15 Australian Scholarships For International Students 

Are you an international student and you want to study in Australia on a scholarship? you can apply right now for any of the Top 15 Australian Scholarships For International Students 2024. Some of these Scholarships are fully funded by the Australian Government with the aim of encouraging students to further their studies.


Australia is a country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its major cities – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide – are coastal. Its capital, Canberra, is inland.

The country is known for its Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, a vast interior desert wilderness called the Outback, and unique animal species like kangaroos and duck-billed platypuses.

This post provides you with a list of the best Australian Scholarships For International Students you can apply for this 2024. You can scroll to the table of contents below to get an overview of all this post entails.

What you need to know about Australian scholarship

Every year The Australian Government and Australian Universities provide a large number of scholarships for international students wanting to study in Australia, so this year is no different.

In response to our previous article on Top 20, Canada Scholarships for International students some have been asking for a list of scholarships to study in Australia.

How much does it cost to study in Australia?

Expect higher costs if pursuing your degree at a private university. Studies taken in a public institution will generally cost less. A Master’s Degree will cost from $20,000 to$37,000 per year. Doctoral Degrees on average range from $14,000 to $37,000.

PhD scholarships in Australia for International Students

In order to encourage advance studying, the Australian Government and Australian Universities provide a large number of PhD Scholarships for international students who want to puruse a degree in Australia.

Here is a list of the top PhD Australia Scholarships for study at Australian Universities for international students.

  • Sir Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship
  • RMIT University – Ph.D. Scholarships In Chemical Engineering In Australia
  • Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarships
  • Tertiary Scholarship Fund
  • Royal Geographical Society – Geographical Club Awards In UK
  • The Al Qasimi Foundation’s Doctoral Research Grants Of UAE
  • Central Queensland University – CQUniCares Emergency Grant

Australia Scholarships 2024 for International Students

Worldscholarshipforum.com  has put together a list of the top Australia scholarship 2024 for international students.

Here they are;

  • Australia Awards Scholarships
  • Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship Awards
  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
  • University of Sydney International Research Scholarships
  • Macquarie University International Scholarships
  • Melbourne Research Scholarships
  • Adelaide Scholarships International
  • La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students
  • Monash University International Merit Scholarships
  • Flinders International Postgraduate Scholarships
  • UWA International Masters-by-Coursework Scholarships in Australia
  • IWC Masters International Scholarships – Australia
  • (MIPS) Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentship in Australia
  • LEE International Excellence in Leadership Scholarship in Australia
  • International College of Management Undergraduate Scholarship in Sydney, Australia

Australian Government Scholarships 

In our list of Australia scholarship 2024 for international students, there are some sponsored by the government. These scholarships as known as Australian Government Scholarships and they include;

Australia Awards Scholarships

This Australia scholarship 2024 for international students, formerly known as Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), are long-term development awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

They provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions.

The scholarship benefits generally include: full tuition fees, return air travel, establishment allowance, contribution to living expenses (CLE), Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC),  etc.

Apply for the Scholarship

Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship Awards

The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for international students to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia.  

This Australia scholarship 2024 for international students includes tuition fees, travel allowance, establishment allowance, monthly stipend as well as health and travel insurance.

Apply for Scholarship

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) 

The IPRS program enables international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers. 

The Australian scholarships for international students are available for a period of two years for a Masters by research degree or three years for a Doctorate by research degree.  Note, the scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs.

Apply for the Scholarship

Australian University Scholarships: 

University of Sydney International Research Scholarships

The University of Sydney invites candidates who are eligible to undertake a Postgraduate Research Degree or Master’s by Research program at this University to apply for the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (USydIS). 

The USydIS will cover tuition fees and living allowance for up to three years with a possibility of one semester’s extension for PhD students.

Apply for the Scholarship

Macquarie University International Scholarships

The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding students to study an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Macquarie University North Ryde campus. The scholarship amount is varied up to AUD$10,000.

Apply for the Scholarship

Melbourne Research Scholarships

The Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS) was established by the University of Melbourne and is awarded to high achieving domestic and international research students.

The benefits of the Melbourne Research Scholarship vary depending on your circumstance and may include one or more of the following: fortnightly living allowance, relocation allowance,  paid sick, maternity and parenting leave, full fee remission (international students only) and Overseas Student Health Cover (international students only).

Apply for the Scholarship

Adelaide Scholarships International

The University of Adelaide offers the  Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) program to attract high quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort.

These scholarships in Australia for international students include course tuition fees, annual living allowance, and health insurance.

