Dalda Scholarship for Pakistani Students  (UPDATED)

If you are seeking college financial assistance, you can apply for the Dalda Scholarship. The Dalda Foundation trusts Pakistan offering a merit scholarship scheme for Pakistan students who want to continue their study by availing scholarships from class 1styear, graduate to master level under special and merit-based scholarships.

The Dalda Scholarship for Pakistani Students takes care of all education fee expenses under this scholarship scheme.

IN this article, we will give you tips on how to apply successfully for this scholarship.

About Dalda Foundation Scholarship Program

Dalda Foundation Scholarship program has been known for granting scholarships and Financial Assistance for the needy or poor and deserving students.

The Aim and the main Objective of the Dalda Foundation Scholarship are to fulfill the requirements and needs of those students who cannot pursue their education due to lack of Finance, so they can achieve their goals and vision.

Also, the Dalda scholarship for Pakistani students is to provide opportunities for deserving students who wish to continue their studies up to a higher level.

This will be a great chance for Pakistani students to enhance and develop their skills and knowledge.Level/Field of study:

The scholarship is available for pursuing a diploma, undergraduate, and master’s degree in the following subjects:

Host Nationality:

The scholarship is hosted in Pakistan.

Eligible Nationality:

The scholarship is open to local students from Pakistan.

Scholarship Benefits:

The scholarship will cover the expenses related to study, uniform, and traveling costs.

Scholarship Number:

The number differs according to the different scholarships.


The following criteria must be met for every applicant to be eligible for the scholarship:

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  • Must be Pakistani citizen and Permanent resident of Karachi or Multan or Lahore or Rawalpindi.
  • Currently enrolled in the government college of Karachi or Multan or Lahore or Rawalpindi.
  • Your age must not be more than 17 years from the date of application.
  • Score 80% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the Pre-Engineering group or Pre-Medical group or General Science group.
  • You must score 75% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the Commerce group.
  • Must hold 80% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the General Science group.
  • Score 80% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the Pre Medical group.
  • Must hold 70% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the Arts group.
  • Score 70% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the Home Economics group.
  • Score 70% marks or above in matric and enrolled in the ICS group.
  • Applicant must hold 70% marks or above in matric and enrolled in DAE group.
  • The salary of an Applicant’s father or guardian must not be more than Rs.15,000/= per month (Proof required at a later stage).
  • The total covered area of the applicant’s house or apartment must not be more than 120 square yards or 1080 square feet or equivalent.
  • You must pass your matriculation exam from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan or Lahore or Rawalpindi OR Board of Secondary Education Karachi.
  • You must pass your matriculation exam, not before two years from the date of application. Consideration will be given to those students who provide evidence of financial need.

Application Procedure:

  • Download the Application Form From DALDA Website.
  • You can download the form, fill the form, attach the necessary documents & Email Your format to daldascholarships@yahoo.com.
  • You can also get the Application Forms from any Board & then You can fill the Form & Send Your form through Courier at P.O. BOX NO. 17654 Gulshan e Iqbal Near NIPA, Karachi.

The best mode of applying for the scholarship is by post

This will really be a great opportunity for Pakistani students to continue their higher studies and to make their bright careers.

Application Deadline:

The scholarship has ended but keeps in touch with us for the deadline.

You can begin the application and get more details by clicking the Scholarship Link

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