7 Easy Ways to Pass LASPOTECH Post UTME in 

In Nigeria now, Polytechnics is now regarded as the best to study any practical courses compared to universities. Unlike before that everyone regards Polytechnic as that school you end up applying to just because you were not able to get your dream University.

Recently, the worth of education in Polytechnic has unimaginably increased. And LASPOTECH happens to be among the Polytechnics that has a high standard of education.

Hence because of how competitive LASPOTECH has become, getting admission into the school has become a tug of war. In fact, after the introduction of Post UTME into the school, it became if more competitive. For this reason, a lot of students now panic when LASPOTECH Post UTME approaches. They find it difficult to tackle what it’s involved in it.

But we are here to help you!

If you are aspiring to study at Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) in 2024. Then you have to really prepare to score high in their 2024 Post-UTME screening exercise. Here we will be giving you 7 practical ways of how to pass LASPOTECH Post UTME.

Firstly, the secret to scoring very high in the LASPOTECH Post UTME screening exercise is by how many years of Past Questions and Answers you have consumed.

So just in case you just studied one year’s Past questions and answers, click HERE to download a full package of LASPOTECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answer, to get started.

It is really important for you to purchase one.

But remember this is not the only way, read further to see the right things to do in order to make the 2024 LASPOTECH POST Utme screening exercise. You can start by seeing what we have outlined from the table of content below.

Why Does LASPOTECH Conduct Post UTME Screening Exercise?

The Lagos State Polytechnic is one trending school in Lagos State located at Ikorodu. Because of the popularity of the school, they get a lot of applications from applicants. So if you are wondering why they still have to conduct Post UTME screening exercises, then here is the reason.

According to Jamb updates from 2016-2019, approximately 13,000 candidates apply to LASPOTECH. And this is 10 times over the number of people that they can accept.

Reason being that the school has a limited facility to accommodate this number of applicants. So the best option for them is to find a possible means of screening out some of these candidates.

To avoid not being among those that will have a smiling face at the end. We have well-detailed LASPOTECH Past Questions and Answers. Click to download HERE.

What Is LASPOTECH Post-UTME Cut-Off Mark in 2024?

The management of Lagos State Polytechnic has clearly established that its cut-off mark is between 150 and 200 and more. And these LASPOTECH post-UTME cut-off mark scores are always subject to the course you are studying and the level of proficiency.

Keep in mind that different departments and faculties have separate cuts off marks for different courses. So it is important that you carefully check out what your department cut off mark.

Just in case YABATECH is one of your choices, check out these 7 Easy Ways to Pass YABATECH Post UTME.

When is LASPOTECH Post UTME Starting?

For the 2024 LASPOTECH admission process, there is no official date on the school portal concerning their Post UTME.

But from the past years, their Post UTME begins the 3rd week of August and runs for 1 week until completion. Hence, for the 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME exercise, you can expect it to begin around that same time.

Do you know what it means? That you still have over 5 months to cover all LASPOTECH Post UTME past questions and answers.

Start your preparation by downloading a Full Package of LASPOTECH Past Questions and Answers Here.

Over the years, we have received messages and emails from applicants for past questions and answers. That is why we are so real to you by compiling the perfect LASPOTECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answers.

When Will LASPOTECH Post UTME Form Be Out?

The 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME, form is not yet out.

But the 2019 LASPOTECH Post UTME form came out the first week of August and lasted for 2 weeks. So for the 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME form, expect it around the same time.

Just in case UNILAG is one of your choices, check out these 8 Easy Ways to pass UNILAG Post UTME

How Do I Register for LASPOTECH Post UTME?

To register online, log in to the University portal, https://applications.laspotech.app/(S(r5qtcdrpgmlkhcztac4enmjh))/Start.aspx?ApplicationType=ND-FT# and fill in the necessary information.

You can start your registration by

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  • Clicking on the “Post UTME” link on the navigation bar
  • Fill the profile form. This contains information like UTME Registration No. , Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Mobile Number, and Email Address (A valid Email address is Required)
  • Make sure you provide an active email and a valid GSM number.
  • Then you click on the “Continue” button.
  • Go ahead and click on Pay (you will make use of an ATM card for the payment)
  • Complete the application form as appropriate, then you are good to go.

1. Immediately after the above, every candidate will be prompted to upload his/her color passport photograph of NOT MORE THAN 22kb.

