Ongoing Athabasca Scholarships  | UPDATED

The government and many organizations host scholarships, however, most of their offerings are not satisfactory. On the contrary, with Athabasca University Scholarships 2024 you’re well-covered while studying at the University.

At Athabasca University, there are a number of scholarships, awards, and other forms of financial aid to help students pay through their stay in school. Official scholarship website:

Below are some of these scholarships to help students foot the bills of their studies at Athabasca University.

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship Program:

The university will select the applicants for the competition.

The university calls for internal applications from her students after which they will shortlist the top three candidates for the SSHRC competition at the national level.

Applicants will need to create a personal account on the SSHRC website to gain access to the application form and other instructions.

SSHRC link for more information:

Provincial Lung Association Grant Awards Program – National Grant Review (NGR):

This grant as provided by the provincial Lung Associations is worth $30,000 in cash and is granted as research operating costs, including laboratory supplies, technicians, and some equipment for pulmonary research or development projects.

The awards last for one or two years, depending on the province. The Grant-in-Aid (GIA) manages the applications and peer review processes program.

It takes into consideration application budgets and competition results.

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

The Working Parent Scholarship:

This scholarship is available for parents who are trying to strike a balance between work and their studies in a university or any other institution of higher learning.

The scholarship is provided by and is designed specifically for the benefit of such parents in Canada who are combining working and studying in a post-secondary institution. It is worth $1,000.

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

Canadian Cancer Society – Innovation to Impact Grants:

This scholarship is worth a total amount of $150,000 with a reward of up to 12 grants of which the individual worth vary from grant to grant.

The stated application deadline of 15 January, as the scholarship scheme was designed in support of the logical next steps of a positive, innovative, ‘high risk/high reward’ research grant, with the goal of working towards or achieving a significant impact on cancer.

The CCS funding pipeline is continued with the Innovation to Impact Grants with a special allowance being made for former CBCF grant holders for this competition.

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

Canadian Cancer Society – Innovation Grants:

there is a general budget grant worth $100,000 split up into 22 different grants with the individual worth varying. The innovation grants are mapped out for research in cancer.

It supports the highest quality of creative problem-solving.

The goal of the Innovation program is to support the development and testing of unconventional concepts and approaches to addressing problems in cancer research, enhance our understanding of cancer, and generate new approaches to confront the challenges we face in defeating cancer.

The deadline for applications is January 15th

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

The Simons Foundation – Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation:

The scholarship is worth 5,000 Canadian dollars including domestic travel support to Ottawa where successful candidates will present their completed papers during a special event at Global Affairs Canada Headquarters on March 7.

It is granted to four applicants for Master’s and/or Doctoral studies in Canada.

The scholarship is granted for independent research and writing of an academic paper responding to a specific Non-Proliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament (NACD) topic.

The deadline for application is 21st January. For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

Soroptimist Foundation of Canada Grant:

This scholarship is granted to four students (two in Eastern and Western Canada each) and it is worth $7,500 for each recipient.

The funding is granted towards university studies in Canada that will qualify the recipients for careers that aim at improving the quality of the lives of women like providing medical services, providing legal counseling and help, counseling mature women entering or re-entering the labor market, counseling women in crisis, counseling and training women for non-traditional employment, and positions in women’s centers.

The deadline for application is 31st January.

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

Contact: email:

Dick Martin Scholarship Award – Government of Canada:

The Dick Martin Scholarship Award is worth $3,000 as provided by the Government of Canada.

It is available to any student who is enrolled in any occupational health and safety-related course or programs such as mine safety, occupational or industrial health, and safety, industrial hygiene, safety management, or other related safety degree program which leads to an occupational health and safety certificate, diploma or degree at an accredited college or university in Canada either in a full time or part-time program.

The application deadline is 31st January.

For more information and to apply, please follow the link to be automatically redirected to the official scholarship webpage:

Graduate Student Research Fund (GSRF) Funding Opportunities:

The scholarship is available three times every year with deadlines on February 10th, May 10th, and October 10th every year.

This grant as awarded by the university is to help towards research at the university for programs leading to masters and doctorate degrees.

For more information and to apply, please follow the direct link to be automatically redirected to the research center link of the official school website:

More information on funding at Athabasca University can be found here:

For more information on funding for studies for master’s degree, please, visit the Masters Level Student Awards on the official school website or follow the link to be automatically redirected:


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