Edith Cowan University Online Postgraduate Nursing Scholarships, 

The Edith Cowan University is calling for applications for International Online Postgraduate Nursing Scholarships. These scholarships are available for international students who wish to study one of ECU’s postgraduate nursing courses online in their home country.

If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

More About The Edith Cowan University International Online Postgraduate Nursing Scholarships

Level/Field of study

Scholarships are available for students who wish to pursue postgraduate nursing courses online in their home country.

Host Nationality For the Edith Cowan University Online Nursing Scholarships

The scholarship is provided by Edith Cowan University and available in the Applicant’s Home Country.

Eligible Nationality

Edith Cowan University Online Nursing Scholarships are open to international students.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship provides you with a 20% reduction in tuition fees for online courses in ECU’s School of Nursing & Midwifery.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must:

  • Be an international student intending to enroll in one of the following courses at ECU: Graduate Certificate in Children and Young People’s Nursing, Graduate Certificate in Dementia Studies, Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership and Management, Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety and Clinical Risk, Master of Nurse Education and  Master of Nursing.
  • Study online in your home country.
  • Not be an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident, or New Zealand Citizen.
  • Be commencing study in the next intake.
  • Meet ECU’s English and academic direct entry requirements for the course.
  • Not be in receipt of another scholarship or sponsorship.
  • Not have a pending course application with ECU and not currently be enrolled in another ECU course.
  • Commence your course within four months of being granted pre-approval for the scholarship.
  • If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

How to Apply

  • If you believe you are eligible, submit the Scholarship Pre-Approval form and accompanying evidence to demonstrate you meet the scholarship eligibility criteria.
  • ECU will contact you to pre-approve or decline your scholarship eligibility. This will be within one week after you’ve completed the Scholarship Pre-approval form.
  • If successful, you will receive specific instructions about how to apply for your course and redeem your scholarship.
  • Once you get the offer for an ECU course, your fees will adjust automatically.

This scholarship requires pre-approval before you apply for a course. Please wait until you hear from us before applying for a course. If you apply for a course before this step, you’ll automatically lose the scholarship.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission is 1st March annually.

Online Application

For more information

Email: studyecu@ecu.edu.au


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