2. Then, Enter his/her UTME Score

3. Enter his/her O’Level Result(s) (Indicate two sittings where necessary), thereafter, upload a hard copy of the stated result(s)

4. Read and accept the attestation, cross-check his/her entries on the application form, if okay, Click the” Submit” button

5. Print out the filled Application form and keep it safe. It will be required at a later date

6. Print out the ADMISSION SCREENING SLIP and await further communication from the Polytechnic

How Much is the LASPOTECH Post UTME Form?

To purchase the LASPOTECH Post UTME form, candidates are expected to make an online payment of N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira only). This fee includes an administrative, bank, and online charges.

Candidates are advised to visit the Lagos State Polytechnic website – mylaspotech.edu.ng and follow the instructions as stated above in “How to Register” to make the online payment, fill in their details, and print out their post-screening result.

How Many Questions: Subjects Offered in LASPOTECH Post UTME?

Laspotech Post UTME subject combination is the same as the JAMB subjects the candidate has written. Basically, the LASPOTECH has 50 questions and you will have to answer all 50 questions in less than one hour.

How do you intend to finish up before time if you don’t practice? You need a copy to practice how to finish 50 questions in less than an hour.

To see how they outline their question, get a complete package of LASPOTECH Post UtME Past Question and Answers, just by clicking on the link below.

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So, when you get a copy of the past questions and answers, you will take note of questions patterns that appear across the years and attempt all questions on it.

How to Pass the LASPOTECH Post UTME Screening Exercise in 2024?

If you find yourself on this page of the article, it means that you have started your success story. In other words, it means that you made the LASPOTECH cut-off mark and you are now eligible to write their Post UTME.

But the secret to scoring very high in the LASPOTECH Post UTME screening exercise is what many applicants don’t know.

So we will be helping you with easy and simple rules you need to successfully pass LASPOTECH Post UTME.

Here are 7 Easy Ways to Successfully Pass LASPOTECH Post UTME:

Tip #1: Make Sure LASPOTECH is your First Choice of University in your Jamb Registration

Many people do assume that polytechnic is very much easy because it is not like the university. But that is totally a lie.

Currently, if you do not have LASPOTECH as your first choice in your Jamb, you might not be among the lucky ones to gain admission.

It is just like when you are selecting the school you want to study, you will choose a Federal University to a State University. In the same manner, LASPOTECH will first choose students who selected them as their first choice before considering 2nd choice. That’s if there will be a need for that, depending on the number of applicants they have already.

Tip #2: Target a High Score in Jamb

In case you think that for the fact that LASPOTECH is a polytechnic, you do not need a high score in your jamb, then you need to restructure your mind.

The truth is that in 2024, LASPOTECH now considers a high Jamb score before you can get a certain course.

So I advise you to target a high score especially when you know the cut-off mark of the course you have chosen.

However, you can also be able to target a high score in your Post UTME. Just purchase the LASPOTECH past question HERE NOW and be certain to cross the cut-off mark of your course.

#3 Tip: Study all LASPOTECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

Another thing you need to adhere to is to gather all LASPOTECH past questions and answers and study as your whole world depends on it. This tip is actually what I consider as the most important.

Because Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) practically repeats past questions just like JAMB. For this reason, you will be able to easily recognize questions that have been repeated in these past questions and answers. Hence, getting the right past question papers is the right thing to do, in order for you to see your dreams as a student coming to pass.

So, just in case you didn’t make the move to purchase the past question and answers stated above, you still have a chance to do so.

Grab this opportunity now and get a full pack of LASPOTECH Past Questions and Answers here and now, because the price has been minimized for you. Unlike others who sell (Two Thousand Naira) #2000, you can get it for just #1000.

As mentioned earlier, LASPOTECH Post UTME questions are always similar each year. Though not exactly the same questions but similar to each year.

#4 Tip: Be Punctual to Your Post UTME Venue

This is the point where most candidates miss it. It is important that you find your way to your venue as early as possible.

I can remember when I wrote my Post UTME, I left a day before knowing that my journey is far. One way or the other, I got settled in around the school environment that night and as early as 6 am I was at the venue.

Doing this will make you feel settled and ready for the exam. It also helps to ease tension from you, because before the examiners arrive, you must your nerves must have calmed down.

Tip #5: Go With the Proper Documents

This is one mistake most Post UTME candidates make. They most times ignore going with all the necessary documents they need for their screening exams.

For instance, during my Post UTME, almost all the candidates were busy trying to print their Jamb Form and Post UTME form from the internet a few minutes before the exam. this shows unseriousness.

So whatever documents they instructed you to come with, make sure you go with all of them and if possible with extra.

Just like the Jamb form and result, Post UTME registration form, you will be instructed to come with 2 copies. My advice to you is to go with 3 copies each to the exam venue. Because you never can tell what may happen. So just avoid that point where you have to give excuses.

