Chinese history and culture from the point of view of the individual through philosophical texts, literary works, and works of art.

Justice: Justice, one of the best-known courses taught at Harvard College, is an introduction to moral and political philosophy and offers the opportunity to discuss contemporary dilemmas and controversies.

Judaism in its scriptures: Discover the main beliefs and practices of Judaism by examining its sacred texts and their interpretation.

The book: Creation and meaning in the medieval manuscript: The creative process and the relationship between creation and meaning in the illuminated manuscripts of the Western Middle Ages.

The Book: Book Age Scrolls: Examine medieval scrolls in detail and understand their uses and historical significance.

The book, printed and manuscripts in Western Europe, Asia and the Middle East (1450-1650): Learn how printing evolved and shaped the modern book to examine some examples of rare materials from Harvard collections.

Buddhism through its scriptures: Discover the rich and diverse beliefs and practices of Buddhists at any time and in any place. Discover Buddhism through its scriptures, both in relative and academic terms.

Islam through His Scriptures: Discover the Koran, the central sacred text of Islam, by examining the rich diversity of roles and interpretations in Muslim societies.

Hinduism through its scriptures: Discover the rich variety of sacred Hindu texts – hymns, stories, philosophical thoughts – and their interpretations.


PredictionX: John Snow and Cholera Epidemic of 1854: An Overview of the Soho Cholera Outbreak in London in 1854 and its Importance in the Field of Epidemiology.

Religion, Conflict, and Peace: Explore the diverse and complex roles that religions play in promoting and combating violence.

Tangible things: discovering the history through the art, artifacts, scientific samples, and items around you: Understand the history, museum studies, and conservation through the review, organization, and art of interpretation, artifacts, scientific curiosities, and everyday life.

China (Part 1): political and spiritual foundations: the wise kings to Confucius and legalist: China overview of the historical, geographical, and cultural, starting with the origins and legitimacy of China, followed by exploration of integral thinkers of the first period.

China (Part 2): The Creation and the End of the Central Empire: Part 2 covers the period from Qin to Sui with the first unified empire to create and an exploration of the construction and dissolution of the state, focusing on the self-realization of influence of Buddhism in the Middle Ages.

China (Part 3): cosmopolitan Tang nobility culture: the third part examines the reunification of China under the Tang, focusing on Chinese aristocratic culture during the Tang period, poetry, and calligraphy through the literature.

China (Part 4): Literati China: Investigations and Neo-Confucianism: The fourth part takes us from the beginning of the imperial era to the end of the imperial era and explores new ideas and the role of the examination system and government focused on the Song Dynasty.

China (Part 5): On a World Empire Under the Mongols in a Global Economy in the Ming Dynasty: The fifth section explores the effects of the conquest dynasties and the world Ming.

China (Part 6): Manchu and Qing Dynasty: Part 6 Treats Manchu and Qing Dynasty.

China (Part 7): Invasions, Rebellions, and Fall of Imperial China: Part 7 gives an overview of the history of modern China and covers the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the end of imperial China.

China (Part 8): Creating Modern China: The Birth of a Nation: Part 8 explores the birth of modern China by focusing on four main modern-day themes from republican times to the present day. The main period begins with the fall of the Qing at the end of World War II.

China (Part 9): China and Communism: Part 9 examines China’s Maoist era from the rise of the Chinese Communist Party to the death of Mao and the reopening of China.

China (Part 10): Greater China today: People’s Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Part 10 covers the period from Deng Xiaoping to the present day. He will examine five main issues with the case method to better understand China today. This ends with the study of the question “Can China lead?”

The Einstein Revolution: Follow Albert Einstein’s commitment to relativity, quantum mechanics, Nazism, nuclear weapons, philosophy, art, and technology.

Early Christianity: Paul’s Letters: The Course “Early Christianity: Paul’s Letters” examines the context of these letters in the Roman Empire and the impact of these powerful texts on the present.


EdX offers many more free online courses in cooperation with various universities. Please visit edX for more information on these courses.

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