Apply for the Scholarship

La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students

La Trobe’s Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) are targeted towards high achieving international students from all countries across all of La Trobe’s undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs.

This scholarship in Australia for international students is worth between $10,000 and $20,000 and goes towards tuition fees.

Apply for the Scholarship

Monash University International Merit Scholarships

Monash University is offering a number of scholarship programs including the Monash University International Merit Scholarships for outstanding international students who wish to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Monash University.

The scholarship in Australia for international students is valued at $10,000 for a full-time study load, paid per year.

Apply for the Scholarship

Flinders International Postgraduate Scholarships

Flinders International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (FIPRS) are awarded to suitably qualified applicants to pursue a full-time research higher degree at Flinders University – up to two years for a Research Masters degree and up to three years for a Research Doctorate degree.

The scholarship covers the international student tuition fees, living allowance, establishment allowance, relocation costs, and airfares.

Apply for the Scholarship

UWA International Masters-by-Coursework Scholarships 2024, in Australia

The University of Western Australia is offering International Master’s by Coursework scholarships to high-achieving international students. 

These scholarships in Australia for international students 2024 are awarded within the School of Design, School of Humanities, Music, Social Sciences, Business School, Law School, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, and Science.

The University of Western Australia is a public research university in the Australian state of Western Australia.

Apply for the Scholarship

IWC Masters International Scholarships – Australia

The IWC Scholarship programs are prestigious scholarships awarded annually to high calibre candidates who clearly demonstrate the potential to become future water leaders. Scholarships are available to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM).

Each of the successful applicants will receive the benefit as follow:

  • Scholarship type A is valued at approximately AU$ 92,645 and will cover full tuition fees, living costs, return air travel to Australia, student visa and overseas health cover.
  • Scholarship Type B is valued at $52,500.

Apply for the Scholarship

(MIPS) Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentship in Australia, 2022

Applications are currently available for the 2024 Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentship (MIPS)  that is to be held in  Australia and applications will be on submission till 30th September.

The Australian Scholarships For International Students is been funded by  Murdoch University. Studentship awards include a living allowance of AU$25,392 per annum (2016 rate) as well as a tuition fee sponsorship and health insurance premiums.

The duration of the award is for a maximum of three years for PhD and EdD studies. PhD students are also reminded that an extension can be granted to them but just for three months.

International students are welcome to send in their applications and also ensure that the listed eligibility criteria are to be met.

Apply for the Scholarship

LEE International Excellence in Leadership Scholarship in Australia

Delivering a world-class program of leadership is one of the pillars that define the Monash MBA. As such, we are delighted to offer the LEE International Excellence in Leadership Scholarship which is designed to enhance the international diversity of leaders among the MBA cohort.

This scholarship is awarded by the Monash Business School Leadership and Executive Education (LEE) team. It is provided to as many as two (2) MBA applicants per cohort.

Apply for the Scholarship

International College of Management Undergraduate Scholarship in Sydney, Australia

The scholarship is awarded based on a 3 component the application process, which will result in the successful applicant being awarded a scholarship of up to AU$25,000* within one of the following bachelor programs commencing September 2024: Hospitality Management, International Tourism, Event Management, Business Management, Sports Management, Property Management.

Apply for the Scholarship


The student visa is the most common option available to international students after graduating. With a 485 visa, you are allowed to stay in Australia for 18 months to gain work experience only if you have just completed at least two years of study in Australia.

Australia Scholarships for International Students FAQs

Yes, of course. Australian Government and universities each year offers more than 1,000 scholarships worth up to AU$15,000 per student to both domestic and international students to study at all study levels at universities in regional Australia.

You can study for free in Any australian university on a scholarship.

Expect higher costs if pursuing your degree at a private university. Studies taken in a public institution will generally cost less. A Master’s Degree will cost from $20,000 to$37,000 per year. Doctoral Degrees on average range from $14,000 to $37,000.

Yes Dear, some of these scholarships are fully funded.
Here is a list of some of the scholarships;
Australia Awards Scholarships
Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship Awards
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
University of Sydney International Research Scholarships
Macquarie University International Scholarships
Melbourne Research Scholarships
Adelaide Scholarships International
La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students
Monash University International Merit Scholarships
Flinders International Postgraduate Scholarships
UWA International Masters-by-Coursework Scholarships in Australia
IWC Masters International Scholarships – Australia
(MIPS) Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentship in Australia
LEE International Excellence in Leadership Scholarship in Australia
International College of Management Undergraduate Scholarship in Sydney, Australia


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