15 Best Driving Schools In San Francisco Review

While knowing how to drive may be a source of bragging for many people and a show of independence, it comes with a big responsibility hidden under the cloak of learning.

For this reason, it’s essential to choose a driving school wisely. If you live in San Francisco, you are in luck. The city is home to some of the best driving schools in the country. 

In this article, we will review the 15 best driving schools in San Francisco so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

14 Best Driving Schools In San Francisco

Here’s a list of the 15 best driving schools in San Francisco:

  1. Berkeley Driving School
  2. Bill’s Defensive Driving School
  3. DmvEdu.org
  4. Driversity Driving School
  5. Monkey Moto School
  6. Payless Driving Lesson
  7. Strive Driving School
  8. Excel Driving School
  9. Nelson Ng Driving Instructor
  10. William Driving Instructor
  11. Ann’s Driving School
  12. Rivadavia Driving School
  13. Golden Stars Driving School
  14. Manila Bay Area Driving School

1. Berkeley Driving School

For residents of San Francisco, Berkeley Driving School is the best option for driving instruction. 

The school has been in business since 1957 and offers its students a wide range of services. In addition to providing traditional classroom instruction, Berkeley Driving School also offers online classes, private lessons and behind-the-wheel training.

The school’s instructors are all experienced professionals passionate about teaching others to drive. They are patient and understanding and will work with you until you feel confident behind the wheel.


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2. Bill’s Defensive Driving School

Bill’s Defensive Driving School has consistently been rated as one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. Their instructors are experienced and know how to teach the skills needed to be a safe driver properly.

The school offers both classrooms and behind-the-wheel instruction. They also provide a variety of discounts, so be sure to check their website for more information.

Bill’s Defensive Driving School is an excellent choice for high-quality driving education. Their knowledgeable staff and reasonable rates make them a top pick in the city.


3. DmvEdu.org

This is a required Driver Education Course for teenagers under 18. Your 30-hour mandatory driver’s education requirement will be met through their online driver’s ed course. With an internet connection, you can finish the needed driving improvement course on any device.

DmvEdu.org is one of the best driving schools in San Francisco for several reasons. First, they have a comprehensive curriculum covering all of the driving basics. 

Secondly, their instructors are all highly experienced and certified by the DMV. 

Next, they have a very high success rate, with over 95% of their students passing their driving tests on the first try. 

Finally, they are reasonably priced, making them an excellent value for your money.


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4. Driversity Driving School

Driversity is one of the top driving schools in San Francisco. They offer a wide range of courses to meet the needs of all drivers, from those who are just learning to drive to those who need a refresher course.

Driversity has been providing quality driver education for over 25 years. They offer a variety of courses, including defensive driving, advanced driving and driver improvement. Additionally, they also offer a teen driving program and a senior citizen driving program.

Driversity offers convenient scheduling and flexible payment options. They also have a no-risk satisfaction guarantee to ensure you are getting the best possible value for your money.


5. Monkey Moto School

Monkey Moto School is one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. It offers both classroom and on-the-road instruction, and its instructors are experienced and patient.

The school’s curriculum covers everything from the basics of car control to more advanced skills like defensive driving and accident avoidance. 

And because it’s located in the city, students will get plenty of practice behind the wheel in real-world conditions.


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6. Payless Driving Lesson

Payless driving lessons are typically offered by independent driving instructors who are looking to make some extra money.

While payless driving lessons may seem like a great deal, there are some things you should be aware of before you sign up. First, the quality of instruction may not be as high as you would get at a reputable driving school. 

Secondly, the car you will learn in may not be well maintained or insured.


7. Strive Driving School

At Strive Driving School, their experienced and certified instructors will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a safe and confident driver.

They offer a variety of courses to meet your needs, whether you are a new driver or an experienced one. Our defensive driving course is perfect for those who want to brush up on their skills and learn how to handle different traffic situations. 

They also offer an advanced driving course for those who want to take their driving to the next level.


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8. Excel Driving School

With over 20 years of experience, Excel Driving School is one of the most trusted and respected driving schools in the Bay Area. 

They offer a wide range of services, from behind-the-wheel training to online courses, and they have a proven track record of helping people pass their driver’s exams.

No matter what your level of experience, Excel Driving School can help you become a safer, more confident driver. Their experienced instructors will work with you to tailor a lesson plan that meets your needs and goals. 


9. Nelson Ng Driving Instructor

Nelson Ng is a driving instructor at one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. He has over ten years of experience teaching people how to drive and is passionate about helping his students become safe and responsible drivers.

