10 Best GED Classes in Houston, Texas | Free, Online, & Paid

Not everyone can get a high school diploma, but if you are interested, the best GED classes in Houston should be your first stop.

If you have to choose between getting a GED diploma or no diploma, the GED is almost always the better choice.

Even though a GED diploma may not have as many benefits as a high school diploma, it does open up job and schooling opportunities that would not be possible without it.

This article discusses all you need to know about the best GED classes in Houston. By the end of this article, you should know which of the GED classes in Houston you should enrol in.

Keep reading!

What is a GED?

General Educational Development is another name for the GED test. The GED test is a high school diploma equivalency test. It’s for people who didn’t make it through high school.

The test shows that you know and can do the same things as someone who finished high school in the United States.

When you pass, you get a certificate that is the same as a high school diploma in what it lets you do.

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Why should you get a GED in Houston?

In Houston, adults who don’t finish high school have fewer job options and can’t attend college.

If you pass the GED, you can get a better education and go to college to learn a new job. There are better jobs that pay more. Getting your GED opens up more doors for you. Other reasons are:


Even if you already have a job, getting your GED certificate will give you more and better job options in the future. Even if you plan to stay at your current job for a while, you may miss out on promotions or pay raises if you don’t have them.

Improves Self-esteem

It might sound corny, but getting your GED will make you feel proud and like you’ve done something good. Your GED certificate shows everyone, including yourself, that you are smart and can set and reach goals.

Become a Role Model

Have children or plan to have them? You want them to do well in life, and the best way to help them is to be an excellent example for them to follow. Getting your GED shows your kids that you care about education and expect them to do the same.

Further your schooling

Your GED certificate is the first step if you want to go to college and advance in your career.

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How to sign up for the GED test in Houston?

Each state that gives the GED has rules about how to do it. In many states, you can take the test if you are at least 18 and have not finished high school. In some situations, you can take the test at 16 or 17. Some require you to take classes to prepare for the test.

You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to take the GED test. You’ll have to show proof of who you are. In some states, you may also have to show proof that you live in that state.

Find out the rules for your state. “Select your area” has a drop-down menu where you can choose your state. Then click the “state rules” button.

The GED tests your math, reading, writing, history, and science skills. Questions can be multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, select an area or drop-down. There is also an essay question on the language arts test.

Since you are interested in GED, you should also see: GED vs High School Diploma: Differences and Similarities

What should you Expect in the GED test in Houston?

On the GED in Houston, there are time tests on mathematical logic. You get 45 questions in 115 mins. For this part, you can use a calculator. You can bring a TI-30XS Multiview Scientific calculator or use the one on your computer screen. During the test, you can also use a formula sheet. Other questions you should expect are-

  • The language arts
  • One essay question
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Argumentative essays
  • Social Studies
  • History, geography, civics, government, and economics of the United States.
  • Using scientific ideas and figuring out how to read graphs and charts.

The whole test takes 7 hours to finish. Each test takes between 70 and 150 minutes. You can take each test in a different subject on different days. If your state offers online testing, you can take the GED on a computer at a testing center or online at home.

You must get at least 145 on each of the four subject tests to pass the GED test. You must pass all four subject tests to get your GED diploma.

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10 Best GED Classes in Houston in 2024

#1. Kaplan

Kaplan has a self-paced, on-demand course that can help you study for the GED at your own pace. Over three months, participants enjoy an interactive, live learning experience made in collaboration with the GED Testing Service.

Overall, Kaplan has more than 150 60- to 90-minute course videos and hundreds of practice questions and tests meant to be like the GED. For years, Kaplan has run one of the best GED classes in Houston, even though it is 100% online.  

You can also sign up for GED Live, giving you access to live and recorded classes. No matter which option you choose, Kaplan is so sure that it can help you prepare that it will give you your money back if you fail the GED test.


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#2. Best Study Guides on Study.com

Study.com has a lot of information about all four of the most critical subjects on the GED test. Users can watch more than 300 short, exciting videos on math, science, social studies, and language arts. It is no surprise that it is one of the best GED classes in Houston.

There are also thousands of practice questions and five comprehensive GED study guides with insider tips. At the end of each topic, you can take quizzes to find out how much you understand about it.

You will also get results that are specific to you and show you where you need to improve. You will not only learn more about these subjects, but you will also gain the skills and confidence you need to pass the GED.


#3. Best GED Classes

This online course lives up to its name because it has a lot of resources. Free of charge, Best GED Classes gives you access to as many lessons, study guides, and practice tests as possible.

The practice tests look like actual tests; each question comes with immediate feedback and a detailed explanation of the answer. You can take a full practice test with a time limit or tests for each subject. You could also take the quiz to find out how you learn best. As the name implies, it is one of the best GED classes in Houston.

This test helps you better manage your time and understand what you read. The whole course is online, so you can join whenever it works with your schedule. You don’t have to worry about deadlines or due dates.


