Best Mechanical Engineering Schools in the World

Before you can make your mark as a mechanical engineer, you need to find the college that can best help you build your skills. With these rankings of the best mechanical engineering colleges in the world this 2024, you can narrow your search by location, tuition, school size, and test scores.

According to Wikipedia, Engineering education at the higher education level includes both undergraduate and graduate levels. Schools that provide such education are typically part of a university, institute of Technology, or polytechnic institute.

In fact, these top mechanical engineering schools will help you develop the skills you need to build a career. Read along to learn more about the world’s best mechanical engineering schools. Also, these top mechanical engineering schools will help you develop the skills you need to build a career.

A career in mechanical engineering is one of the most lucrative engineering careers one can ever have. The field is so relevant, and the demand for them is steadily increasing. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the employment rates are projected to increase by 9 percent between now and 2026.

However, Mechanical Engineering is a vast field with many branches. So, becoming an expert in Mechanical Engineering requires lots of hard work and years of work experience even after completing higher education in the field.

Who is a Mechanical Engineer?

A Mechanical engineer is a person who has gone through certified training and has acquired a certain level of knowledge on how to design, manufacture and use new types of machinery and other mechanical products.

Also, we are currently in a new era of engineering where we have the next generation of mechanical engineers doing amazing things, even in the automobile industry.

These new-generation mechanical engineers are the ones who design all the flashy automobiles we find plying our roads.

They also make other states of the art machines we find around, such as elevators and escalators.

However, the job descriptions of a mechanical engineer include:

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  • First, analyzing problems to see how mechanical and thermal devices might help solve the problem
  • Then, designing or redesigning mechanical and thermal devices using analysis and computer-aided design
  • Developing and testing prototypes of devices they design
  • Analyzing the test results and change the design as needed
  • Maintaining systems and product database by writing computer programs and entering data.
  • Completing projects by training and guiding technicians.
  • Maintaining professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks, participating in professional societies.
  • Contributing to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
  • And finally, overseeing the manufacturing process for the device

Also, for you to become a mechanical engineer, you must:

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  • Have at least a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
  • Earn licensure and specialized work experience, especially through Internships.
  • Obtain Certifications (Optional).
  • Have the strength and the ability to accept constructive feedback.
  • Must have Research skills
  • Have mathematical and analytical skills
  • Basic computer skills and knowledge of computer-aided software like CAM, CAD, as well as MATLAB/LabView programs.

You can check this: 13 Best Civil Engineering Schools in the World | 2024

What Can I Do With a Mechanical Degree?

Well, you can do a lot with a mechanical engineering degree that you don’t even know. With at least a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, you can go into any of the following:

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  • Aerospace Industry
  • Robotics
  • Government agencies
  • Product Manufacturing
  • Railroad design and implementation
  • Automobile industry
  • Research and development services
  • Machinery manufacturing
  • Architectural design

What are the types of Mechanical Engineering degrees?

Well, below are the types of mechanical engineering degrees you can earn.

Bachelor’s Degree

In short, the Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering will give you the fundamental technical knowledge you need to obtain a license and get started.  You’ll get comprehensive knowledge taking courses that will set you on the right track to becoming a mechanical engineer.

Actually, the Bachelor’s program takes four (4) years to complete, after which you get a Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc).

There are several Scholarship opportunities open to students who venture into Engineering profession.

Along with technical skills learned in this program, you gain the communication, problem-solving and critical thinking skills needed to work effectively as part of a team and to ensure that projects are both safe to use and very functional.

The following are examples of the courses that undergraduates take: Introduction to engineering, product realization, metal selection, Heat transfer.

Master’s Degree

However, this degree is ideal for you if you want to grow as a professional mechanical engineer. This program is designed for students who want to advance in their careers, particularly those who want to specialize in a specific area. 

Whether they are interested in robotics, nuclear energy, biomedical engineering, aerospace or automobiles, this degree program builds on the principles they learned at bachelor degree level—as well as the hands-on experience they gained in their jobs. This master’s degree program takes about 2 years to complete.


