10 Best Masters In Automotive Engineering In Germany |  Rankings

Without automotive engineering, we would not enjoy the sophistication that comes with engines, especially in our vehicles. However, the consistent desire for an upgrade means there will always be a need to improve our automotive systems.

A bachelor’s degree can offer you basic knowledge of automotive systems, but a master’s program also strengthens your expertise and creativity.

This article comprises the best master’s automotive engineering programs in Germany. By the time you read halfway through this article, you will see many reasons why you should acquire more knowledge in this field to have a fantastic and fulfilling career.

Kindly see the table of contents below to have an overview.

Why Study In Germany?

An excellent career begets success; you can only achieve this if you apply it to your professional dreams.

Year in, and year out, several students travel to Germany for their master’s degrees in automotive engineering.

The reason is that Germany has consistently ranked among the places in the world where you can get a master’s degree in automotive engineering.

More so, it is known for renowned housing producers in the automobile industry, where engineering schools maintain a strong relationship, ensuring that their students meet their professional demands.

Additionally, a master’s degree in automotive engineering in Germany is an excellent chance for you to embark on a rewarding career journey in almost all industrial sectors.

Germany also attracts scholarships and strongly focuses on engineering schools in the country.

What Is The Cost Of Getting a Master’s Degree In Automotive Engineering In Germany?

No sane person would desire to go for a master’s program in automotive engineering in a place like Germany and not want to know how much it costs.

So, before delving properly into how much the cost of tuition is, it is expedient to let you know how higher education used to be in German public universities.

There were costs to cover your enrollment, student’s union, and a semester ticket for using public transport until sometime in 2017, when the need to re-introduce the fees was felt.

However, the average cost of a master’s program in automotive engineering in Germany is about €1,500 per academic semester.

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What Are The Entry Requirements?

The entry requirements for a master’s degree in automotive engineering in Germany vary according to university.

However, the following documents are what students who wish to go for a master’s degree in automotive engineering must submit.

  • A bachelor’s degree from a reputable school
  • Proof of language proficiency
  • Relevant Job experience
  • Letter of Intent
  • Reference letter

Also note that the documents above are subject to change as your school may require additional documents.

Language Proficiency

To be admitted into any automotive engineering, you must show expertise in the language in which the program is delivered.

Usually, the language is either English or German language. If your automotive engineering course is delivered in English, submitting your TOEFL or IELTS score will be necessary.

However, the university of your choice will decide the average score. But, the score should be over 90 points in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS.

Master’s Degree in Automotive Engineering in Germany in English

Do you think you can’t keep up with the pace of your study if it is being taught in the German language? We have good news for you!

There are German universities where you can get your automotive engineering master’s degree in English.

See below for a list of the schools that deliver German master’s programs in English.

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
  • The Esslingen University of Applied Science.
  • The Chemnitz University of Technology.
  • RWTH Aachen University.
  • FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
  • Technical University Ingolstadt.

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Best Masters In Automotive Engineering In Germany in 2024

We have come to find German schools that offer the best master’s programs in automotive engineering based on the following ranking criteria.

Obtaining a program that isn’t accredited is as good as being invalid. So, as you endeavor to advance in your career, look out for well-recognized automotive engineering programs.

Although there is free education in most public universities in Germany, you should at least know how much it costs for a master’s program in private universities, so you don’t need to break the bank.

More so, any fee you are likely to pay as an international student will be relatively low compared to other schools that qualify for education abroad.

This is essential because it helps you to know if the schools offer an online master’s program to suit you, especially if you are working.

  • RWTH Aachen.
  • TH Koln University of Applied Sciences.
  • YU Dortmund University.
  • The Technical University of Munich.
  • Bayreuth University.
  • Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.
  • Technical University Ingolstadt.
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
  • The Technical University of Berlin.
  • The Esslingen University of Applied Science.

#1 RWTH Aachen

Program: Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

RWTH Aachen University is the most prominent university of technology in Germany and is known as one of the leading institutions in Europe for science and research.

This 3-semester program is taught in English and delivers the concept behind passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

This program’s coursework covers a vehicle’s main domains, such as the drivetrain, safety. driver assistance systems, and the body.

Upon completing this master’s in automotive engineering, graduates should have been well-rounded in technical aspects such as energy efficiency, mechatronics, durability, and vehicle dynamics.

More so, this school offers virtual course rooms that are flexible. Interestingly, there are no tuition fees at RWTH Aachen.

However, each student is liable to pay a student body and social contribution fee, likely to change annually but costs approximately 280 EUR per semester.

