10 Aquatic/Marine Science Scholarships For International Students 2024

Aquatic/Marine Science Scholarships are open to international students interested in marine science. As much as marine biology is taking the lead of the highest scholarships in the USA.

If you are a marine science student or interested in studying aquatic science, this is a lifetime opportunity you should grab with both hands.

About Marine Science 

Marine/aquatic science is a comprehensive, interesting, and diversified field. It is regarding the research of sea and environment. Students interested in environmental studies who want to assist society by protecting the marine environment choose this major for their career.

It’s multidisciplinary and encompasses almost all other sciences, such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, statistics, etc. Marine students acquire specialized skills that open the doorway to multiple career opportunities.

A marine student can get work as Ocean Engineer, Marine Science Researcher, Oceanographer, Oceanographic Research Technician, Marine Ecologist, Marine Biologist, etc.

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Is Marine Science Hard?

A marine scientist can anticipate fierce competition, just like other scientific professions. Dedication and hard work are the only ways to succeed in this industry.

Like any other natural science, marine science necessitates solid communication and writing skills and the capacity for critical thought and problem-solving.

The best thing about marine science is how much balance there is in it. Yes, time is spent in the library, computer crunching statistics, and lab honing your microscopy techniques.

There is also the joy of fieldwork, which can be character-building and intellectually stimulating. You might be in charge of cutting-edge scientific equipment or standing at a boat’s stern, hauling in a sampling net.

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Is Marine Biology Competitive?

Work experience is essential in the highly competitive field of marine biology because many graduates enter the industry each year. The available permanent positions can be found anywhere in the world and typically call for postgraduate degrees. You can find several tools to aid your job search and ongoing professional development in the below sections.

There is a chance that you could advance to an academic position where your time would be divided between teaching and conducting research. A postgraduate degree and possibly a Ph.D. are probably necessary for this. Since there is a lot of competition for these positions, it is a good idea to start planning your career development early.

If you decide to go this route, you might also want to think about learning boat handling, GPS mapping, and scuba diving while in school. Since one of the primary responsibilities of contemporary marine biologists is data analysis and communication, marine biology also necessitates a strong foundation in Math, English, and Computer Technology.

Education, law, journalism, and filmmaking are a few additional career options, and many other professions also provide the chance to work with marine biology-related subjects.

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Are there available Scholarships in Marine Biology/Science For International Students in 2024?

If you’re looking for undergraduate or postgraduate scholarships in the field of marine sciences that are fully or partially funded, here are a few of our website’s marine science scholarships that you might be eligible for.

Most students seek various scholarships and grants to fund their studies. We have arranged the summarized information on marine science scholarships. Here is the list.

  • George Mason Marine Science Scholarships
  • Stanley Wishart Low Memorial Marine Science Scholarship
  • DTU Aqua Ph.D. Fellowship in Marine Science in Denmark
  • Ph.D. studentship in the School of Marine Science and Engineering
  • Women Divers Hall of Fame Scholarships And Training Grants
  • Conservation Commission Vincent Seventy Memorial Scholarship
  • MTS Scholarship Program in Marine Science
  • LabexMER International Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Science
  • Lizzi Marriott Intrepid Ocean Explorer Marine Science Scholarship
  • MTS ROV Marine Science Scholarships

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Best Aquatic/Marine Science Scholarships For International Students in 2024

#1. George Mason Marine Science Scholarships


The University of Auckland is funding George Mason marine science scholarships open to full-time students who have completed a suitable Bachelor’s degree.

Scholarship Worth

Marine Science scholarships amount to $5,000 per annum.

Scholarship Deadline

The application deadline is 1 October 2 Yearly.

Scholarship Link

#2. Stanley Wishart Low Memorial Marine Science Scholarship


The scholarship will be given to a candidate aspiring to enroll full-time at a Ph.D. specializing in Marine Science at The University of Auckland. The basis for selection will be academic merit.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship amounts to $4,000.

Scholarship Deadline

The last date for submitting applications is 31 October Yearly.

Scholarship Link

#3. DTU Aqua Ph.D. Fellowship in Marine Science in Denmark


Applications are invited for a Ph.D. fellowship to work on the project “MARine Management and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change”. 

The fellow will be employed at the National Institute for Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua). 

