FUPRE Post Utme Past Questions and Answers

Failure to pass FUPRE post UTME in 2024 is an evident result of failure to do proper research on how to pass. Writing JAMB every year, getting an excellent result, and yet staying at home is no virtue. It is no perseverance, you just refused to do the right kind of study. Get the FUPRE Post UTME Past Questions and Answers immediately and re-write this story.

Most undergraduates at FUPRE in sharing their admission journey will always make it clear that success at FUPRE Post UTME is guaranteed if you study extensively with the past questions. One of the students said ” Even though I spent an extra year at home after my secondary education, I am glad I got hold of the secret to success.

If I had access to it earlier, I should be in my 200 level now. I came in contact with FUPRE post UTME a few days before my screening date. At that point, I knew I was not ready but then, I still had to sit for the exam. I advise every candidate to get a copy of FUPRE past questions as early as possible, try to cover all the questions, and be certain of at least 70% in your UTME exams.”

Take this utmost advice and get your copy immediately.

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Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
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CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283
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It is really important, however, that you read this article to the end to get other vital information.

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What is the Nature of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Post UTME?

This is the last screening exercise for students who indicate interest to study at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Delta. There are however certain requirements for each candidate to be eligible. Some of them include having a minimum of 5 credits in your O’level.

You must also have the JAMB cut Off mark score to stand a chance. If you have these, here are what to expect in the FUPRE Post UTME:

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  • You will basically answer questions from the same subjects you wrote in JAMB.
  • You must answer at least 50 percent of all the questions correctly to stand a chance.
  • To check your FUPRE POST UTME result, Log on to FUPRE POST UTME Portal and follow the instructions once the results are announced.

See the Post Utme Past questions for other schools here. Get one and start practicing immediately.

Why You Should Get the FUPRE Post-UTME Past Question Paper

You need this FUPRE POST UTME PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS for a number of good reasons.

.ugb-cc8b826 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-cc8b826.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • 90% of FUPRE post UTME past questions are from previous years. So, to score higher, you need to cover more years. A copy of FUPRE Past Questions will help you achieve that.
  • You will answer quite a number of questions within a limited time. You can only beat this time if you practice with past questions and time yourself. Get a copy of the FUPRE POST UTME PAST Question to start practicing immediately.
  • Purchasing a copy of the FUPRE POST UTME past question from us will grant you direct access to our team of professionals. They will give you accurate, reliable, and vital educational counseling that will help you secure a place at FUPRE this 2024.
  • This team will also connect you to your fellow aspirants. You can exchange ideas, vital information and discuss any challenge that arises from studying. So, follow the prompt below to get your copy immediately.

How to Get the FUPRE Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers

The FUPRE Post UTME past question cost N1,000 for your subject combination and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Subject Combination

You will write the same subject combination you wrote in UTME for the FUPRE Post-UTME. So, we have compiled the subject combination you wrote in UTME based on the course you applied for in FUPRE.

Therefore, all you need do is specify the course you applied for in the description of your payment.

STEP 2: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original FUPRE Post UTME past questions and answer. They are:

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  • 1. Debit Card
  • 2. Bank Transfer
  • 3. Direct Bank Deposit

For all payment methods, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

  • Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
  • Account Number: 0546392167
  • Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 3: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll get the full pdf File Downloaded to your device immediately.

Click the button below to download the FUPRE Post UTME Past Questions and Answers.

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If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “The Type of FUPRE Post UTME Past Question you’re purchasing.” e.g FUPRE Engineering Past Question.” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

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CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283
EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com

Samples of FUPRE Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers

There are fifty (50) questions comprising English Langauge, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Note, each subject except Mathematics are of two groups A and B. Below are the questions

FUPRE Post UTME Past Questions for English

Choose the options opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.

1. Common sense requires that one should be decorous at formal gatherings. (A) courteous (B) careful (C) impolite (D) incurious

Ans: C

2. The string was taut  (A) stretched (B) loose (C) firm (D) tight.

Ans: B

3. The diminutive figure bounces over the track with unfathomable lightness. (A) irresistible (B)predictable (C) invigorating (D) impressive.

Ans: B

4. The teacher announced that the class would be making a fleeting visit to the Zoo. (A) long (B) routine (C) brief (D) guided

Ans: A

5. We intend to make the reception a diurnal event. (A) an annual (B) a weekly (C) a nightly (D) a short.

Ans: C

FUPRE Post UTME Past Questions for Mathematics

1. The second and fifth terms of a geometric progression are 21 and 567 respectively find the first term and the common ratio of the progression. (A) 3, 7 (B) 7, 3 (C) -7, 3 (D) -3, 7

Ans: B

2. Tunse bought a house for =N=1,250,000 and spent =N=350,000.00 to renovate it. He then sold the house for =N=2,000,000.00. What is the percentage gain? (A) 40% (B) 65% (C) 35% (D) 32%

Ans: D

3. List the integral values of which satisfy the inequality -2 < 7 – 3x≤ 10 (A) -1, 0, 1, 2 (B) -2, 0, 1 (C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 0, 1,2

Ans: A

4. In a class, 120 students speak English or French or both. 70 speak English and 55 speak French. How many speak English but not French. (A) 45 (B) 50 (C) 55 (D) 60

Ans: C

5. The lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle are ym, (3y – 1)m and (3y + 1)m, find y. (A) 12 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 4

Ans: A

FUPRE Post UTME Past Questions for Biology

1. Daughters receive their X-chromosome from their ___ (A) father (B) mother (C) relative (D) siblings

Ans: A

2. In bony fishes, the swim bladder is used for (A) adjusting the weight of the fish when swimming at different levels. (B) extracting oxygen from water which enters the mouth of the fish. (C) equalizing fluid pressures between the fish and the surrounding water. (D) absorbing more water when the fish is about to descend to a lower level

Ans: A

3. The theory that new organs or characteristics develop in organisms when there is a need for them was postulated by (A) Charles Darwin (B) Wallace (C) Lean Lamarck (D) Gregor Mendel

Ans: C

4. Ribosomes are found in all living cells. What is their function? (A) cellular respiration (B) synthesis of proteins (C) excretion of waste products (D) intracellular transport 

Ans: B

5. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell? (A) It controls the life processes of the cell (B) And it translates genetic information for the manufacture of proteins (C) It stores and carries hereditary information (D) It is a reservoir of energy for the cell

Ans: D

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