#6 Tip: Manage Your Time

As mentioned earlier, for any LASPOTECH Post UTME, you have 1 hour to tackle your question. This includes time to fill up the necessary personal information and settling in. So practically, you have 50 minutes to answer the 50 questions respectively.

This means, 1 minute to one question. Then it means you have to manage your time well. Try not to spend the whole 1 minute answering English questions when you have Mathematics questions that can take more than 1 minute if time is not taken.

#7 Tip: Join a Social Media Platform for Adequate Information

It is important to find yourself in the right network at the right time.

So to get started with your ambition to study in LASPOTECH, make sure you get yourself into a network that has to do with LASPOTECH.

Social media have helped out in this a lot. For example, the LASPOTECH WhatsApp group will help you get the proper and right information you need during your preparation for LASPOTECH.

Luckily for you, you can get to join our LASPOTECH Post UTME WhatsApp group just by purchasing the LASPOTECH Past Questions and Answers now and you will be automatically added to the group. Just click on the link and it will download immediately.

Join Our Exclusive Post-UTME WhatsApp Group

To help you prepare better for the Lagos State Polytechnic Post UTME exam and be a step ahead of other applicants, we have created a WhatsApp group for students about to write the Lagos State Polytechnic Post UTME.

So make sure you find yourself in this group because it will help you all the way till you have successfully gotten your admission as we wish for you.

Benefits of the Whatsapp Group

You’ll get the following benefits when you join our LASPOTECH WhatsApp Post UTME group:

.ugb-bc895b9 li{margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-bc895b9 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-bc895b9 li ul{margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-bc895b9.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • 1. Answers to questions regarding the Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction.
  • 2. Real-time answers to questions regarding the school, your prospective faculty, department, and their code of conduct.
  • 3. Accommodation assistance from members of the group and students of the school a day before the post-UTME.
  • 4. Essential hacks on scoring high in the Post UTME.
  • 5. Discover and make friends with applicants studying your course.
  • 6. Meet up and interact face-to-face with friends you made from the group.
  • 7. Full guide on the next step after getting admission.

How to Join Our Exclusive Post-UTME WhatsApp Group

With all these benefits, you seriously should be considering joining our Whatsapp group.

Wondering how you can join the Whatsaap group? Well, it’s just so simple. Just click on the button below and you will be sent an invite link to join our Exclusive Whatsaap group.

Click Below!

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FAQs for LASPOTECH Post UTME Screening Exercise

The management of Lagos State Polytechnic has clearly established that its cut-off mark is between 150 and 200 and more. And these LASPOTECH post-UTME cut-off mark scores are always subject to the course you are studying and the level of proficiency.

For the 2024 LASPOTECH admission process, there is no official date on the school portal concerning their Post UTME. But from the past years, their Post UTME begins the 3rd week of August and runs for 1 week until completion. Hence, for the 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME exercise, you can expect it to begin around that same time.

The 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME, the form is not yet out. But 2019 LASPOTECH Post UTME form came out the first week of August and lasted for 2 weeks. So for the 2024 LASPOTECH Post UTME form, expect it around the same time.

You can start your registration by:

1. Clicking on the “Post UTME” link on the navigation bar
2. Fill the profile form. This contains information like UTME Registration No. , Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Mobile Number, and Email Address (A valid Email address is Required)
3. Make sure you provide an active email and a valid GSM number.
4. Then you click on the “Continue” button.
5. Go ahead and click on Pay (you will make use of ATM card for the payment)
6. Complete the application form as appropriate, then you are good to go.

To purchase the LASPOTECH Post UTME form, candidates are expected to make an online payment of N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira only). This fee includes administrative, bank and online charges.

Laspotech Post UTME subject combination is the same with the JAMB subjects the candidate has written. Basically, the LASPOTECH has 50 question and you will have to answer all 50 questions in less than one hour.

In Conclusion

If you are aspiring to study at Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH). Then you have to prepare to participate and score high in their 2024 Post-UTME screening exercise. But the secret to scoring very high in the LASPOTECH Post UTME screening exercise is by how many years of Past Questions and Answers you have consumed.

Over the years, we have received messages and emails from applicants for past questions and answers. So, I really encourage you to purchase one. I’m trying to convince you to buy it because it’s for your own good. And it’s necessary to have a guide on what to expect in LASPOTECH Post-UTME exams if you really want to gain admission.

You need to know that there are a lot of fake LASPOTECH Post UTME Past Questions and Answers on the internet, and most students fall prey to them.


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