Best Accredited Civil Engineering Schools In New Jersey

Do you live in New Jersey and wish to build large structures? Then civil engineering would be great for you. How about you spend exactly four years and become your dream?

To this effect, read about the best accredited civil engineering schools and programs in New Jersey to start this journey!

New Jersey is a fast-growing area and is always in need of civil engineers. All you need to join this clique is just four years of study in an approved ABET-approved program. You will also need to be good with math and science, and being a people person is also a great asset since you will be working with many different people throughout your career.

Although this looks like a lot of work already, the fruits outweigh this stress. Why don’t you stay with us to learn how to go through civil engineering school successfully and most importantly the right civil engineering school and program to attend in New Jersey.

Here is the table of content.

What is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is the oldest discipline in engineering.

Civil Engineering is the design and construction of public works, such as dams, bridges, and other big infrastructure projects. While most people think of everyday infrastructures like bridges and roads, civil engineers also create and manage waste removal systems, energy creation powerplants, water systems, and even technology used in the aerospace industry.

In other words, Civil engineering is about the planning, design, construction and operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from bridges to transit systems.

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What Does A Civil Engineer Do?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), civil engineers “design, construct, supervise, operate and maintain large construction projects and systems, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment,”. 

What Is Civil Engineering Job Outlook?

The field of engineering offers many attractive employment opportunities. According to the U.S Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupations that are expected to offer significant growth of above 7% are biomedical engineers, civil engineers, health and safety engineers, surveyors, petroleum engineers, environmental engineers, architects, software developers, sales engineers, and mining and geological engineers.

In actual terms, The U.S. BLS, Employment Projections Program, projected the employment number of civil engineers to increase nationwide from 272,900 in 2012 to 326,600 in 2024 for an increase of 20% (53,700), which is significantly higher than 11% for all occupations and 9% for all types of engineers.

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What Are The Specializations in Civil Engineering?

The most common civil engineering specializations include:

  • Architectural Engineering
  • Construction Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering

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Can I get A Civil Engineering Degree Online In New Jersey?

For students who are already working, online learning is a great option. With the advancement in technology, it is possible to attend one of our top and best accredited electrical engineering schools in Texas entirely online.

So, you can earn an undergraduate, master’s degree in engineering online from an accredited civil engineering school in New Jersey. Most of the schools on our list have an online study center for civil engineering.

Go through our list and apply to the school you think best suits you.

See this related article: How Can I Become a Civil Engineer in 2024? Best Schools, Cost Programs & Salary

What Is the Average Civil Engineer Salary In New Jersey?

The average Civil Engineer I salary in New Jersey is $77,496 as of June 28, 2024, but the range typically falls between $70,947 and $87,483.

However, the average salary for a Civil Engineer is $86729 per year in New Jersey.

New Jersey is the third highest paying state for civil engineers in the USA.

Salary ranges can vary widely depending on the city and many other important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

Career Opportunities For Civil Engineers

Civil engineers are employed by various organizations, including consulting/design firms, construction firms, laboratories to mention a few. Here is what they do in those organizations.

Structural Civil Engineers 

SCE works with architects and builders to ensure that the materials used in construction projects are adequate for it. For example, structural engineers work with entertainment companies to design amusement park rides so they are safe to the public.

Geotechnical Civil Engineers

These experts help builders excavate underground projects. They also work with experts who manage land renewal projects. In addition, they help plan dams to regulate water flow through an area. They even coordinate the placement and the design of landfills and quarries.

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Transportation Civil Engineers

They help us all move around our communities and our country. They identify areas of growth and development and also look for opportunities to alleviate traffic hassle. In addition, they design plans and develop cost estimates for construction projects. Once the building has been completed, transportation engineers make sure that roads are maintained and repaired.

Construction Civil Engineers

These use both their engineering and leadership skills to ensure that building projects are completed on time and under budget. They coordinate the efforts of teams of engineers and laborers to meet tight production schedules.

Environmental Engineers

They work to institute new air pollution standards that reduce harmful emissions from factories, design complex treatment systems that remove contaminants from our environment.  Environmental engineers also examine the quality of our soil, furthermore, ensure that our homes are not built on contaminated soil.

Hydraulic/Hydrology/Water Resource Civil Engineers

These professionals redirect water to benefit residents and businesses. They construct canals to speed up shipping, build dams that generate vital electricity while opening up new parcels of land for development. They design pipelines and lots more.

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What Are the Admission Requirements to Study Civil Engineering?

To become a civil engineer, you need to undertake four years undergraduate course. The following are the general requirements for an undergraduate degree;

  • Completed application and fee
  • Official high school transcripts
  • SAT or ACT scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • An interview

Then, to get the masters and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering, besides the specific requirements, these are general;

How Long is A Civil Engineering Program In New Jersey?

