Fully-funded MSc Scholarships at Delft University of Technology 

The Delft University of Technology offers a number of excellent scholarship programs for international students. The Justus & Louise van Effen Scholarship is one of those programs and it aims to financially supporting excellent international MSc students wishing to study at TU Delft.

Justus & Louise Van Effen Excellence Scholarships are financed by the legacy of Justus and Louise van Effen. Mr. van Effen studied at TU Delft in the 1940s and strongly believed technological developments will contribute to solving societal issues.

The Foundation Justus & Louise van Effen was established with the aim of stimulating excellent international MSc students and financially supporting them in their wish to study at TU Delft.

Based in Delft in the Netherlands, Delft University of Technology has one of the largest campuses in the world. Extending over 161 hectares, it features restaurants, parks, cycle paths, a botanical garden, a new media center, a flight simulator, and an aerodynamics and propulsion lab.

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be a participant in the MSc Scholarships at Delft University of Technology 2024.

Importance of Scholarships

  • Financial Assistance: Scholarships provide financial aid to students who may not be able to afford higher education. This helps in bridging the gap between the cost of education and the financial resources available to students.
  • Increased Access to Education: Scholarships allow students from diverse backgrounds to pursue higher education, irrespective of their financial background. This helps in increasing access to education for deserving candidates who may not be able to afford it otherwise.
  • Encourages Merit: Scholarships are often awarded based on academic or extracurricular achievements, which encourage students to strive for excellence in their chosen field of study.
  • Boosts Confidence: Scholarships provide recognition and support to students, which boosts their confidence and motivation to succeed in their academic pursuits.
  • Reduces Student Debt: Scholarships help in reducing the burden of student loans, which is a major concern for many students. This allows them to focus on their studies and pursue their career goals without being burdened by debt.
  • Enhances Career Opportunities: Scholarships provide students with the necessary resources to pursue higher education and achieve their career goals. This enhances their career opportunities and prospects in the job market.
  • Fosters Diversity and Inclusion: Scholarships help in promoting diversity and inclusion in higher education by providing access to education for students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Benefits Society: Scholarships contribute to the overall development of society by creating a pool of educated and skilled individuals who can contribute to the economy and society at large.

What You Need To Know About The Fully-funded MSc Scholarships at Delft University of Technology 

Boasting strategic partnerships with industry, governments, trade associations, and numerous universities in the Netherlands and worldwide, teaching at TU Delft is focused around providing students with technological training, analytical skills and critical thinking in world-class facilities.

University degree programs allow students to carry out internships and research projects designed to give them a head start in the graduate employment market

Level / Field of Study:

Scholarships are available to study Masters in any field at the university.

Host Nationality

The scholarship is being taken in the Netherlands at The Delft University of Technology. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you. Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.


This scholarship is available for international students… Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

Full tuition fees for a TU Delft MSc program based on the statutory fee or institutional rate, according to the registered nationality.

Living expenses (€950 pm) for 2 years for EU and Non-EU students. One- time standard payment for travel expenses.

Membership to the Scholarship club giving access to personal development, workshops, seminars, etc.

The Fully-funded MSc Scholarships at Delft University of Technology Eligibility:

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  • Candidate must be an excellent international applicant admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programs, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 80 percent or higher of the scale maximum in their bachelor’s degree from an internationally renowned university. Number of Awards: 3 per faculty

How to Apply For The Fully-funded MSc Scholarships at Delft University of Technology 

    • To be considered for these scholarships, Check if you’re eligible for this scholarship.Complete your MSc application. Check the admission requirements. In addition to all the regular documents for an MSc program application:
    • Upload the Scholarship Application Form
    • Upload two reference letters (in one PDF document, check admission requirements)
    • Please note that Non-EU students must include their English test with their application (if required). EU students can submit this in a later stage according to the Admission instructions.
    • Only students meeting this deadline who have been (conditionally) admitted to one of the MSc programs of TU Delft could be considered for these scholarships.

Scholarship link

Application Deadline

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1st December, 2024 (23:59 CET)



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