The specific Ph.D. project of this position will “develop a trait-based approach for predicting fish community structure, function and services under different scenarios of climate change and exploitation.” 

The period of employment is 3 years.

Scholarship Worth

An annual salary of about 55,000 Euro (including pension scheme).

Scholarship Deadline

Starting date is flexible but has to be before the 1st of March. The application deadline is 1 December Yearly.

Scholarship Link

#4. PhD Studentship in the School of Marine Science and Engineering

Application is open for a three-year Ph.D. studentship in the School of Marine Science and Engineering based in the COAST laboratory.

The studentship is awarded for three years. Applicants should have (at least) a first or upper-second-class honors degree in an appropriate subject and preferably a relevant MSc or MRes qualification are eligible to apply.

Scholarship Link

#5. Women Divers Hall of Fame Scholarships And Training Grants

The Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring and raising awareness of the contributions of outstanding women divers. WDHOF provides the diving community worldwide with educational, mentorship, financial, and career opportunities. 

The scholarship is open to diving medicine, marine conservation, marine biology, underwater archaeology, marine education, journalism, graphic arts, or photography they are intended to support tuition and fees, independent research, and/or internship programs at accredited universities.

Funds will be given directly to the recipient.

Scholarship Link

#6. Conservation Commission Vincent Serventy Memorial Scholarship


To apply for this scholarship, you must intend to enroll full-time in an MPhil, MSc dissertation, or Honours Research project that focuses on environmental Science, Marine Science, or Environmental Management.

Scholarship Worth

Two $1,000 installments after the HECS census dates of Semesters 1 and Semester 2, with the final $1,000 paid on submitting your Honours thesis.  1 scholarship is available for $3,000 value.

Scholarship Link

#7. MTS Scholarship Program in Marine Science

Marine Science scholarships are open at graduate, undergraduate, and senior high school levels. International students can apply for these marine science scholarships.

An applicant must be a full-time college student currently enrolled in 2 year or 4-year academic program.

Scholarship Link

#8. LabexMER International Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Science


LabexMER is offering international postdoctoral fellowships for young scientists. This award is to help them to propose their research project in marine sciences (within the LabexMER research axes) to be carried out in one or several LabexMER laboratories. 

To be eligible, applicants must have received their doctoral degree within the past 3 years at the closing date of the call.

Scholarship Worth

The postdoctoral appointment is for two years. Recipients of the awards will receive a net salary of about 2200€ per month.

Scholarship Link

#9. Lizzi Marriott Intrepid Ocean Explorer Marine Science Scholarship

The Lizzi Marriott Intrepid Explorer Fund is open to the students of the USA. Preference will be given to Westborough High School graduates, volunteers at the New England Aquarium, and the University of New Hampshire students studying Marine Sciences.

Applicants must have a cumulative grade average of “C” or better.

Scholarship Link

#10. MTS ROV Marine Science Scholarships


Marine Science scholarships are open to all graduate, undergraduate, and high school seniors pursuing a college curriculum in the USA. Four marine scholarships will be offered.

Scholarship Worth

Currently, scholarships will provide range from $2,000 to $10,000.

Scholarship Link

Is it Difficult to Get a Job in Marine Biology?

The path to becoming a marine biologist is not easy. This also depends on the particular marine biology job you’re looking to get. A bachelor’s degree in marine biology is the bare minimum educational requirement for employment in the field.

However, to be considered for many jobs, you must have a master’s or even a Ph.D. in marine biology. These degrees entail a greater time commitment to education, the need to learn and retain more scientific material, and harder exams.

Many marine biologists also need to get their particular industry certifications. For many jobs, a dive certification is frequently necessary. You must therefore receive instruction in scuba diving safety and protocol.

Where to Study Marine Science

Bangor University offers marine biology, ocean science, marine environmental science, marine ecology, and marine geography.

The University of Southampton offers marine biology, oceanography, and physical geography and French subjects.

Also, the University of Portsmouth offers bachelor’s degrees in marine biology, marine technology, ocean exploration and surveying, ocean science, and marine conservation, as well as master’s degrees in these fields and marine sciences, marine renewable energy, and applied marine science.

The University of Hull offers bachelor’s degrees in marine biology and several postgraduate courses in environmental management with a marine focus.



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