15 Best Bachelor In Petroleum Engineering Programs

Talking so much about the engineering field of study, the arm deserving of our consideration is the petroleum engineering. Petroleum engineering research has long gone beyond drilling oil from just under the earth to the deepest parts beneath the sea. So, if you’ve ever wanted to be a petroleum engineer, and you want to be in the know of the best bachelor in petroleum engineering programs in the world, read this article.

Basically, the rate of growth this field of engineering experiences is undoubtedly on the high side, and to furnish you with the information that you need to know, more highlights will be thrown on what petroleum engineering is all about.

This is just so, you don’t get yourself entangled with what you have no idea of.

With the increasing rate of technology advancement, it will be nice you get enrolled for the best bachelor in petroleum engineering programs anywhere in the world.

Therefore, see the table of contents below to have an overview of the topics discussed in this article.

What Is Petroleum Engineering?

The field of engineering that deals with the research of locations, extraction, and production of crude oil is known as petroleum engineering.

Basically, one who studies petroleum engineering is called a petrfoleum engineer whose function is to employ techniques on how best to drill oils in their crudest forms and estimate the financial value for the oil.

Interestingly, the challenges encountered in this field of study has opened more career opportunities for graduates.

Also, to come out as a professional petroleum engineer, you must have a vast knowledge of heat transfer, economics, physics, chemistry, electricity, and also know how the production processes work.

Why Study Petroleum Engineering?

As much as you try to get enroll yourself for a bachelor’s degree and in a good school, make sure to also go for a career that is daunting yet interesting.

See below for some of the reasons why you may want to study petroleum engineering.

Here you go!

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  • It is a less competitive field of study: Because very few universities offer petroleum engineering, chances are that very few students indicate interest in this very course. Therefore, doing away with any form of educational competition increases your chance of landing a good job upon graduation.
  • You get inclined in a broad way: From the moment you gain admission into petroleum engineering, you are open to learning the processes involved in the production of hydrocarbons, you also acquire knowledge on fluid dynamics, geology, chemistry, thermodynamics, and lots more.
  • Profitable salaries: Apparently, the petroleum industry has the highest salary rates. Interestingly, your salary increases in tandem to the escalation of the price of petroleum products in the global market.
  • A variety of career options: Apart from just spotting and producing hydrocarbons, there are a host of career options you can specialize in the petroleum engineering field.
  • You will have the best world travel experience: Petroleum engineers go on oil exploration sprees all around the world. Therefore, prepare your mind in advance for such adventures.
  •  A bright job outlook: The statistics as portrayed by BLS, the growth rate for petroleum engineering jobs is by 15% between 2016 and 2026. Higher prices can cause oil and gas companies to increase capital investment in new facilities and expand existing production operations, along with exploration.

What Does A Petroleum Engineer Do?

A petroleum engineer performs a variety of functions. See the list below for what the job roles are:

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  • A petroleum engineer designs equipment used in extracting oil and gas
  • He develops plans to drill and recover oil and gas
  • Petroleum engineers record and updates information on drilling activities
  • They solve operational issues that may arise
  • A petroleum engineer examines the geology of future drilling sites to plan the safest and most efficient method of drilling and oil recovery.
  • Shoulders the responsibility for safety and efficiency
  • Ensure proper installation, operation, and maintenance of oil field equipment.

How Much Does It Cost To Obtain A Bachelor In Petroleum Engineering Program?

It is quite expensive obtaining a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering especially for schools in the advanced world.

However, the average cost of tuition for the bachelor’s degree ranges from $30, 000 – $35,000.

What Are The Requirements For A B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering?

To acquire a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering, you should cover cover the following topics

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  • Fluid mechanics
  • Materials strengths
  • Transport situations
  • Thermodynamics
  • Material properties
  • Mathematics

Furthermore, students should be efficient in well design and analysis, drilling procedures, and evaluation of subsurface geology.

Proficiency in project economics and supply cost practices for decision-making under risky and uncertain conditions.

An icing to the cake of this undergraduate degree is a design experience, preparing students for engineering practice, using the knowledge and skills acquired in their coursework.