#4. Best Free Trial for GED Testing Service

Written by the same people who made the actual GED test, GED Testing Service is as accurate. This course is like the real thing regarding how they set it up, what it covers, and how hard it is.

After you take a practice test, you will get a score showing how likely you will pass the test. You can use this score to determine how much time you need to study. It is one of the best GED classes in Houston and is also free.

You will also get a personalized study plan to help you do better on your next practice test. GED Testing Service is sure of its features, offering a 90-day free trial that lets you try out many of them.


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#5. Union Test Prep

This complete course has a wide range of products to help you do well on your first GED. Users can access many different study methods, such as practice tests, flashcards, and study guides.

 You can choose the subjects you want to work on, such as math, science, social studies, or reasoning through language arts. Each of these subjects has sections like the actual GED test.

You must choose between free content and a paid account as you move around the site. For $9, you can access all of the library’s study tools and turn off pop-up ads. It is 100% online and is one of the best GED classes in Houston.


#6. Essential Education

Essential Education helps you prepare for success by figuring out your specific needs and doing your best to meet them. After signing up for the course, you’ll have to take a practice test to show you where you stand.

Once the site figures out what you need to work on, it will make you a personalized study plan. Essential Education also has a lot of helpful resources, like free one-on-one help from real Student Advisors and free access to live coaching sessions and webinars.

These give students more tools to help them study faster and get ready for the GED test. One of the best things about Essential Education’s programs is that you can finish them all on a mobile device.

The program works well on mobile devices, so you can easily use it whenever and wherever you want. Essential Education runs one of the best GED classes in Houston.


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#7. 4Tests

The GED practice test review on 4Tests is a free GED prep course that helps you get ready for the test by giving you practice tests. It is one of the best GED classes in Houston. Instead of learning everything, the course sets up so you can choose which topics to learn.

With this feature, you can focus on getting better at the test parts where you are doing the worst. If you don’t know where you’re weak, you can take a quiz designed to help you figure it out.

On top of the practice tests, you can access a tutorial called “How To Pass The GED.” This tutorial gives you tips on how to take the test and advice on how to manage your time and understand what you read.


#8. Mometrix University

Mometrix University gives you everything you need to prepare for the GED. You would have access to more than 1,000 practice questions, 112 lessons, 290 instructional videos, and 430 flashcards.

The GED testing service agrees that Mometrix University’s course materials match the GED perfectly. Every resource here will help you pass the test.

Mometrix University also gives you a one-week money-back guarantee, so you can try out their service without spending any money. No surprise that it is one of the best GED classes in Houston.


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#9. Test Prep Toolkit

Test Prep Toolkit has a bunch of GED practice tests, adding up to thousands of GED prep questions. All these tests are free, and you can take them whenever you want, 24 hours a day.

You can take tests by subject if you feel like you need to work on a particular area. But you should know that the tests are shorter than the actual test. They are suitable for practicing but not the best choice for people who want to feel like they are taking an exam.

Test Prep Toolkit has practice tests and a fully online exam prep course that helps you improve your critical thinking and time management. Test Prep Toolkit runs one of the best GED classes in Houston.


#10. UGO Prep

UGO Prep has what you need if you want a course that won’t take up too much of your time. Most students have two weeks to finish it.

This course is mainly for people who prefer to work hard and quickly (as opposed to working at a leisurely pace over a long period). UGO Prep focuses on the things you’re not as good at and helps you get better at them.

At the same time, it helps you get better at what you are good at. There are resources like printable practice questions, real-life exams you can use as a simulation, and thorough review guides that go into depth on each exam topic.

It also has a small collection of free tests and other tools. If you are looking for an online class, Ugo Prep is one of the best GED classes in Houston.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Which GED course is the best?

Kaplan — Top Pick.
Best GED Classes — Best Online Course.
Best Free Trial for GED Testing Service.
The best products from Union Test Prep.
Best Study Guides on Study.com.

How do I get my GED in Houston, Texas?

The best place to start in Houston is with an adult education center. Your local center’s teachers will help you learn about the test, study for it, and pass every section free. They will help you get your high school equivalency diploma at every step.

How can I get my GED in Texas for free?

Residents of Texas who are at least 21 years old and do not already have a high school diploma can get a free GED test. Due to a grant from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), some adult education centers give free GED test vouchers to qualified students.

What is the best GED school to take online?

Some of the best GED classes you can take online are-
Official Service for the GED Test.
The Union Test.
UGO Prep.

Is Kaplan GED good?

Kaplan GED Test Premier is the best comprehensive study guide on our list of the best GED study guides. This study guide has more practice questions and tests than other books on our list.


Most colleges and employers think that a high school diploma and a GED are the same thing. Just about all schools in the U.S., including community colleges, private high schools, technical schools, and universities, accept the GED.

If you have a GED and a good ACT or SAT score, you will have a better chance of getting into a top school. Or, you can skip other standard tests if you get a GED College-Ready score. This score is given to people who do well on their GED tests.

Since the GED is the same as a high school diploma, you can also use it to apply for a job and sign up for college.

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