A Typical undergraduate civil engineering program in New Jersey is for four years. Asides from the Mercer County Community College that offers an Associate in Applied Science Degree – A.A.S. as a two-year course. Others undergo a complete bachelor for four years.

Then, the Ph.D. program is for a minimum of five years, a Masters’s in Engineering at a minimum of one year, and a normal master’s in science for two years.

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Best Civil Engineering Schools In New Jersey 2024

We have compiled a list of the 10 best civil engineering schools in New Jersey. Therefore, you can choose a school that fits your demands.

We based our selection on a few things, accreditation, quality of education, schools recognition, and many other relevant factors. Each of the schools listed below has been fully approved by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

New Jersey Institute of Technology

According to college factual, NJIT is the second-best civil engineering school in the USA. Every student who is interested in civil engineering needs to take a look at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has 3 levels in civil engineering, the one with the highest number of programs being graduate studies.

Actually, you can get your master’s online in this school.

Soon after graduating, civil engineering students usually earn an average of $58,400 in their early careers.

Princeton University

Seeking to attend the best accredited private civil engineering school in New Jersey? Princeton University is among the best choices you can ever make.

If you have ever considered studying for your doctorate without tuition, check this out. “All of our doctoral students get robust financial support: five years of funding, no tuition”. In addition, the student-faculty ratio is kept small to allow for productive working relationships between students and their advisers. 

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers programs of graduate study and research in the following two areas: mechanics, materials, and structures; and environmental engineering and water resources.

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Stevens Institute of Technology

Any student that wants to pursue a degree in civil engineering has to take a look at Stevens Institute of Technology, a private civil engineering school and program in New Jersey.

Basically, the department has expanded to include courses in environmental and oceanographic engineering as a response to ongoing developments in the field.

Lastly, Stevens is ranked 21 in the U.S. for “Best Online Graduate Engineering Programs” in 2024 by U.S. News and World Report. So, get your online degree now while working.

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Rutgers University – New Brunswick

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The students of this top civil engineering school in New Jersey tackle issues of global importance, including the sustainability of infrastructures, the impact of transportation on the environment, deploying emerging concepts and technologies in the construction of new facilities, and much more.

The faculty members are leading innovators with recent technological advances that include a robot that examines bridge surfaces using sophisticated tools and a 3-D geospatial mapping instrument. Furthermore, students work with renowned engineers and researchers in order to serve the city better.

Apparently, this is the largest civil engineering school and program in New Jersey.

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Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitcan Campus

The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree program prepares graduates for entrance into the profession of civil engineering or graduate study. Civil engineering graduates work in the industry as civil engineers, typically specializing in construction, geotechnical, structural, transportation, or environmental engineering.

Actually, this best accredited civil engineering school and the program have so many recognitions to its name asides from being ABET-accredited.

School Website

Read also: Top 10 Civil Engineering Programs in Canada | 2024

The College of New Jersey

Basically, the mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to develop highly competent professionals, preparing them for entry-level positions in civil engineering, further study in graduate school, life-long learning, and societal leadership. 

This top civil engineering school in New Jersey’s teachings cover the four basic areas of civil engineering which are: Geotechnical engineering, Structural engineering, Transportation engineering, and Water Resources engineering, as well as broad coverage in Computer-Aided Design, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, and Surveying.

School Website

Rowan University

Actually, at Rowan University, we offer an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering and a minor in civil and environmental engineering. At the graduate level, a Ph.D. and MS degrees with a wide range of areas of concentration.  The Engineering Clinics in addition to our Civil and Environmental Engineering courses instill core values that focus on Teamwork Leadership and Community.

You can also get to study online.

School Website

Mercer County Community College

The Civil Engineering Technology program at mercer County students for employment in the field and office positions with architects, engineers, and government agencies as engineering aides; construction, highway or materials technicians; transit operators; or estimators.

Their program can be gotten in two years. Graduates wishing to pursue studies leading to a bachelor’s degree can transfer into the junior year at many institutions. Temple University, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Pennsylvania State University, and Fairleigh Dickinson University are among the institutions accepting Mercer graduates.

School Website


There are quite a number of schools in New Jersey where you can obtain either your undergraduate, graduate, or certificate courses. But, this post has brought you only the top best accredited civil engineering schools you can study in New Jersey and be assured of both an accredited certificate and a worthwhile experience.

There are many undergraduate scholarships, master’s scholarships, and Ph.D. scholarships for civil engineering students. So, make a pick and have great study time. Furthermore, individual schools also have scholarships and financial aids that can help you.



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