Are Mobile Homes Cheaper than Other Housing?  All You Need to Know

You will have to decide whether to buy or lease a mobile home if a standard house isn’t the best option for you at this time. You must consider the advantages and disadvantages of each before choosing and if mobile homes are cheaper than other housing.

Also, you might be debating between renting and buying. When choosing whether to buy or rent a mobile home, there are a number of things to take into account.

A prefabricated house is a great choice for first-time homebuyers. Manufactured homes make up 9% of newly constructed single-family homes, according to the Manufactured Housing Institute.

They’re perfect for many other residents during life transitions, like when the kids move out on their own or when they retire from the service.

Furthermore, for Americans unable to buy their own homes, manufactured housing is a wonderful alternative. A single-family site-built home can cost $272,200, whereas manufactured homes can cost an average of $62,600. 

Over 17 million Americans reside in prefabricated houses. For those who lived in mobile homes in 2009, the median yearly household income was $30,000. 

Manufactured homes accounted for 43% of all new homes sold in 2009 for less than $150,000. Additionally, 23% of newly sold homes under $200,000 were manufactured homes.

In this article, we have compiled everything you need to know while considering if mobile homes are cheaper than other housing. 

The Difference Between Manufactured Homes, Modular Homes, and Mobile Homes

Since mobile homes are still the most widely used term online when discussing this type of home, we will use the terms manufactured homes and mobile homes fairly interchangeably in this article for the sake of simplicity and clarity. 

On the other hand, mobile, modular, and prefabricated homes all officially relate to distinct types of residences. 

The construction of these homes is what sets them apart most. 

In technical terms, mobile houses are exclusively those manufactured homes constructed before June 15, 1976. Because of changes in the Department of Housing and Urban Development policy that year, these are no longer relevant.

HUD-enacted federal construction codes are followed in the development of contemporary manufactured homes. Although they are also constructed in factories, they resemble residences that are built on-site. 

Additionally, factories are used to build modular homes. Nevertheless, they are built in accordance with local state building rules (bearing in mind that certain states have embraced the federal code). 

Compared to manufactured homes, modular homes often require larger lumber packages with more materials for the walls and structure. Subtle variations in plumbing, HVAC, and electricity are also frequently seen.

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Are Mobile Homes Cheaper

Mobile homes are often considered more affordable than traditional site-built homes. There are several reasons for this cost difference:

  1. Construction Costs: Mobile homes are typically constructed in a factory setting, which can be more efficient and cost-effective than on-site construction. This controlled environment allows for streamlined processes and reduces the impact of weather delays.
  2. Materials: Manufacturers of mobile homes often purchase materials in bulk, securing better prices than individual home builders. This cost-saving is passed on to the buyer.
  3. Labor Costs: Factory workers specializing in various aspects of construction work on mobile homes, and assembly line processes can reduce the labor hours needed for each unit.
  4. Land Costs: Mobile homes are often placed in manufactured home parks, where residents lease or own the land. This can be more affordable than purchasing a standalone lot for a traditional home.
  5. Regulations: In some areas, regulations for mobile homes may be less stringent than those for traditional homes, allowing for quicker and less expensive construction.

However, it’s important to consider the overall costs associated with mobile homes. Land lease fees, utilities, and ongoing maintenance can still contribute to the total cost of living in a mobile home. Additionally, while mobile homes can be a cost-effective housing option, they may not appreciate in value as much as traditional homes.

When comparing costs, it’s essential to factor in your specific location, the condition of the mobile home, and your individual housing needs and preferences.

What are the Ways to Invest in Mobile Homes?

A lot of individuals used to be discouraged from investing in mobile homes due to the stigma. Today, such is not the case. But how does one go about making investments in this asset class? 

There are numerous acceptable choices:

#1. Buy and Flip Mobile Homes

The procedure of investing in mobile homes is similar to that of flipping regular properties. 

Searching for motivated sellers of houses with clear room for improvement is a good place to start. Mobile home foreclosures could be a good choice.

You might also look on Zillow, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. Choose investments that go within your budget as mobile homes can cost anything from a few hundred to six figures. 

It’s time to upgrade and refurbish the mobile home once you purchase it in order to get it ready for sale. Since mobile houses are not residential properties, remodelling them will take a different form.

