Eiffel Sciences Po Scholarship for International Students 

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs is delighted to announce the availability of the Eiffel Sciences Po Scholarship for International Masters and Undergraduate Students 2024.

Eiffel Sciences Po Scholarship is one of the many scholarships in France organized by the French government to aid international students. International applicants who wish to apply are welcome but must ensure that they have complied with the eligibility criteria as listed.

About Eiffel Scholarships in France

The Eiffel scholarship program which was launched in January 1999 by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is a students sponsorship program aimed at supporting foreign students whose outstanding abilities have been recognized by French institutions of higher education and wish to sponsor these students for the rest of their studies.

Basically, this french language scholarship program is designed to provide an education in France to future decision-makers in both the private sector and in the national administrations of emerging countries.

And interestingly, the Eiffel scholarships are also attached to the Columbia journalism school scholarships.

Read below to find some of the specific details you would really require to successfully apply and win the Eiffel scholarships in France.

Level/Field of Study:

Eiffel Scholarship in French is a scholarship program packaged for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students who are yet at their undergraduate level can apply and masters and doctoral students are also eligible to apply.

But note that only students who are in the following fields of study would be considered for the application.

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Host Nationality:

The Eiffel French Language Scholarship is a scholarship program for international students but its hosted in France by the French government.

Eligible Nationality:

This scholarship is made available to all outstanding international students by the French government to support them go through their studies at a French University.

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Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants who wish to apply for this French-language scholarship must carefully observe and meet the following guidelines to be eligible for the scholarship.

There are different requirements for different categories of students. But first, below are the general requirements:

  • Candidates must not be more than 30 years old
  • Candidates must match the priorities of the Eiffel scholarship

Eligibility For Postgraduate programs:

Candidates who must apply for this scholarship must be:

  • Applicants for our graduate programs
  • Applicants for the dual degree in Journalism / Columbia (BAMA) (who are already first-year students at Columbia’s University School of Journalism)
  • Ph.D. students who are co-supervised or presenting a joint thesis with a partner university Ph.D. students who are co-supervised or presenting a joint thesis with a partner university.

Eligibility For Undergraduate programs:

Students who wish to apply for this category must be:

  • Third-year Sciences Po students
  • Second-year undergraduate students in one of our partnership programs at Poitiers campus
  • First-year graduate student at Science Po
  • Students admitted last year in their first year as a graduate student who requested a deferral
  • Students admitted last year who have received a conditional offer of admission if they submit an English test before the scholarship application deadline.
  • Students admitted to the following dual degree program (other Sciences Po dual degree program are not eligible for this scholarship):
    • Journalism Sciences Po/Columbia University (candidates for this program are eligible)
    • Sciences et Politiques de l’Environnement Sciences Po/Université Pierre et Marie Curie (only first-year students are eligible)
    • Quantitative Economics Sciences Po/Panthéon Sorbonne Paris I (only first-year students are eligible)
    • The Eiffel laureates who graduated in June and wish to submit an Eiffel application for the Ph.D.

The following categories of people are not eligible to apply for the Eiffel French Language scholarship:

  • Students who already received a grant or scholarship from the French government
  • Students who have previously applied for an Eiffel scholarship and who have been unsuccessful, even if they change their field of studies.
  • Candidates for the 1year Master’s programs
  • Candidates for the Joint Master in Journalism and International Affairs (Except candidates in their first year)
  • Students admitted to a Sciences Po dual degree program (except for the 3 dual degrees mentioned above)
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Scholarship Worth:

The Eiffel scholarship beneficiaries will get a monthly grant amount for their programs which amounts to €1,181 (€1,031 scholarship + €150 additional monthly amount).

Please note that the Eiffel Scholarship does not cover tuition fees.  Students offered a place to study at Sciences Po who receives the scholarship are therefore responsible for paying the annual tuition fees.

Eiffel and Columbia Journalism School Scholarships: How to Apply

  • Students cannot apply directly to the Eiffel Scholarship. Applications must be made through a higher education institution.  If you are studying in two higher education institutions, you can only submit a single application.
  • First-time applicants who wish to be presented for the Eiffel scholarship by Sciences Po must indicate so in the “Financial Information” section of their Sciences Po application form and must provide the required documents. Please note that your scholarship request will be taken into account only in case of admission.
  • Students already admitted at Sciences Po, students admitted last year who have received a conditional offer of admission or students admitted last year in their first graduate year who requested a deferral have to send their Eiffel Scholarship application by email to the Admissions office by attaching the required documents: Admissions contact form 
  • Sciences Po will select the applications that it wishes to present to Campus France. Please note that applying for the Eiffel grant does not guarantee the presentation of your application to Campus France.

Important Documents:

All candidates must attach the following documents to their scholarship application :

  • CV, including information on the applicant’s level (distinction/honors, ranking or position in the promotion, number of students in the promotion, diploma with information on specialization, date of the diploma, final grades)
  • professional project, one or two pages. The applicant must explain the reasons for studying in France as opposed to their home country, their interest in the selected program, and how this will help them achieve their career goals and objectives.
  • academic transcripts all of the years of higher education (including periods spent abroad on exchange programs)
  • ID/passport.
  • Language test certificates (French and/or English) if necessary.
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Application Deadline:

This scholarship is ongoing right now. Interested candidates can apply now for this scholarship. Below are the deadlines for various groups of candidates for this scholarship.

  • Students already admitted at Sciences Po (including applicants who deferred their arrival or those who received a conditional offer last year): October 20th
  • First-time applicants: November 3

Please Note: The deadline for applications set by Sciences Po is not the date at which applications must be received by Campus France. Indeed, it is necessary to have been offered a place at Sciences Po in order to be eligible for the Eiffel Scholarship. Applications received after this date will not be processed. These dates are mandatory and cannot be modified.

Interested candidates can apply now for this scholarship below through the scholarship official scholarship link.

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Additional Information:

Information on the selection of your application will be communicated in January. Eiffel scholarship results will be published on Campus France’s website (2024 schedule will be confirmed soon by Campus France).

Eiffel French Language Scholarship FAQs

How do I register at Sciences Po and what is my deadline?

Students already admitted at Sciences Po (including applicants who deferred their arrival or those who received conditional offer last year) will have their deadline on October 20th, while
First-time applicant will have their own deadline on November 3.

I cannot provide all documents for the moment

Students who wish to enrol for the sciences po application are expected make available all their papers and documents to enable the scholarship board confirm their claims. Students whose documents are not complete may not be considered for the offer.

I still have not received the degree that entitled me to apply for admission to Sciences Po

Indeed, it is necessary to have been offered a place at Sciences Po in order to be eligible for the Eiffel Scholarship. 

I am registering for the first year or reregistering for the following year. Which documents do I need to upload?

All candidates who wish to apply for the scholarship must attach the following documents to their scholarship application :

1. CV, including information on the applicant’s level (distinction/honors, ranking or position in the promotion, number of students in the promotion, diploma with information on specialization, date of the diploma, final grades)
2. professional project, one or two pages. The applicant must explain the reasons for studying in France as opposed to their home country, their interest in the selected program and how this will help them achieve their career goals and objectives.
3. academic transcripts all of the years of higher education (including periods spent abroad on exchange programs)
4. ID/passport.
5. Language test certificates (french and/or english) if necessary.

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