Transform Together Scholarships in UK –

Application for Transform Together Scholarships 2024–2024 is currently open!

These scholarships are exclusively for international students starting a full-time taught course in 2024–22. A half fee waiver (50% discount) is available for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses for the first year of study. 

Scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement. Applicants also need to describe how they will stand out from the crowd as an ambassador for Sheffield Hallam University during and after their studies.

To apply successfully, kindly read through this piece to learn the full details about this scholarship- the eligibility criteria, requirements, application deadline, and more. The table below will give you an overview of what you should expect.

Who is elible for Transform Together Scholarships in UK?

To be eligible to apply for one of these scholarships you must

  • be an international fee paying student
  • (postgraduate only) – have achieved a minimum 2.1 or equivalent in your honours degree and must meet the English and academic entry requirements for your course
  • (undergraduate only) – must meet the English and academic entry requirements for the course
  • have applied for a full-time taught undergraduate or postgraduate course at Sheffield Hallam University and received your student identifier number.
  • be fully self-funding your studies. This means that you are not receiving any funding for your studies from an external source such as a government, a scholarship provider, a company or an employer
  • be able to pay any additional fees your course may require, for example field trips and tuition fees for subsequent years of study

You are not eligible to apply if you

  • have already started the course for which you are applying for a scholarship
  • have previously received a Transform Together scholarship for a course at the same level of study
  • are receiving full or partial funding for your studies from a sponsor or other scholarship provider
  • are applying to study a Sheffield Hallam course at a partner institution outside the UK
  • have an offer for one of our International Foundation Programmes. You can apply for a scholarship for the course that you will progress onto following successful completion of the Foundation Programme
  • do not hold an offer of a place on a course at Sheffield Hallam University. We strongly advise applicants to accept their offer as we reserve the right to only consider applicants for a scholarship if they have accepted an offer for their course of study

Transform Together Scholarships- How do I apply?

To apply for a Transform Together Scholarship for January 2024, please follow these steps 

  • Apply for a course at Sheffield Hallam. If you have not applied for a course, please visit the school online prospectus
  • Check you meet the scholarship eligibility criteria listed below
  • When you have applied for a course and received a student identifier number from us, apply for a scholarship online using the link below by the closing date of 1 November 2024.

Transform Together Scholarships- Application Deadlines:

The closing date for applications is 1 November 2024.

If you are not eligible for Transform Together Scholarships, you can apply for Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at Sheffield

Further information

Scholarships are competitive and selection is based on the information provided in the online scholarship application form. For Merit-based scholarships, you have to demonstrate outstanding academic performance, see the relevant studies strategies every student adopts.

You must provide your eight-digit Student Identifier (SI) number on the online scholarship application form. This is given to you by the University when your course application has been processed.

Transform Together scholarships are awarded as a tuition fee reduction and apply to fees payable in the first year of study only. No cash alternative is available.

Transform Together scholarships are not transferable and cannot be deferred to later start date.

Only one financial incentive (scholarship or award) is permitted for each course of study.

The University reviews and updates our scholarship offer annually, therefore the offer is subject to change each academic year.

All decisions are at the University’s discretion and are final.

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We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response in the comment box. We will attend to you immediately.

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