The weight-bearing capacity of a mobile home and the requirement to adhere to local codes should be taken into account during renovations.

#2. Develop a Mobile Homes Park

When you’ve done your homework, it’s time to buy land. In many states, you can purchase hundreds of acres for the same price as a house. Land is far less expensive than renovated land.

Having said that, you must confirm that zoning regulations allow you to divide the property into lots and that mobile home sites may be located on those lots. 

Being only in charge of the land and not the houses themselves is a common benefit of owning a park. The occupants are in charge of maintaining their yards and own their own mobile homes. 

One of the most important elements in determining whether it is a wise investment to buy or build a manufactured home community is its location. 

#3. Rent a Mobile Home

This could be a better choice if you don’t want to invest in a whole park.  

The first thing you must decide on is the type of mobile home you desire:  

You must take into account the mobile home park where your rented mobile home will be located after deciding on its type. Make sure to include in the fact that you have to pay rent on the land when setting your rent.

Most of the time, you won’t have to pay property tax and the amount of rent you pay the landowner each month will only be a few hundred dollars, if that. 

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#4. Partner with a Mobile Home Syndicator

A syndicator, sometimes known as a “sponsor,” is a company that provides passive investment opportunities in mobile home parks.

The business is in charge of locating transactions, carrying out all necessary activities prior to and following closure, supervising daily operations and property upgrades, and controlling the investment’s overall success. The sole input made by the investor is financial money. 

What are The Pros and Cons of Investing in Mobile Homes?

We need to determine if investment is worthwhile now that we know how to do it. Let’s examine the benefits and drawbacks: 

Benefits of Inventing in Mobile Homes

#1. Cost-effectiveness 

Mobile homes are far less expensive than most other types of dwelling when it comes to real estate investing.  

Before you can rent out individual mobile home lots in a mobile home park, you must take the cost of the land into account. In order to cover the land’s value, you should also take property taxes and insurance coverage into account.

Furthermore, mobile homes are generally cheaper and provide a high return on investment, nevertheless.

#2. Minimal Upkeep and Repair Expenses 

The real houses your tenants live in are usually not your property, therefore upkeep and repairs are usually the tenants’ duty if you are the owner of a mobile home park.

Although you will still need to maintain the park, this is not the same as maintaining an apartment block or multifamily home. 

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#3. Steady Demand 

In today’s America, the demand for cheap housing is only increasing. The need for affordable housing is being driven by factors such as record-high home prices, gentrification and government zoning preventing the development of new mobile home parks, and the unprecedented number of baby boomers retiring.

#4. Minimal Tenant Attrition 

This is important because, for most landlords, tenant turnover is a very expensive expense due to the cost of cleaning the units, advertising to potential renters, and the income loss while the apartments are unoccupied.  

Tenant turnover is less frequent, though, because tenants lease the property and own the mobile home in which they live.  

Furthermore, because moving a mobile home can be costly and difficult, people who reside in them move less frequently.

The price can vary from $3,000 to $10,000 according to the size, location, and local laws (which might forbid transferring them on the roadways). 

#5. Demand and Supply 

Manufactured houses are in more demand than they are in supply each year. The challenge of affordable housing persists.

#6. Extended Tenancy 

Due to the substantial costs of moving and the often little rent they pay, residents of mobile homes are less inclined to move than those of apartments.

So, this indicates that you usually have steady employment and don’t have to deal with openings too often. 

#7. All parties are involved 

You can see how everyone has a legitimate motive to take care of things if you own the land, lease it, and your renters own the mobile homes they reside in.

Everyone is frequently motivated to maintain things in good shape at mobile home parks. This is obviously very beneficial to business.

#8. Money 

There is a very low default rate for this asset class. In light of this, the risk is minimal when compared to the other real estate classifications. 

#9. Income Taxes 

Depreciation of land improvements and infrastructure is allowed on tax returns, which is fantastic. For additional information on why taxes are a benefit when investing in mobile homes, see our post [8 Great Reasons to Invest in Manufactured Homes.