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Bachelor’s Degree In Petroleum Engineering?

It takes about four to five years to complete a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering in any university around the world.

At the end of the four-year program, they have the skills to apply engineering principles and proffer solutions.

However, a 6-week internship of approved expertise in oilfield operations can be required for registration in senior-year courses.

What Are The Best Bachelor Programs In Petroleum Engineering?

In our ranking for the best bachelor programs in petroleum engineering in 2024, we have implored some criteria which will be briefly explained below.

When going for a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering, it is best you go for programs that are duly accredited by the relevant bodies. The accreditation validates your certificate. The accreditation could either be a regional or national accreditation.

This ranking factor is very important because most schools with lower acceptance rates are ranked as better schools.

 Here, this criterion deals with the school’s tendency to have a high graduation rate for its students. Also, how quickly students from these schools get employed upon graduation is taken into consideration.

#1 United Arab Emirates University

Program: Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

This undergraduate petroleum engineering program focuses on the economic recovery of hydrocarbons which can either be crude oil or gas.

To do well in this bachelor’s degree program in petroleum engineering, you should have a knowledge of geology, petrophysics, geophysics, and petroleum geology.

More so, the Petroleum Engineering undergraduate program in the College of Engineering at the United Arab Emirates University is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Furthermore, at the end of your program, you should be able to do the following:

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  • Apply engineering designs to proffer solutions that meet specifications
  • Identify and solve difficult engineering problems by simply applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • Develop and conduct an appropriate investigation
  • Spot professional responsibilities in engineering scenarios and carry out proper reports.
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#2 Edith Cowan University

Program: Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum Engineering)

This bachelor’s program in petroleum engineering centers on the development of skills necessary for a rewarding engineering practice.

Graduates of this petroleum engineering will gain strong logical skills and be able to perform a lead role in difficult projects.

Additionally, they will have multiple skills in their most efficient measures.

The petroleum engineering course imparts a rational basis in mechanics, mathematics, and the principles of engineering design in the early years of the program.

In the latter years of the program, students cover core engineering topics to prepare them for their chosen profession.

This program is duly accredited by Engineer Australia.

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#3 Saint Francis University

Program: Bachelor of Science in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

This school’s petroleum engineering bachelor’s program ensures that at the course of training, the students develop an array of skills required to be successful in the growing field of engineering.

This is achieved through the academic research project activities and field trips.

The petroleum and natural gas engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

At the end of this program, the students should be able to analyze and interpret data and be able to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

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#4 China University of Petroleum

Program: Bachelor in Resource Exploration Engineering

This bachelor’s degree program in petroleum engineering trains students in a step-by-step manner to understand the basic theories, methods of oil, and gas exploration.

This program is geared towards seeing that the students acquire the necessary skills for petroleum engineering designs, and oil & gas exploration.

More so, at the end of the four-year program, students should be able to apply the production processes and designs in the oil and gas exploration.

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#5 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Program: Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum)

First offered in 1975 by ht e Petroleum Engineering Department, this bachelor’s degree program seeks to fulfill the importance of petroleum engineers in our contemporary in an exceptional way.

Graduates of this particular program are now able to work in very challenging environments where they are almost cut off from every form of communication just to see they make an impact in the world of petroleum engineering.

Also, it allows the students to specialize in several other specialties, each with its own peculiar challenges and remunerations.

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#6 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Program: Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering

This four-year Bachelor of petroleum engineering program emphasizes studies in physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, economics, and other core petroleum engineering topics.

This undergraduate program prepares students for the petroleum industry and its related fields as drilling, exploitation, petroleum production, reservoir engineering and transportation of oil, natural gas and petroleum economics, etc.

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#7 University of Regina

Bachelor in Petroleum Systems Engineering

The University of Regina’s Petroleum Systems Engineering undergraduate program is one of three undergraduate petroleum engineering degrees in Canada and one of the largest accredited petroleum engineering programs in North America.

Here, the students are open to learning how to estimate oil and gas reserves, design well drilling facilities, interpret reservoir performance for production optimization.

Also, they perform advanced reservoir simulation and visualization, generate new strategies to improve oil recovery, and handle advanced reservoir administration.

