Australia Awards Fellowships for African Professionals 

Are you an African student looking for an opportunity to get any of the Australia Awards Fellowships? Here you go! The Australian Government provides opportunities that serve as financial aid. These Australia Awards for developing countries can include programs, scholarships, Awards, and Fellowships to help African students.

In a Nutshell, the Australia Awards in Africa’s core objective is to help Professionals who are Africans achieve their leadership needs and focus on the major areas of Africa’s development priorities. Note some of these awards are fully funded.

However, Short Courses offer opportunities for short-term post-graduate training delivered in Australia and/or in Africa for up to three months. The training targets experienced employees from African public, private, and non-government organizations (civil society) in agriculture, Extractives, and Public Policy.

Therefore, this article aims to give you the relevant information in detail about the Australia Awards Fellowships & Professional Development for Africans studying in Australia. So by the time you are done reading this article, you will be able to Apply comfortably.

What are Australia Awards?

The Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and fellowships the Australian Government funds. They offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research, and professional development in Australia.

However, The Awards strive to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences in Australia and overseas.

Recipients return home with new ideas and knowledge and the ability to contribute significantly to their home countries as leaders in their field.

The Australia Awards, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), consist of the Australia Awards Scholarships, Australia Awards Short Course Awards, and the Australia Awards Fellowships.

Note, for more than 60 years, the Australian Government has supported the education of emerging leaders from developing countries, from the Colombo Plan in the 1950s to today’s Australia Awards.

Australia Awards Short Courses

Selection for Short Course Awards is based on the application assessment, including the applicant’s statements, Reintegration Action Plan, previously known as the Work Plan on Return, and supporting documentation. Short Course Awards applicants are not required to attend an interview during the selection process.

However, these Australia Awards Fellowships for Developing Countries applicants and their employers may be contacted telephonically to verify claims made in the application, including questions regarding current employment status.

Approved training providers deliver short Course Awards, contracted to deliver the specific courses for which applicants are selected. Hence these Awardees can’t nominate their preferred institution.

Why Australia Awards Fellowships?

Australia Awards Fellowships aim to develop leadership, address priority regional development issues, and build partnerships and linkages between Australian organizations and partner organizations in developing countries, including African countries.

However, The goal of the Australia Awards Fellowships program is to develop appropriately trained current and aspiring leaders in priority areas who, in the short-to-medium term, will be able to advance key regional policy objectives and increase the institutional capacity of partner countries.

Moreso, Australia Awards for developing countries are designed to complement individual bilateral country programs by offering flexible fellowship placements which address current and emerging needs at the country, sub-regional and regional levels.

Australian Host Organisations can apply for funding twice yearly to support Africans on Australian Award Fellowships.

What is the Australia Awards for developing countries Worth?

For eligible mid-career professionals who receive a short course, the following benefits will generally apply:

  • Australian educational experience
  • Fully paid tuition fees
  • Fully paid economy class travel to and from their home country to the course delivery location(s)
  • Visa expenses
  • A contribution to living expenses for the duration of the course
  • Paid accommodation for the duration of the course
  • Fully paid medical insurance for the duration of the course
  • Adjustment support for women and people with disabilities, if required
  • The opportunity to develop and maintain global links with Australians and other Africans
  • The opportunity to join a prestigious alumni network after the short course• Continued professional development after completing the award.

Eligibility for Australia Fellowship

Are you interested in applying for an Australia Awards Short Course? To be considered, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your minimum academic qualification is at least a four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent (as indicated in the relevant country’s requirements)
  • You are a mid-career professional currently employed in a relevant field and sector.
  • You meet relevant post-graduate work experience requirements (as indicated in the relevant country’s requirements)
  • You can demonstrate a clear vision of how the knowledge and skills you will gain through the short course will be used to drive policy reform and improve practice in your home country.
  • Your English proficiency is sufficient to enable full participation in a training course delivered in English.
  • You meet all the requirements of the Australian Government for the appropriate student visa (subclass 500) for short courses.

The Short Courses will be aligned with Australian Government policy priorities and areas of high demand for African Governments. These include:
1. Agricultural Productivity
2. Extractives (including mining, oil, and gas)
3. Public Policy

Australia Awards for developing countries are provided and sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT).

The following countries are eligible for Short Courses:

  • Botswana
  • Cameroon
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Malawi
  • Mauritius
  • Madagascar
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Please navigate to your home country on the Africa map to learn more about Short Courses and eligibility information.

Fellowship Deadline

These Australia Awards for developing countries Application Deadline for 2024 is 17th January 2024. So interested applicants should ensure they apply on or before the deadline because any application submitted after then will not be considered.

For More Information about these Australia Awards Africa, visit the site below.

Official Website

Australia Awards for developing countries FAQs

Please visit our website, If you have a specific question that is not addressed on the website, contact Palladium. Palladium is the Managing Contractor engaged by the Australian Government for the administration and logistical management of the Australia Awards -Africa. Direct your queries to

Currently, the Australia Awards program offers two types of Awards:
Australia Awards Scholarships
Australia Awards Short Courses

Applications open on 1 October 2024:
Australia Awards Scholarships close on 6 December 2024.
Australia Awards Short Courses close on 17 January 2024.

Australia Awards Short Courses
Entitlements include the following:
The full costs of tuition fees for the duration of the course
Mobilization travels from the home country to the course delivery location(s) and returns to the home country Note: Excess baggage and travel insurance charges are not covered……

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