Well, you can take this degree if you have decided to take an academic line of mechanical engineering. It emphasizes research and theory. So, often engineers will enroll in this degree program to become an industry researcher or a university professor. Also, you’ll learn the technical aspects of mechanical engineering, including an advanced understanding of the principles of calculus, geometry and differential equations, and how to apply them to practical problems.

Besides, it takes several years to complete a Ph.D. but it generally takes about four to five years.

Electrical Engineers are currently in high demand: You may wish to consider this career part. See Best schools for Electrical Engineering here

What is the salary and job growth of Mechanical Engineers?

Actually, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the job outlook for mechanical engineers is promising. Their 2018 statistics point out that there were over 312,900 jobs handled by mechanical engineers, projected to get to 325,700 jobs by 2028. However, the typical entry to these jobs still is a Bachelor’s degree.

Also, the BLS records the average annual pay of mechanical engineers in 2018 at $87,370. And, most mechanical engineers work full time and some work more than 40 hours a week. Also, the job market for mechanical engineers will increase by 4% from 2018 to 2028.

Mechanical engineers are projected to experience faster-than-average growth in engineering services as companies continue to contract work from many other firms. For this reason, mechanical engineering students who can learn to create virtual simulations before proceeding to the design, build, and test stages would find themselves in high demand by companies because these skills will allow firms to reduce product development cycles.

Can I get a Mechanical Engineering Degree Online?

Yes. You can get a mechanical engineering degree online through online colleges. A lot of schools offer online degrees in mechanical engineering but the listed schools have been confirmed to top the charts.

Also, you can get online certification through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platforms like Coursera and edX.

However, MOOCs don’t grant you a B.Sc, M.Sc, or Ph.D. degree. Nonetheless, you would have acquired some form of formal education after taking a course of a MOOCs platform.

We recommended that you choose an online mechanical engineering degree program that has been fully accredited.

Finally, the online platforms where you can acquire a degree in mechanical engineering include:

Although online programs boost convenience and flexibility, they are not necessarily the right fit for every student’s needs.

You can also read our: 15 Online Mechanical Engineering Degree | Careers & Salaries

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How can I become a Mechanical Engineer?

First, you have to acquire a high school degree so that you can graduate to study mechanical engineering in college. This degree is necessary for most entry-level positions in the field.

At many schools, students can combine coursework for bachelor’s and master’s degrees as part of a 5-year program.

Before you embark on a career after getting your bachelor’s degree in the U.S, you must hold a state license. You can apply for a license after completing a bachelor’s degree from an ABET-accredited engineering program.

To become licensed, individuals must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying offers. After working for four years, engineers can then take the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam to become Professional Engineers (PEs). 

Certifications, such as those granted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, allow individuals to show competency in specific fields of mechanical engineering.

These fields involve topics like advanced control systems design, advanced materials mechanics, stress analysis, convection heat transfer, and dynamic systems. While optional, certifications can upgrade one’s skills for employers and help qualify individuals for career advancement.

Best Schools for Mechanical Engineering in the World in 2023

List of the best graduate schools for Mechanical Engineering in the world

Listed below are the top 10 Mechanical Engineering Colleges in the World. This includes the latest Mechanical Engineering Colleges Rankings by QS World University Rankings by subject 2024.

So, based on these criteria, here is a list of our 10 best graduate schools for engineering in the world:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)
  • University of Michigan
  • Stanford University
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Virginia
  • Imperial College of London
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • University of Texas, Austin
  • The University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  • University of Cambridge

#1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. However, it is a small institution with an enrollment of 4,510 undergraduate students.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 8% and a graduation rate of 94%. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 3:1 while the tuition fee is $48,452.

According to the QS world rankings, MIT tops the list of best mechanical engineering schools. The reason is that the institution has a relatively small student-faculty ratio, allowing the students to build strong relationships with their tutors and other students.

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education.

School website

#2. University of Michigan

The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge and developing engineers who will challenge the present and enrich the future.

UMich is a public research university in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The university is Michigan’s oldest; it was founded in 1817 in Detroit.

