Best IELTS Reading Tips From An Expert  

To attain a higher score in the IELTS reading section, you must break free from the challenges you face while trying to read passages.

We have provided some expert IELTS reading tips to help you succeed, but applying them and seeing their potency ratio on your exam will be nicer.

The table below will help you understand the topics discussed in this article. Also, to increase your chances of adequately increasing your band score on the IELTS reading test.

Overview of the IELTS Reading

Ordinarily, reading is just comprehending and tackling long and difficult passages.

Although the skills required for the academic and general tests are the same, the question and sentence completion style tally with the former.

These skills are spotting certain information, identifying opinions, and predicting. Both types of tests can be similar.

What are the Different Question Types?

There are several question types planned to assess your reading skills. It would be best if you familiarise yourself with each different question type.

See the list to see the various question types.

  • True/false/not given questions.
  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Matching tasks
  • Gap filling tasks
  • Sentence completion tasks
  • Classification tasks
  • Short-answer questions
  • Chart, table, or diagram completion tasks

Complete Guide on how to prepare for IELTS

Expert IELTS Reading Tips

These are called tips, so they can aid you and fast-track your exam success.

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Reading is a very challenging skill, especially for the IELTS test. This is because the passages are lengthy and involve complex vocabulary.

Where the questions are simple, the questions could be more explicit. Therefore, the reading tips given by experts are:

  • Ready to improve your ability to assimilate
  • Prepare a reading strategy
  • Practice mock tests
  • Manage time effectively
  • Maintain focus while trying to complete a passage
  • Skim the text properly
  • Underline keywords
  • Follow the scanning process carefully
  • Understand the vocabulary
  • Keep instructions in mind.

#1 Read to Improve Ability to Assimilate

Applying this IELTS reading tip will significantly help you because continuous reading will help improve your concentration and finish passages in less time.

The simple way to do this is by trying out your reading prowess daily, bearing in mind it is your way of preparing for the IELTS test.

#2 Prepare a Reading Strategy

Drawing plans are the secret to success. There are lots of reading strategies from which you can stick to one which suits you best.

While you prepare a reading strategy for yourself, applying them in the exam is expedient.

#3 Practice Mock Tests

Gather many mock tests from Cambridge IELTS books, websites, and other helpful materials.

Don’t forget that consistent practice guarantees your success in the exam.

What mock test practice as a reading tip does for you is that it exposes your weak points to work on even before the IELTS proper.

#4 Manage Time Effectively

Allocate time to how you will complete a task or even more. Be conscious that time is paramount for success, especially in reading.

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Also, keep up-to-date on how much time you are left with on a particular and try to finish within the time limit.

#5 Maintain Focus while Trying to Complete a Passage

You can only get to your desired band score in the IELTS exam with focus.

Enhance your concentration level by reading texts and keep a timer handy.

It has been proven that the more focused you are while reading passages and solving the questions, the more likely you can answer them accurately.

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#6 Skim the Text Properly

This IELTS reading tip is about the critical aspect of the reading test. It is an effective way of reading through a passage.

When reading through a passage, get a general idea of every paragraph.

Hence, skimming a text involves considering what the first and last paragraph says.

#7 Underline Keywords

One helpful way to read a text is by underlining keywords and the questions.

It brings you closer to knowing what the answer is. Also, you can spot an excellent paragraph containing your answer when you underline questions.

#8 Follow the Scanning Process Carefully

Another expert tip to help you attain that band score is following a process.

For instance, locate a paragraph from a question, spot the correct statement in a section, and find the right words to align your answer.

#9 Understand the Vocabulary

Most times, words used for questions differ from how they appear in actual statements.

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You may scamper your dictionary anytime you encounter ambiguous words. So, build your understanding of words and synonyms.

#10 Keep Instruction in Mind

Adhering to instructions is as essential as finding the answer to your questions. So, be intentional about the laid down rules.

At most, underline the instructions, so they don’t get to skip your mind.

Other IELTS expert reading tips you can apply are: attempt all questions, transfer answers carefully, pay attention, and always find solutions in order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is IELTS reading difficult?

The IELTS isn’t so difficult. You only have to work with time as it demands great concentration.

What are the reading strategies?

The different reading strategies are skimming, scanning, and extensive reading.

What questions should I expect in the IELTS exam?

The questions you will encounter at the IELTS fall into these categories:
True/false/not given questions
Multiple-choice questions
Matching tasks
Gap filling tasks
Sentence completion tasks
Classification tasks
Short-answer questions
Chart, table, or diagram completion tasks


How much you can do if you properly apply these expert IELTS reading tips to the test will amaze you.




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