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#2 TH Koln University of Applied Sciences

Program: MSc in Automotive Engineering

TH Koln engages in various research activities toward cultural and technological breakthroughs of optimum societal relevance.

With its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness, this 3- semester’s program is taught in German.

Offering a vast opportunity for its graduates in the labor market, the cost of tuition for this master’s program is free.

Furthermore, since automotive engineering is taking a new toll in meeting the standards of both users and the environment, the master’s program coursework is designed to implement engineering creativity for the development of the automobile world.

Interestingly, you can either sign up for this master in automotive engineering program in the summer or winter semester.

However, don’t forget that this program concludes with completing the master’s thesis in the last of the three semesters. 

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#3 TU Dortmund University

Program: MSc in Automotive Engineering

This master’s program at TU Dortmund University is a 3-semester program, with the third semester exclusively for completing a master’s thesis.

This master in automotive engineering program aims to further provide the students with professional knowledge of vehicle methodologies.

Upon completing this master’s program, you should be well-grounded in the dynamics of a vehicle.

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#4 Technical University of Munich

Program: Master of Science in Automotive Engineering

This 4-semester full-time master’s program prepares the students for a career in the ever-dynamic automotive and commercial vehicle industry.

Spurred to action by the political and economic conditions, it is evident that more complex and electrified vehicles will be developed.

Therefore, the cost of tuition for this master’s in automotive engineering program is 142.40 €. Also, it is essential to note that at the end of this program, graduates will be able to do the following.

Additionally, this is the only state university dedicated to technology.

  • Design and Dimension particular vehicle components are bearing in mind the technical, legal, and social conditions.
  • Understand the drawbacks relating to vehicles
  • Identify and interpret automobile requirements and goals
  • Solve the specific problems that may arise in modern automobile design.

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#5 Bayreuth University

Program: M.Sc. in Automotive Components Engineering

Founded in 1975, Bayreuth University is one of the finest universities in Germany.

Renowned for delivering best-in-class research programs and state-of-the-art infrastructure, this school is not just a school but a global destination for qualitative learning.

The reason why students come to this institution of higher learning for their master’s degrees is that it provides its students with the best conditions, especially in the automotive engineering department.

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CARiD Scholarship Program

#6 Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Program: Automotive Engineering Master

This 4-semester master’s program in automotive engineering is one of the primary focuses of this school.

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is one of Germany’s most prominent universities of applied sciences. Founded in 1877, the cost of tuition for this master’s program is free.

In as much as the program is taught in the German language, the school offers a German language course for free, saving you the cost of pursuing a 6-months language course before admission.

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#7 Technical University Ingolstadt

Programs: Automotive Engineering (M. Eng.)
International Automotive Engineering (M. Eng.)

The two automotive engineering master’s programs taught in German are the next best steps toward a fulfilling career in this field.

These programs deepen the student’s understanding of the technical development of cars and put extra focus on the drive and body of the vehicle as well as the mechatronic components like driver assistance systems.

Furthermore, these master’s programs provide an excellent basis for students who want to embark on their doctoral degree programs.

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#8 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Program: Msc. in Mobility Systems Engineering & Management

This masters in automotive engineering provide an exceptional combination of courses in upcoming technologies and systems engineering.

It is important to note that this master’s program seeks to tackle the challenges of future mobility.

Therefore, steps on how to improve the management area are provided to the students.

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#9 Technical University of Berlin

Program: Automotive Systems, M. Sc.

The objective of this master’s in automotive engineering program is to prepare students for the complex development relating to automotive engineering.

When enrolling in this 4- semester’s master’s program, students are required to take compulsory courses and elective courses, which are also mandatory.

Upon completion of this master’s program, you will have the ability to understand what relationship your career has with other science disciplines.

Also, you will understand how the vehicle is projected, processed, and controlled. Going for a master’s program in automotive engineering qualifies you for a managerial position in the automotive industry.

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#10 Esslingen University of Applied Science

Program list

  • M.Eng. in Automotive Systems
  • M.Eng. in Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Ranked among the top Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany, Esslingen focuses on engineering studies and covers various subjects.

These graduate programs were introduced specially for students who intend to become engineers of valuable worth in automotive systems.

Furthermore, Esslingen’s master’s programs were among the first accredited in Germany and are regularly re-accredited by the ASIIN.

As much as there is no tuition cost for domestic students, the cost of tuition for international students per semester is 1,500 EUR.

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I hope this information helps you decide as you seek a better study destination for your career advancement.

Best wishes!!!


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