At UMich, the strategic education plan strives to anticipate the global, technological and educational changes ahead, and position their institution to lead the evolution of 21st-century engineering research and education for the benefit of the common good.

Also, the University of Michigan, being one of the best schools for mechanical engineering has an acceptance rate of 28.6% and a graduation rate of 91%. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 15:1. This school has a tuition fee of $15,558.

Accreditation:  Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

Address: 500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States

School website

#3. Stanford University

Actually, this is a private and statutory Ivy League research university located in California. The US News and World Report data show that the school consistently ranks among the top 5 national universities, with position #2 in her School of Engineering.

The Mechanical engineering program at Stanford has 7(seven) students per faculty. This gives the students a better chance of getting personal coaching lectures.

Hence, the department will equip you with the necessary scientific knowledge and skills you need to contribute to society.

At the graduate level, the Mechanical Engineering program aligns academic course work with research to prepare scholars in specialized areas within the field.

So, a master’s degree program leading to the MS is offered in Mechanical Engineering, and a master’s degree program leading to the MS is offered in Engineering with a choice of the following fields of study: Biomechanical Engineering, Design Impact and individually designed major.

The Mechanical engineering department also offers two post-master’s degrees: Engineer and Doctor of Philosophy.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 4.8% and a graduation rate of 94.6%. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 5:1, while the tuition fee is $52,857.

Accreditation: Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

School website

#4. University of Oxford

The University of Oxford ranks as the oldest English school in continuous operation. It was founded in the year 1096.

Actually, this institution is one of the best Mechanical Engineering colleges in the world. Here, industrial experience is an extremely important adjunct to academic engineering education, and undergraduates are strongly encouraged to obtain it. One way to do so is by being sponsored.

Furthermore, it has an acceptance rate of 17.5% and a graduation rate of N/A. Also, the student-faculty ratio is 17:1, while the tuition fee is 9,250 GBP. Their graduates also have an employment rate of over 91% within 6 months after graduation.

Accreditation: Privy Council

School website

#5. University of Virginia

However, this is a public research university in Charlottesville, Virginia that was founded in 1819. So, this college offers over 3 graduate programs for mechanical engineering students.

Mechanical engineering is one of the largest, broadest, and oldest engineering disciplines.  Mechanical engineers use energy, materials, and mechanics principles to design, analyze, optimize, and manufacture machines and devices of all types and scales.

They create the processes and systems that drive technology and industry. 

Aerospace engineering, as well as, is a highly specialized, yet widely diverse field.  Aerospace engineers develop innovations and technologies for use in aviation, defense systems, and space exploration.  So, the combined graduate program offers the degrees in:

  • Master of Engineering (ME)
  • Master of Science (MS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Also, this top school for Mechanical Engineering has an acceptance rate of 30% and a graduation rate of 94% of students.

Besides, the student-faculty ratio is 15:1,while the tuition fee is $17,354 (in-state) and $49,530 (out-of-state).

Accreditation: Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Address: Charlottesville, VA, United States

School website

#6. Imperial College of London

Although people call it Imperial College London, Imperial College’s legal name is Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine. This alone speaks of the university’s reputation in STEM. Meanwhile, Imperial College London is a public university in London, the UK with a student population of over 17,000 students receiving academic instruction from 3,765 academic staff. This UK university consistently ranks as one of the top 100 universities in the world across multiple ranking bodies.

Its Department of Mechanical Engineering boasts of dedication to delivering high-quality teaching and research across all engineering disciplines. These are not mere words as Imperial College London ranks 11th in THE and 8th in QS for the best schools in the world to get an Engineering degree. Supporting this claim is its 30 research institutes and centers responsible for research contributions to science and technology.

Meanwhile, Imperial College has 10 departments for engineering. They are Department of Aeronautics; Bioengineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Computing; Dyson School of Design Engineering; Earth Science and Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Materials; and Mechanical Engineering.