At the end of this program, however, students will gain access to the Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) labs to conduct research in many other areas of interest to the oil and gas industry in Canada.

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#8 Nazarbayev University

Program: B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering

A lot of exciting career opportunities abound in the oil and gas sector. Therefore, this undergraduate program in petroleum engineering addresses the technological challenges that eventually lead to energy security and socio-economic success.

This daunting and gratifying field of engineering requires the creative application of a wide spectrum of knowledge, including, but not limited to geology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and environmental science.

Interestingly, graduates of this bachelor’s degree program continue to ensure that the driving force to modern civilization isn’t stopped halfway.

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#9 American University of Ras al Khaimah

Program: BS in Petroleum Engineering

The importance of petroleum engineers cannot be over-emphasized as they have continued to supply the world with the core source of energy which is crude oil and natural gas.

Therefore, the program’s coursework include mathematics, chemistry, geology, nanotechnology, advanced materials science, numerical simulation, and molecular dynamics.

The sole aim of covering a broad curriculum is to ensure that students are trained in the most efficient and effective way so as to make an impact in the world of petroleum.

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#10 The British University in Egypt

Program: BSc (Hons) in Petroleum Engineering and Gas Technology

This undergraduate program is delivered both with a local and UK essence giving students the opportunity to gain a grasp of national and international perspectives on many aspects of professional life.

However, this program is intended to give a solid basis to those who are looking for a future career in petroleum engineering and gas technology.

Also to enable them to respond to the increasing needs of society regarding both energy resources and the petroleum industry.

More so, importance is laid on the natural gas industry and relevant technologies.

Due to the recent gas discoveries in Egypt, especially in Mediterranean waters, engineers fit in this petroleum engineering area will be able to help amplify the country’s growing needs in this economically vibrant field.

Additionally, this bachelor in petroleum engineering program is duly credited by UK University in conjunction with QAA and professional body subject benchmark statements.

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#11 North-Caucasus Federal University

Program: Bachelor in Operations and Maintenance of Oil Extraction Facilities.

The advantage for this school’s bachelor’s degree program in petroleum engineering when compared to other fields of engineering is that there are actually oil companies around the school where the students engage in practicals.

This is also where they make changes to adapt to the needs of potential employers.

Additionally, this school’s program seeks to train the students to the same level of development in the field of petroleum engineering.

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#12 University of Leoben

Program: BSc in Petroleum Engineering

The need to drill new reservoirs and to grow the usage of reservoirs already in existence has made this bachelor’s in petroleum engineering topnotch.

It ensures students have the needed background knowledge to tackle this problem.

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#13 Kazakh British Technical University (KBTU)

Program: Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering

Graduates of this bachelor’s program are equipped with the skills to identify opportunities and solve engineering problems.

Also, they make sure to apply engineering techniques in the areas of drilling, oil production, formation evaluation, and completion.

Most importantly, this program is accredited by the international agency Institute of Marine Engineering, Science, and Technology (IMarEST).

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#14 Pennsylvania State University

Program: B.S in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Penn State University offers a bachelor degree in petroleum engineering through its department of Petroleum and natural gas department.

Through the program, students are prepared to have an edge over others globally. Also, graduates of this program are highly sought after by employers.

Note that this bachelor’s degree program is accredited by ABET.

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#15 Colorado School of Mines

Program: Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Consistently has this school ranked among the top engineering schools in the world. It seeks to equip the students with skills to impact the world.

During the course of this bachelor’s program offered by this school, the students make researches on how to advance technologies and improve the earth’s resources.

The program is certified by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

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FAQs On Bachelor In Petroleum Engineering Programs

What is petroleum engineering?

It is the field of engineering that deals with the research of locations, extraction, and production of crude oil.

Why should I obtain a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering program?

You should obtain a bachelor’s degree because it is the foundation to your success in the world of petroleum engineering.

What does a petroleum engineer do?

A petroleum engineer designs equipment used in extracting oil and gas, develops plans to drill and recover oil and gas. solve operational issues, etc.


I hope this piece of information does its best to guide you through your decision-making process.

Best wishes!!!


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