Nelson Ng takes a personal interest in each of his students, and he works hard to ensure that they are comfortable behind the wheel and confident in their abilities. 


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10. William Driving Instructor

William is the best driving instructor in San Francisco. Some people have been taking lessons from there for a year now, and he has never once made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

There is always so patient and explains things so well. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a driving instructor in San Francisco.


11. Ann’s Driving School

Ann’s Driving School is one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. They offer a wide range of services, including classes for beginners and experienced drivers and private lessons. 

The instructors at Ann’s Driving School are experienced and certified and passionate about helping their students become safe and confident drivers. 

In addition to offering high-quality instruction, Ann’s Driving School has a convenient location in the heart of San Francisco.


12. Rivadavia Driving School

Rivadavia Driving School has provided quality driving instruction in the San Francisco area for over 25 years. The school is owned and operated by Mario Rivadavia, a former professional race car driver and driving instructor.

The school offers group and private lessons and a wide range of courses to meet every driver’s needs.

Rivadavia Driving School is committed to road safety, and all its instructors are certified by the National Safety Council. The school also offers a defensive driving course to help students become safer, more confident drivers.


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13. Golden Stars Driving School

Golden Stars Driving School is one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. They offer various courses to meet the needs of all kinds of drivers. 

Whether a new driver or an experienced one, Golden Stars Driving School can help you improve your skills and become a safer, more confident driver.

They offer both classrooms and behind-the-wheel instruction, so you can choose the learning mode that works best for you. And their prices are very competitive.


14. Manila Bay Area Driving School

With over ten years of experience, Manila Bay Area Driving School is one of the best driving schools in San Francisco. They offer a wide range of services, from behind-the-wheel training to online driver’s education. 

Manila Bay Area Driving School offers both private and group lessons, so you can choose what works best for you. Their learning environment is highly conducive and fun for teens and adults.

They also offer various payment options, so you can find a plan that fits your budget. And if you are unsatisfied with your first lesson, they offer a money-back guarantee.


How To Apply For A Driving School Instructor License

To apply for a driving school instructor license in San Francisco, you need to submit the following:

  1. Driving School Instructor Occupational Licensing Application (OL 203).
  2. Application for Driver Instructor and All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Instructor License (OL 16I).
  3. Physician’s Health Report (DL 546A). An original DL 546A form must be submitted. Copies will not be accepted.
  4. You are to submit a Live scan fingerprint and Request for Live Scan Clearance (receipt) (DMV 8016).
  5. Proof of high school graduation or equivalent.
  6. A copy of your valid California driver license in the applicable class.
  7. You must pass the driving school instructor examination.
  8. Certificate of Course Completion (60 hrs).

Schedule an appointment at a local DMV inspector’s office to submit your paperwork and fees and conduct a written examination once you have completed these forms and collected all necessary documentation. You have three chances to pass the written exam.

You must complete your application within one year, or a new application with all examinations and fees will be required.

Click here to Apply for your license and pay your fees online.


  • $30 nonrefundable application fee
  • $30 additional license fee
  • $15 duplicate or replacement license fee (if applicable)
  • $1 family support program
  • $30 reinstatement license fee (if applicable)
  • $15 transfer of license fee (if applicable)

FAQs On Driving Schools In San Francisco

How old do you need to be to apply for a driving school in San Francisco?

Teens must be between 15 and 17 to apply for a California learner’s permit. If you are below 17, you must finish an approved driver’s education course given by a state-licensed driver’s education school that contains at least 25 hours of teaching.

How long does a driving school program last in San Francisco?

The driving school program in San Francisco lasts for a minimum of 30 hours long. 
However, since online driver’s ed doesn’t require course timers, you can finish in less time. 

What is my first step when starting my driving classes as a teenager?

Teenagers who wish to drive must obtain a learner’s permit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles

How much does a driving school cost in San Francisco?

According to the report, the six-hour behind-the-wheel training course base price is $400.00. Instructors may charge an additional fee due to increased fuel prices and commute.

Is taking a defensive driving course worth it?

Defensive driving classes benefit drivers in cities known for aggressive driving and heavy traffic since the courses teach how to react in various situations, such as being cut off by other vehicles and other irresponsible acts. Defensive driving classes also teach students how to deal with unexpected obstructions, hazardous terrain, and possibly hazardous weather conditions.


There seems to be a driving school on every corner in San Francisco, but how do you know which is the best? 

We have researched for you and compiled a list of the 15 best driving schools in San Francisco based on reviews, cost and convenience. So whether you are a first-time driver or just looking to improve your skills, one of these schools is sure to be a perfect fit.


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