Ajah Excel, Founder of Kiiky.com, Stresses the Importance of Accurate Blog Info

It is imperative to recognize the vast amount of misinformation available online. 

It’s overwhelming to sift through all the online information and determine what is accurate and trustworthy. 

Many sources and blogs must perform due diligence when fact-checking the information they provide. 

Therefore, you must be vigilant in your quest for credible sources and research to guarantee that you receive accurate and truthful information.

Ajah Excel, the founder of Kiiky.com and a respected blogger, is passionate about delivering only the most trustworthy, thoroughly researched, and authentic information. 

The innovative mind behind Kiiky.com is committed to sharing a wealth of knowledge across a variety of fields with people all over the world. 

Ajah Excel as a Blogger

For Excel, it is crucial to maintain people’s trust in information obtained through search engines. 

That is why he made Kiiky the go-to destination after a search. According to Excel, blogging is not merely a way to earn a living but a passion that strives to deliver only genuine and precise information.

His commitment to disseminating knowledge and aiding others can be traced back to his formative years as a scholar. Winning the MTN scholarship ignited his passion for assisting fellow students in discovering other scholarship opportunities.

Fueled by his own achievement in snagging the coveted MTN scholarship, he took it upon himself to delve into the realm of scholarships, researching eligibility criteria, application procedures, and opportunities for his peers. 

He graciously shared his expertise with others, providing sound counsel on the most fitting scholarships to pursue.

With an increasing demand for scholarship information, he recognized the need for a more efficient way to share his expertise with a broader audience.

Inspired by the success of his friend, who earned income through blogging, he confidently turned his passion for helping others into a viable source of income.

Excel has experienced fluctuations in the industry since commencing his blogging journey. 

The Birth of Kiiky

He’s had to adjust his domain names to keep up with changing times and his research skills have broadened his scope beyond scholarships. 

Therefore, his blog’s domain name has progressed from Nigerian Universities.ng to scholarships.ng which matches his widened research scope and sharing of information. Interestingly, he generously shares this valuable information with students at no cost.

To better serve students of all levels and broaden their research scope, a change in domain name was necessary. 

Therefore, scholarship.ng was replaced with a more suitable name, a world scholarship forum. 

This new domain Kiiky.com is fully committed to providing comprehensive answers to all questions that students from different entities may have. 

If you’re curious about his success, explore the Kiiky.com/edu subdomain. It’s an excellent resource for students, offering invaluable advice on selecting the right schools after high school to provide guidance on what to pack for college.


In contrast, it is imperative for graduating students to enhance their skills and amplify their job prospects. 

Currently, employers place more emphasis on skills rather than degrees, and individuals must upskill themselves continuously.

As a blogger who values reliable and accurate information, Excel confidently launched the torixus.com/job/ subdomain, a reliable source for accurate information on finding the perfect job, acing interviews, and enhancing one’s skillset. 

Frequent visits to this subdomain could lead to an excellent chance of securing a highly profitable employment opportunity.


As the students generated income, acquiring reliable knowledge on savings, insurance, and taxes became crucial. 

Fortunately, Excel had anticipated this need and thus provided Kiiky.com/insurance/, staying one step ahead of his audience. 

Students who have already begun earning an income can confidently discover the perfect insurance policies tailored to their unique needs.

 They can explore various options for health, pet, fire, and car insurance agencies and policies to select the one that meets their requirements.


Excel believes that wealth is built. And savings and investments can, with discipline, take anyone out of poverty. 

Realizing that students could work for years and have nothing to show. He devised a means to pass accurate information on building wealth.  

Excel firmly believes in the significance of wealth creation through savings and investments. He is convinced that everyone can overcome poverty through discipline. 

Recognizing that students may work for years without significant progress toward their financial goals, he sought a means to provide them with precise information on enhancing and expanding their wealth.

Excel asserts that his perspective on maintaining wealth was shaped by reading influential books on wealth-building, such as The Richest Man in Babylon and Poor Dad Rich Dad. To ensure widespread comprehension of these principles, torixus.com/wealth was launched. 

As a reader of this blog, rest assured that you will gain access to a plethora of verified information on how to make money online, coupled with invaluable tips on where to save your hard-earned funds. 

Moreover, you will be inspired and motivated by reading the success stories of individuals who have made it big financially. 


Through his journey in blogging, Excel realized that ignorance is often the root cause of failure. Excel remains dedicated to keeping his readers informed and up-to-date in an ever-evolving world heavily reliant on technology and innovation. 

His unwavering commitment to human capital development and desire to see everyone grow favorably paved the way for torixus.com/tech/. Excel is convinced that technology is both the future and the present. 

It is imperative to keep up with the latest advancements and incorporate them into our daily lives to avoid becoming obsolete. 

With kiiky/tech, his platform boasting over 1 million readers, Excel aims to educate and inform his audience about technological innovations and inventions. 

His published works have emboldened readers with fresh ideas and provided invaluable tips on incorporating technology into their traditional businesses.

Excel leads a team of highly skilled writers driven by their unwavering commitment to providing information in an articulate and captivating manner. 

Together, they strive to create a world of reliable and authentic content where accuracy and honesty are valued.

Excel Ajah has mentored many bloggers, leading them to great success in their industry. 

Accuracy is of utmost importance to his proteges, and he ensures that the chain of knowledge remains unbreakable. 

Excel upholds the highest standards of precision and integrity, leaving no room for error or compromise.

Delve into these domains to uncover a plethora of reliable and precise information.

  1. torixus.com
  2. torixus.com/edu/
  3. torixus.com/job/
  4. torixus.com/insurance/
  5. torixus.com/wealth/
  6. torixus.com/tech/ 
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