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Drawbacks of Inventing in Mobile Homes

#1. stigma 

Mobile homes continue to carry a reputation that makes investing in them riskier, despite the fact that this stigma has changed significantly over time. Manufactured homes are prohibited in some regions by zoning regulations implemented by certain localities.  

Compared to investing in traditional single-family houses, which usually increase in value over time, this stigma may provide less long-term stability.  

The solution to this problem is to prioritize the kind of property or mobile home you purchase. Quality is important and should be prioritized.

#2. Infrastructure for Sewage 

If a park has a private septic system, upkeep and repairs are the responsibility of the park owner. This is frequently expensive and unpleasant.

Home leaks and backups are frequent occurrences that, if not promptly addressed, could pose health risks. Of course, there are hazards associated with this system for owners and investors. 

#3. Natural Disasters 

Compared to most other types of housing, mobile homes are more susceptible to earthquakes and other disasters.

As a result, you might want to carefully assess whether the risk is justified and whether natural disasters are widespread in the area.

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What are the Amenities You Should Consider for a Mobile Home Park?

Amenities are a great way to raise the park’s worth if you choose to invest in buying a mobile home park.  

Four examples that you should think about include a community center, parks, grilling spaces, and laundry rooms. 

#1. Community Center

It benefits everyone when a location is built that serves as a focal point for social interaction and community events. You may create a community and see a boost in the value of your property.  

Meeting spaces are available for club meetings and instructive sessions. To accommodate gatherings for meals, a kitchen can be constructed.

Consider this as a space where renters can form bonds with one another and experience a feeling of community inside your park. 

#2. Recreational Facilities

Playgrounds, basketball courts, and swimming pools are examples of amenities that add value to parks and provide residents somewhere to go.  

#3. Barbecue Areas

Because there is frequent space for them, these locations are especially desirable for mobile home parks.

Within a mobile home park, designated outdoor areas with picnic tables, grills, and seating places allow homeowners to organize get-together, eat outside, and interact with their neighbors. 

#4. On-site Laundry

For the convenience of on-site laundry, most individuals are willing to pay. Additionally, it’s a more cost-effective facility than doing laundry off-site, which benefits both parties. 

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Renting and Marketing Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks

Rules and Critical Lease Terms

Before you rent to new tenants, as a mobile home park owner, it is crucial to include vital clauses in the lease. Establishing clear norms and procedures that safeguard your property from the outset is also crucial. 

To make sure your mobile home park operates well, you specifically need to take care of the following six rule types: 

  • Guidelines for Occupancy: These should define subletting procedures, expectations for guest accommodations, and upper bounds on the number of tenants. 
  • Tenant and landlord obligations with regard to maintenance and repairs should be spelt out in these guidelines. They should also include an explanation of the reporting process and what to anticipate from inspections. 
  • The significance of noise is evident to all those who oversee mobile home parks. Good tenants may leave a mobile home park that is constantly noisy. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish regulations that specify permissible noise levels and outline expectations for your park. 
  • Pet Guidelines: Do you plan to let pets? Will breeds be restricted? How are you going to manage pet registration? To make the experience better for everyone, you need to know the answers to all of these questions up front.  
  • Parking Guidelines: Make regulations pertaining to parking permits, limits, designated parking locations, and guest parking policies.  
  • Safety and Conflict Resolution: Clearly outline the steps and standards that are part of the conflict resolution process. Make sure you set up explicit escalation procedures and abide by local laws. 

Lease Clauses

Here are some important lease clauses to remember in addition to these guidelines:

  • Rent: Indicate the amount, the date of payment, the means of accepted payment, the late fee, the grace period, and the procedure for rent increases. 
  • Rental Term: Specify the start and end dates, length of the agreement, procedures for renewal and termination, expectations for early termination, process for extending the lease, and necessary notice time. 
  • Section Severability: Something along the lines of “If any provision in this lease is deemed invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be impacted in any way” is an example of a severability clause. 
  • Security Deposits and Refunds: Establish the sum, the deadline, and the conditions for the return.
  • Guarantee of Habitability: You have responsibility as a landlord. This declaration often makes the pledge to maintain the mobile park area (as well as the houses, if you own them) secure and habitable for the occupants. It’s a sign of good faith on your part, and astute tenants will anticipate this in the lease. 
  • Rights and Duties: The obligations of both landlords and tenants are outlined in every respectable lease. 
  • Clause of Indemnification: It’s a good idea to include a disclaimer that states that tenants cannot hold you liable for any loss or damage to persons or property while on the rented premises. Tenants should not be suing you for any harm they may have made while residing in your property.

