Barnes And Noble Publishing Review | Eligibility, Requirements, Cost

Barnes and Noble Publishing is a leading book retailer that provides a self-publishing service that is free, reliable, fast, and easy. It enables users to create their seasoned books and conveniently upload them and make them available for purchase at 

You wouldn’t have to worry so much about how to sell on Barnes and nobles, or how to get your book in Barnes and Noble because they have the expertise and resources to publish books directly to their millions of readers with no delivery payment or cost of production. With Barnes and Noble, you can independently publish and sell e-books or prints to your readers.

This article will feed you with valuable answers to your questions, and also give you current pieces of information on how to get your book in Barnes and Noble.

Is Barnes and Noble A Publisher?

Barnes and Noble is a retail bookseller that also maintains a separate Publishing business. As retail, it provides a self-publishing platform where the author does most of the work, the author bears the cost, risk, and larger percentage of the profits (you can make up to 70% royalty). Unlike the old publishing method, where the publisher bears the responsibility of the costs, risks, and hence more profits, and the author only gets a little of the returns. 

Barnes and Noble’s self-publishing is quite easy, you can design your content, eBooks, and prints and also decide on how you want it to come out, and then sell on Barnes and noble. Barnes and noble self-publishing has the most competitive payment terms and author royalty in the industry. Unlike Amazon KDP, pre-orders can be set for eBooks and prints. There are 3 types of prints (hardcover with print case, paperback, and dust jacket).

READ ALSO: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing KDP

Where Is Barnes and Noble Publishing Located? 

Barnes and Noble’s publishing company has the largest retail platforms in the U.S. In all the fifty U.S. states, it operates 614 retail stores as of July 2020. Its headquarters are in New York City, United States. Address- 33 E 17th St, New York, NY 10003, United States.

For How Long Has Barnes and Noble Been Publishing Books?

The trade name ” Barnes and Noble” was acquired in 1971 by a bookseller named Leonard Riggio. As at that time, he already owned a current thriving bookselling business, so he incorporated Barnes and Noble Press with his current thriving bookselling business. And in 2003, Barnes and Nobel started publishing books, by reissuing costly versions of books that are out of print. And by September 2004, he became a hit when one of his published books named Hippie got the New York Times Bestseller.

READ ALSO: How to Sell Your Used Textbooks Online: Best Places & How to Make Profit

How Does Barnes And Noble Publishing work? 

To publish work on Barnes and Noble is not difficult, it is a do-it-yourself thing. You don’t need to stress yourself on how to get your book in Barnes and Noble or how to sell your book at Barnes and noble. It is a do-it-yourself technique, where you get to design your e-book or content using the materials provided by Barnes and Noble publishing company, the risks and cost of production are on you, as well as more of its profits.

You wouldn’t need to bother on how to get your book in Barnes and Noble, follow these steps to sell on Barnes and Noble.

Step 1: You create an account with Barnes and Noble publishing company

Step 2: Select if to print book or create an eBook

After these simple steps, the Barnes and Noble Press will help you format the core and cover files so they are available for upload.

Step 3: After your book is stated ready by the Barnes and Noble Press, you can proceed to publish your book by simply clicking on “Publish”

Within 72 hours, your book will be ready on when you wouldn’t have to bother on how to sell your book at Barnes and Noble. If the print book is for your usage, you can proceed to make an order which will be delivered to you within a week.

How Much Does It Cost To Self-Publish On Barnes and Noble

Barnes & Noble Press’s self-publishing service enables you to publish and sell print or ebooks directly to our millions of readers, all for free. Whether you’re a seasoned or first-time author, or you simply want to print a beautiful book for personal use, Barnes & Noble Press helps you create your book, your way.

By publishing directly with B&N Press, you’ll make more money and have access to their online promotional opportunities.

Can You Publish A Book On Amazon and Barnes and Noble?

Publishing on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble depends on the format you choose. If you use Amazon’s KDP, it will not be possible to publish that same book on Bernes and Noble or elsewhere.

There are guidelines guiding books published on Amazon which does not favor the publish in  Barnes and Noble, as well as in other publication sites. 

If you use KDP, to create a paperback version, you will preserve your Publishing Rights. You can retain your ingenious control, and own your copyright.

So, you must understand fully, how to get your book in Barnes and Noble,  Amazon, as well as other Publishing companies. The easiest way is to get an original document example a word document of your file and try publishing it on another Publishing press.

How To Sell Books In Barnes And Noble

To make sales and profits,  It is crucial to know how to get your book in Barnes and Noble, and also, how to sell your book at Barnes and Noble. Follow these steps To successfully make sales on Barnes and Noble

Step 1: Prepare your book

Make sure your book is well-edited. A book with typographical errors will be considered unprofessional and could be reflected in your reader’s reviews, hence sales might not be fast. Additionally, Your cover design must be top-notch, so you need to work with a cover designer that is experienced. Various sensitive details must be noted, details such as color balancing, font sizes, and actual images.

Step 2: Publish your  book

Click on “Publish”

Step 3: Promote your book

Doing a personal promotion through various book marketing tools, running a promo on your book prices, featuring on newsletter, are promising ways to make sales.  

Step 4: Track your books

How Does A Publisher Get Barnes and Noble Online To Sell Their Books?

Barnes and Noble Publishing is a platform to make more money, mode print options, upload ebooks easily, get exclusive marketing. Of these facts about Barnes and Noble publishing, it is important to know how to get your book in Barnes and Noble, and also how to sell your book at Barnes and Noble. This publishing company makes use of a self-publishing technique. The author decides the color, font, and size of the book, and also gets to decide if it would be in print or ebook. 

Unlike the traditional method where the cost of production is $0 when you self-publish a book, you can end up spending up to $2000 to $3000 as the cost for production but in the long run, it is more rewarding if you’re able to hit large sales. Noble company is just like a retailer between the author and the buyer. 

Is Barnes and Noble Press Free?

There is no charge to upload your book to Barnes and Noble Press or use their services.

You have the option to set your own list price for eBooks. While Barnes and Noble suggest pricing your book competitively with others in your genre, it is not required. Regardless of how much their book costs, authors receive a 70% royalty rate on eBook sales.

The pricing of print books is more complicated. There is a minimum retail list price based on the length of your print book, the color options you select, and whether you choose hardcover or softcover. After deducting printing costs, the royalty rate for print books is 55% of the list price.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where is the Barnes and Noble company headquarters situated

Barnes and Noble’s headquarters is located in New York.

Is Barnes and Noble membership free

The Barnes and Noble membership fee is $25 annually for a regular shopper.

Are there benefits to working with Barnes and Noble company?

Yes, there are. Barnes and Noble’s staff enjoy benefits such as; Medical plan, Flexible spending account for healthcare, Dental plan, Retirement plan, Vision discount plan

Can I publish a book with Amazon ISBN on Barnes and Noble Press?

Once ISBN is assigned to a book in Amazon, it cannot be reused in Barnes and Noble, or other Publishing companies.

How many days does it take Barnes and Noble Press to review a book?

It takes Barnes and Noble about 2 to 3 working days to review a book.


Barnes and Noble publishing is a leading book retailer, that provides authors the opportunity to make the best out of their content. Though you get to decide on the outlook of your book, Barnes and Noble inc. scrutinizes it and makes sure it’s of the best format before authorizing publication.


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