30 Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Masters Scholarship Program

If you need grant-in-aid support, apply for the Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Master Scholarship Program. Thirty full-funded scholarships will be awarded to Vietnamese candidates; you can be one of the winners.

The purpose of the Irish Aid IDEAS Scholarship Programme is to provide talented candidates with the opportunity to pursue advanced education and professional development in Ireland to contribute to the future development of Vietnam.

With an area four times the size of Ireland, Vietnam has a population of over 88 million and ranks 121st out of 187 countries on the 2014 UN Human Development Index, compared to Ireland’s 11th.

Ireland’s engagement with Vietnam through Irish Aid has focused on reducing poverty and inequality through the implementation of programs designed to strengthen the delivery of basic services and social protection to the poorest and most vulnerable sections of society, the promotion of inclusive economic development, the growth of the private sector, and increased accountability by the State to its citizens.

What You Need To Know About The 30 Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Master Scholarship


  • Scholarships are available to pursue Master’s degree programs at Irish higher education institutions.
  • Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the following subjects:
  1. Agriculture and Rural Development, Environmental Science
  2. Food Science
  3. Pharmacy and Biotechnology
  4. Engineering, Hydrology, Sustainable Technology
  5. Information and Communication Technology
  6. Management and Business Related
  7. Economics, Finance, and Accounting
  8. Others: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Interactive Digital Media, Creative Practice, Public Relations


The scholarship will place in Ireland.

Eligible Nationality:

These scholarships are available to Vietnamese candidates. If you are an international student and wish to study in the UK, this is your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Scholarship Benefits:

Scholarship awards cover: visa fees, international airfares, full tuition fees, public health insurance, a monthly stipend to cover accommodation and subsistence costs, settling-in allowance, and books. Scholarships are for individuals for full-time study of up to 12 months duration for Masters programs.

Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Master Scholarship Eligibility:

Eligible Countries: These scholarships are available to Vietnamese candidates.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Years of experience: Minimum two years of full-time work experience after undergraduate education.

Academic qualification: Academic qualifications required by your chosen course.

Language proficiency: English: IELTS: 6.5 overall (Academic); no band under 6.

IELTS results must be no more than 24 months old by 1st September 2024. TOEFL certificate is not accepted.

English language requirements can vary across courses and institutions, with some courses stipulating minimum scores in each band. Please check the specific requirements of your chosen course on the course webpage.

Please note that an IELTS certificate will still be required even when an applicant has studied English at the undergraduate level. Evidence of language proficiency may still be required when applying to courses in Ireland.

Commitment: – Be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of their home country on completion of studies.

– Be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.

– Provide a letter of reference from the employer.

– Meet any relevant procedural requirements of the Government of Vietnam.

English Language Requirements: English: IELTS: 6.5 overall (Academic); no band under 6.

IELTS results must be over 24 months old by 1st September 2024. TOEFL certificate is not accepted

English language requirements can vary across courses and institutions, with some courses stipulating minimum scores in each band. Please check the specific requirements of your chosen course on the course webpage.

Please note that an IELTS certificate will still be required even when an applicant has studied in English at the undergraduate level, as evidence of language proficiency may still be required when applying to courses in Ireland.

Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Master Scholarship Application procedure

To apply, please fill in the attached application form.

A completed application package should include the following documents listed by order:

  1. Your CV (maximum 2 pages).
  2. A certified copy of academic transcript and degree.
  3. Letters from two academic referees with original signatures (not e-signatures).
  4. A certified copy of English language certifications.
  5. Copy of your passport (identity page only) and Vietnamese identity card, each on A4 sized paper.
  6. One letter of reference from your employer.
  7. Three copies of completed application form, available at www.embassyofireland.vn (go to News & Events), should be submitted

Full Government of Ireland IDEAS Master Scholarship Application deadline:

January 11, 2024.


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