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Marketing Tips 

A vital component of any rental arrangement is marketing. Finding great tenants is just as crucial as following any rules or conditions of the contract. Six pointers to help you present your best self are as follows: 

  • A Successful Website: Create a strong wireframe, establish credibility with gratifying client testimonials, make it simple to get in touch with your business, and be inventive.  
  • Emphasize Your Unique Selling Propositions: These differentiators could be unique features, a desirable location, or extras that draw prospective tenants to the mobile home park. 
  • Upkeep and Images: Maintaining the park’s excellent state is crucial. Presenting a positive image of the park on the internet is also crucial. Images can convey a thousand words, or perhaps even more, in the case of a rental property. 
  • Details: Your chances of locating great tenants increase with the amount of pertinent information you include in your listings. 
  • Positive Internet Reviews: In today’s world, customers rely heavily on these reviews when making decisions. People want to know that they can trust you and that they have a positive interaction with others. In essence, positive internet evaluations are just word-of-mouth advertising.  
  • Flexible Lease Terms: Offering flexible lease terms allows you to appeal to a greater range of prospective tenants and tenants of diverse types.

Moving a Manufactured Home

Moving manufactured houses isn’t the most common thing that happens, but it does happen occasionally. It’s crucial to understand the process involved in transferring this type of house if you find yourself in that situation. 

You must first carefully consider the price. A move-ready home is attached to a towing vehicle in a transport-only transfer, which typically costs between $600 and $3,500.  

However, the average cost of a full-service move is somewhere between $3,000 and $14,000. This type of transfer involves skirting, transportation, and utility disconnections and reconnections. 

Secondly, a permission will be required. Depending on where you live, there are specific requirements for obtaining this permit.  

The next step is to work with a licensed manufactured home mover. Working with a professional moving company that is licensed, bonded, and insured is mandated by law. Here, research is crucial. Make sure the specialist you choose is trustworthy and knowledgeable. 

A code-compliant manufactured home is also required. The 1976 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards must be met by the dwelling. 

If you choose not to use a full-service relocation, you must also give your landlord notice and disconnect your utilities. 

The last step is to tuck away loose objects. During the relocation, you don’t want things flying around and damaging your inside.

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FAQs – Are Mobile Homes Cheaper

Is it cheaper to build a house or buy a manufactured home?

Manufactured homes are a lot less expensive than homes built on-site. These homes come at a less expensive cost and offer just as much or more safety than site-built homes.

What is the difference between a modular home and a manufactured home?

Modular homes are built on a temporary or permanent chassis, based on what the homeowners find convenient. Manufactured homes, on the contrary, are constructed in a factory and transported to the site. They are also built according to federal HUD codes while modular homes are built according to local state building codes, which may differ from HUD codes.

Can I design my own manufactured home?

Buyers can create their own design for their manufactured home. The design that best represents the interests and passions of the customer is preferred over others. Customers also get to choose from hundreds of other available designs.

Are manufactured homes worth buying?

Manufactured homes gain in value just like conventionally built homes do. Since these homes are sturdily built, their value increases with time and can have a better aesthetic appeal.

What is the biggest manufactured home you can buy?

Double wides are the largest and broadest manufactured home you can buy. These homes are popular with empty nesters and buyers looking for second homes. They can range from 532 sq ft to 2,800 sq feet.


Planning your budget is always important, regardless of whether you decide to buy manufactured houses instead of renting them.

A sizable down payment may be needed when purchasing a mobile home. However, renting manufactured homes usually entails paying additional modest fees in addition to lot rent, security deposit, and house rent.

You will probably not be able to enjoy the benefits of a mobile home if you rent an apartment. Generally speaking, a flat will give you a tiny room and restrict the type of pet you can have.

Furthermore, it’s unlikely that you’ll alter your flat to suit your preferences. This also holds true for renting a mobile house.

Finally, consider the house’s age if you decide to purchase a mobile home. 



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