Accreditation: Privy Council

Acceptance rate: 14.3% Graduation Rate: N/A

School website

#7. Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology is a public research university located in Atlanta, Georgia. The school is focused on Technology and offers one of the best engineering programs. According to the U.S. News and World Report, the Mechanical Engineering program at Georgia Institute Of Technology ranks in the top 10.

Georgia also offers a lot of research opportunities to students, including MEE’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

Besides, the acceptance rate in this top mechanical engineering school in the world is 5.8%, while the graduation rate is 81.5%. The student-faculty ratio is 21:1. Also, the tuition fee is $10,008

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

School website

Why not check this: 15 Best Engineering Schools in the World

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#8. The University of Texas

Well, the University of Texas at Austin is a public research university in Austin, Texas that was founded in 1883.

Actually, the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering offers two independent graduate programs at The University of Texas in Austin, providing fundamental depth with research-oriented education and training in a breadth of fields. 

So, this program is designed to educate and advance the next generation of mechanical engineering leaders, innovators who will transform energy, materials, and information to meet the needs of society.

In addition, the acceptance rate is 40%, while the graduation rate of 81%. The faculty-student ratio is 19:1. Besides, the tuition fee is $10,826 (Texas residents) and $38,435 (out-of-state students).

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Address: Austin, TX 78712, United States

School website

#9. University of California–Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley or UC Berkeley, is one of the public universities in the University of California system. It is the flagship university of the system and the oldest, founded in Berkeley CA in 1868. UC Berkeley is a large comprehensive university of 43,204 students as of the Fall of 2019. Nonetheless, the number does not go against the quality of education at Berkeley.

UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering comes 5th in QS and 14th in ranking the best engineering schools in the world. You can’t take this ranking away from UC Berkeley as its college of Engineering has 17 research centers, programs, and laboratories, and is the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) brain.

You can get some of the best engineering degrees at UC Berkeley in any of its 8 departments. These are Bioengineering; Civil & Environmental Engineering; Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences; Engineering Science; Industrial Engineering & Operations Research; Materials Science & Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; and Nuclear Engineering.

Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Address: Irvine, CA 92697, U.S.A

School website

#10. University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is one UK university you can trust to get the best Engineering degree in the world. Cambridge is an old university in the UK which began in 1209. Cambridge’s academic standards, history, influence, and wealth earn the University of Cambridge a large reputation in the world.

THE supports the University of Cambridge’s claim as one of the Engineering Research giants in the world by ranking it 3rd in the world. QS also recognizes Cambridge as the 4th university in the world to get the best Engineering degree.

Backing up this ranking is Cambridge’s unique academic division of engineering. These divisions include Energy, Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachinery; Electrical Engineering; Mechanics, Materials and Design; Civil Engineering; Manufacturing and Management; and Information Engineering.

Actually, the University of Cambridge, being one of the best schools for mechanical engineering in the world has an acceptance rate of 21% and a graduation rate of 11.11% of students. Besides, the student-faculty ratio is N/A and the tuition fee is $9250.

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

School website

FAQs on the Best Schools for Mechanical Engineering 2024

How does mechanical engineering work?

“Mechanical Engineering” might sound like a difficult discipline but it really is not that tough. It involves more math and physics than most students want to take. But, some other engineering majors are tougher.

How long does it take to get a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering?

A Bachelor’s degree program in mechanical engineering requires four-years of full-time study.

Which industries can work in with a mechanical engineering degree?

With a degree in mechanical eengineering degree, you can work in any of these industries:
1. Aerospace Industry
2. Robotics
3. Government agencies
4. Product Manufacturing
5. Railroad design and implementation
6. Automobile industry
7. Research and development services
8. Machinery manufacturing
9. Architectural design

Is there any growh for mechanical engineering career?

Of course. Mechanical engineers can work in many industries and on many types of projects. As a result, their growth rate will increase.


If you wish to build a career in mechanical engineering, just keep in mind that whether you are trying to express a feeling or a thought, the first step is to get your high school diploma then, your bachelor’s degree.

On the other hand, the best undergraduate schools for mechanical engineers teach principles in engineering design, product design, assembly techniques, analysis, etc.



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