Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP)

Bai Xian Asia Institute (BXAI) is glad to announce its Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP). The Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) awards up to 105 scholarships to high-caliber students in Asia each year to study abroad in leading universities across East Asia.

Under the administration of Bai Xian Asia Institute (BXAI), the AFLSP provides these scholarships and also forms a platform for students and educational institutions to cultivate lasting relationships based on mutual trust and understanding ‐essential tools for building bridges across cultures.


Bai Xian Asia Institute (BXAI) believes that cross-cultural education is the key to a harmonious world built on mutual understanding, respect, and equality.

Through education programs that empower and inspire scholars in different Asian countries and regions, BXAI seeks to strengthen relationships between the people of Asia, support partnerships between East Asian academic institutions, and cultivate a sense of community and mutual understanding within a changing global landscape.

By creating intercultural opportunities for young scholars in Asia to learn from and engage with one another, BXAI’s ultimate goal is to bring up innovators, thought leaders, and influencers who embrace diversity and are committed to promoting peace, regional collaboration, and harmony in Asia and beyond.

Bai Xian Asia Institute Core Values

These five core values guide Their decisions and actions, support our vision, and uphold our culture:

  • Social equality: we believe that all students should have equal access to education and opportunities, regardless of social standing.
  • Excellence: we are committed to achieving excellence in philanthropic leadership in our mission to transform lives.
  • Respect: we embrace and respect diversity in both local and global communities.
  • Value: we value honor, integrity, and truthfulness.
  • Engagement: we engage people and nations in active dialogue to uphold peace.

Bai Xian Asia Institute Partner Universities

AFLSP Program Offerings
HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered for the MBA program at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy.
KYOTO UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered for all master’s and doctoral degree programs.
PEKING UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered for the master’s degree in
China studies program at the Yenching Academy.
 Scholarships are offered for all designated undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs. (applies to Japanese full-time students only)
THE HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYScholarships are offered for all master’s and doctoral degree programs.
WASEDA UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered for designated undergraduate double degree programs.
ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered for all master’s degree programs.
Participating UniversitiesAFLSP Program Offerings
FUDAN UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.
KEIO UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to existing students for undergraduate degree programs, and to both prospective and existing students for master’s and doctoral degree programs.
KYUSHU UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.
*Existing students graduating in March 2024 are not eligible.
SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.
SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.
TAIWAN UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all master’s and doctoral degree programs.
THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for taught master’s degree programs.
THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGScholarships are offered to prospective students only for undergraduate degree programs.
THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYOScholarships are offered to prospective students only for designated master’s degree programs.
TSINGHUA UNIVERSITYScholarships are offered to both prospective and existing students for all undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.

well,  looking at what has been said we believe that you should rather equip your self with more information on how to apply for any of the following scholarships.

What You Need To Know About Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP)

The Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program  is a newly launched program, In its pilot phase, it will offer 100 students full scholarships to study for one or two years towards an MBA or MPA at one of six leading universities in Asia, being

  • Peking University,
  •  Zhejiang University,
  •  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
  •  Kyoto University, 
  • Waseda University. and
  • Hitotsubashi University


The scholarship is available for all levels being undergraduates, masters, and Ph.D .but the choice of partner university you will choose will affect which level of scholarship you can access since most of the university does not offer all the level of the scholarship. refers to the table above.


This scholarship is to be taken in any of the ASIAN university listed above .here scholars are welcome to pursue their choice of an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree or exchange program (subject to specific restrictions at each university).


The scholarship is available is to all Asian national to study in any of the Asian university listed.


The scholarship offers each student up to US$25,000 per year or a total of US$50,000 per scholar, which may be used towards university tuition, accommodation costs, and personal living expenses.

  • Exempt from tuition fee;
  • Free accommodation on campus;
  • Living allowance: CNY 6,000 per month (ten months per year, up to two years);
  • International students medical insurance (Relevant medical insurance items can be found on

Scholarship duration: Two academic years

Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program  Eligibility and Selection Criteria.

English language proficiency:

The official language of the BXAI Summer Program, a mandatory component of the AFLSP, is English.  As such, applicants should be fully conversant and have a firm grasp of the English language. 

Each applicant’s English skills are considered during the selection process, though the required level may differ depending on the university and program he/she applies for.

AFLSP commitments:

Upon acceptance of the AFLSP scholarship offer, students are required to sign the student commitment letter and adhere to the following conditions:

  • Participate in the BXAI Summer Program – All scholars are required to participate in the annual three-week BXAI Summer Program, which is held in August.
  • Remain enrolled at the relevant Anchor or Participating University and degree program as a full-time student for the duration of their studies under the AFLSP.  No unexplained absences of leave are accepted unless otherwise disclosed to and agreed upon with the university and BXAI.
  • Disclose to BXAI and the relevant university if they are a recipient of any other scholarship or form of funding offered by a third party.  In such an event, BXAI reserves the right to review the scholarship offer on a case-by-case basis. 

Selection Criteria

BXAI’s selection process seeks to identify promising students who exemplify academic excellence, leadership potential, integrity and character, and a keen interest in understanding other cultures and perspectives.  Though we consider each applicant on the basis of his/her unique qualities, talents, and attainments, our selection criteria generally encompass:

Personal integrity

  • Self-discipline
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Fair-mindedness, respect for honor and truth
  • Awareness of risks, willingness to embrace challenges in a responsible manner

The propensity for international and intercultural understanding

  • Ability to engage and lead with mutual respect for differences
  • Ability to listen and value another person’s opinions and experiences
  • Ability to conduct reflective dialogues on both local and global issues
  • Understanding of the world’s sustainability issues
  • Appreciation of BXAI’s mission and vision

Compassion and commitment to service

  • Keen interest and past participation in community service projects and activities
  • Personal interactions that demonstrate compassion for others
  • Commitment to the active pursuit of truth and peace within one’s own circle of influence
  • Action plan for expanding one’s circle of influence and upholding BXAI’s core values

 How to Apply For Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program 

Eligible applicants must first register their interest and complete the BXAI online application on our website.

Prospective students should also apply for admission directly with the Participating University (PU) of their choice.

BXAI online applications will close on January  2024, after which the PUs will be notified and provided access to the data submitted by the applicants.

Applicants should complete the online application in English.


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