$30,000 Alberta Gambling Research Institute Scholarship

Currently, applications are being sought in the scholarship program of the Alberta Gambling Research Institute. This call is addressed to Canadian or foreign masters or Ph.D. students from the University of Lethbridge. All applicants must have full-time student status.

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be an applicant in the Alberta Gambling Research Institute Scholarship.

About the Scholarship

The aim of the scholarships is to accelerate the development of high-quality gambling research capacity in Alberta.

The mission of the institute is to facilitate evidence-based general research that informs the public about gambling and educates the Albertans and the public about the effects of gambling on AGRI-funded scholarships and research projects.

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Research Institute Scholarship 2024 is available for Canadians, permanent residents, and international Masters or Ph.D. students who wish to pursue any of the following levels of degree:

  • School of Graduate Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Arts
  • Master of counseling
  • Master of Science

If you wish to explore more information on Postgraduate Scholarships, click on the link.

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Alberta Gambling Research Institute Scholarship is been hosted in University Lethbridge, Canada. If you are an international student and you wish to access a Canada scholarship, check out the list of Canada Scholarships.

Eligible Nationality

Alberta Gambling Research Scholarship is made available for international students. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

The winner of the program receives the following benefits:

  • Graduate (MA/MSc) – A maximum of $20,000 for one year, renewable for another year, plus a one-time research grant of $3,000.
  • Doctorate – Up to $30,000 per year for up to four years, renewable annually (based on research findings) plus a single research grant of $5,000; Experienced institute researchers will assist in the preparation of grant applications for the institute and other organizations
  • “Complementary” graduates and graduate students are eligible to receive additional amounts of $10,000 or $15,000 if they have received another equivalent or higher scholarship (eg SSHRC, CIHR), AIHS, etc.) for the same academic terms

Scholarship Number

The Alberta Gambling Scholarship has an unspecified number of offers.

Eligibility for Scholarship

  • The Alberta Gambling Research Institute is available to Master and Ph.D. students from Lethbridge University in Canada. Students from all countries can apply to this scholarship program.
  • The application must be a student or have conditional admission to study at the University of Lethbridge.

Application Procedure

Applications instructions and forms are found on the AGRI website. Completed applications are to be submitted to the SGS Award Advisor. Completed applications will then be couriered to the AGRI to be received by the agency’s deadline.

All applications are to be done online. Click on the following link to begin the application process.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for is April 26th, 2024


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