Experience Sheffield Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in UK, 

Here is an opportunity to become a partaker of one of the highly competitive scholarship offers in the United Kingdom. Over 150 offers are available at Experience Sheffield Scholarships for undergraduate students in the UK in 2024. Scholarships are available to both home/EU students.

The University of Sheffield scholarships has its major source of finance from donations made by the university alumni and friends of the University from around the world. EU students who fulfill all of the criteria are welcome to apply for an Experience Sheffield Scholarship.

Scholarship Level/Field

The offer for Experience Sheffield Scholarships is for students who are offered admission or currently pursuing an undergraduate program in the diverse fields of study at the University of Sheffield.

Host Nationality

The Experience Sheffield Scholarships are hosted in the United Kingdom by the University of Sheffield.

Scholarship Benefit

The Experience Sheffield Scholarships is worth about $3,600 available for each selected candidates.

Scholarship Number

In this academic year, there are 150 Experience Sheffield Scholarships available for a student.

Eligibility for Experience Sheffield Scholarships

Experience Sheffield Scholarships are one of the top competitive scholarships among UK students. To be eligible for the scholarship, the candidate must fulfill the following criteria.

  • The applicant must be a citizen and resident of the United Kingdom or of any EU country.
  • Candidate must be currently a holder of a conditional or unconditional offer to study full-time in an undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield starting
  • Have a household income of £50,000 or less.
  • Be eligible to pay the home rate of fees.

Experience Sheffield Scholarships Application Procedures

The major step towards applying for Experience Sheffield Scholarships is to have an offer to study at the university. So if you have received a conditional or unconditional offer from the University, you will be invited to apply for this scholarship.

The candidate can get the application form and get more information about the scholarship by clicking on the link below.

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Experience Sheffield Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline

The deadline for Experience Sheffield Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in the UK is in March 2024.

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