13 Best MIT Summer Program for Kids, College & Teachers

When it comes to summer activities, you have many choices as a teenager. There could be summer job possibilities, internships at home or away, or summer sports camps. When it comes to summer activities, one strong choice is a summer program hosted by a college.

After reading this post, you will know the particular summer program of your choice to study at MIT. So, just read along with me and you will enjoy this.

According to Wikipedia, summer programs are programs generally sponsored by a school or a school district or provided by a private company, that provides lessons and activities during the summer vacation.

So, for this article, we look at some MIT programs that make your summer vacation worth it.

If MIT summer programs interest you, you should act soon! Application deadlines come early in the year.

What is MIT Summer Program?

MIT does not offer any open-enrollment summer program where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the dorms.

However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus.

So, if you are interested in studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars, then you might want to spend your summer trying one of these programs.

Actually, during the regular Summer Session, MIT offers a limited selection of the subjects available in the academic year as well as a few subjects for the special interests and needs of MIT students. This catalog describes those subjects and gives general information relevant to summer enrollment.

MIT students can take subjects like UROP, Special Studies, Research, Internship, Co-op, Independent Study, Thesis Preparation during the Summer Session by prior arrangement with a faculty member.

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MIT Summer Research Program

MIT offers a variety of summer research opportunities for current undergraduate students interested in enhancing their education and developing their research skills to become competitive graduate applicants.

Here are programs and research opportunities geared toward undergraduate students.

Broad Institute Summer Research Program (BSRP)

The Broad Summer Research Program (BSRP), funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, is a national program designed for undergraduate students who have a commitment to research and an interest in genomics.  The program has a strong record of success in helping students to nurture their passion for research and succeed in graduate school and scientific careers.

Broad Institute Summer Research Program in Genomics (SRPG)

The Summer Research Program in Genomics, funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, is a national program designed for undergraduate students who have a commitment to research and an interest in genomics.  The program has a strong record of success in helping students to nurture their passion for research and succeed in graduate school and scientific careers.

CCHF Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CSURP)

The Center for Selective C-H Functionalization (CCHF) Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CSURP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students with a strong interest in the chemical sciences to conduct supervised research with a faculty mentor, graduate students, and postdocs within the Center’s extensive network.

Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Summer Institute

The HST Summer Institute offers a unique opportunity for outstanding undergraduate college students considering a career in biomedical engineering and medical science.

This highly competitive program offers a hands-on research experience in a scientific community internationally recognized for its leadership and commitment to excellence.

Lincoln Labs Summer Research Program

Each summer, the Laboratory offers undergraduate and graduate students the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a leading-edge research environment.

Program participants contribute to projects and gain experience that complements their courses of study. In recent summers, we’ve hired more than 200 students representing top universities.

MIT Summer Research Program-Bio (MSRP-Bio)

This is a 10-week research-intensive summer training program for advanced non-MIT sophomore and junior science majors who have an interest in a research career.

MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)

This nine-week, fully funded summer program brings together a talented pool of underrepresented minorities and underserved students to engage in on-campus research led by dedicated MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. It is an invaluable experience for any student considering further graduate education.

MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) Summer Student Fellow Program

A research project is at the heart of the Summer Student Fellowship program. All Fellows are expected to work on a project selected in collaboration with their sponsor(s) that will provide meaningful results in one summer’s work.

Project topics span the vast spectrum of research in ocean sciences and engineering conducted in WHOI’s science departments and the Woods Hole Field Station of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institutes (PIKSI)

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institutes is designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider the future study of philosophy.

Undergraduates and recent graduates from underrepresented groups such as women, economically disadvantaged communities, and people with disabilities are urged to apply.

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Are there MIT Summer Program for College Students?

Yes, there are MIT Summer programs for college students. Some of them include:

Biology/Neuroscience Summer Internship Program (MSRP BIO)

MSRP BIO is a 10-week research-intensive summer program for talented rising junior and senior science majors from non-research intensive colleges and Universities.

It is also the perfect opportunity for motivated, and driven undergraduates who have strong academic records and a strong interest in research to experience cutting-edge research in a supportive, yet intense and fast-paced environment.

MIT Amgen Scholars Program

The Amgen-UROP Scholars Program invites undergraduates to participate in faculty-mentored summer research at MIT in the science and biotechnology areas.

Amgen Scholars will have opportunities to conduct research, analyze data, present research results, network with other undergraduates with similar research interests, and develop working relationships with MIT faculty mentors and other research staff.

Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Systems (EBICS) is an NSF-funded Science and Technology Center with the mission to create a new scientific discipline for building living, multi-cellular machines that solve real-world problems in health, security, and the environment.

The Center is a partnership between 11 institutions and 25 faculty. EBICS hosts a 10-week summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on “Biological Machines” targeted toward underrepresented minorities.

Is MIT Summer Programs For High School students?

MIT has a lot of summer programs geared towards helping high school kids. These include:

Summer Science Program

The Summer Science Program is an independent nonprofit, uniquely governed by its own alumni, faculty, and friends. It’s targeted at helping high school students and inspiring talented kids from around the world.

Working in teams of three, participants complete a research project from beginning to end: either in Astrophysics – near-earth asteroid imaging and orbit determination – or Biochemistry – fungal enzyme inhibition and drug discovery.

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Center for Excellence in Education Research Science Institute (RSI)

Each summer, 80 of the world’s most accomplished high school students gather at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the Research Science Institute (RSI).

RSI is the first cost-free summer science & engineering program to combine on-campus course work in scientific theory with off-campus work in science and technology research.

Are There MIT Summer Programs For Teachers?

There are not a lot of MIT Summer programs for teachers but, here are a few programs.

Science and Engineering Program for Teachers (SEPT)

For one week every summer, teachers from across the world gather on MIT’s campus to learn more about the groundbreaking research that is happening on campus.

Here, teachers attend presentations and lectures presented by MIT professors. And then, reflect on their own curriculum and how they could utilize what they’ve learned back at their own schools.

This year, SEPT week will be held July 5th- July 11th.

School Link

Research Experience for Teachers in Materials Research Science and Engineering

This summer program is all about exciting research at MIT’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center!

Here you can join a team of faculty, graduate, and postgraduate researchers to research in the field of materials science. Then, explore ways to use that experience to enrich your teaching.

In addition, you can also learn to use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques.

This program is targeted at middle and high school-level science and engineering teachers at schools within commuting distance of MIT.

Also, the duration of this summer program at MIT is 7 full weeks.

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MIT Summer Engineering Programs

MIT has made groundbreaking research and innovations through its civil engineering department. These inventions stream from structural constructions don to water resources.

Indeed, their level of efficiency in delivering exquisite and standard training to their students is applaudable.

Here are some free or low-cost MIT engineering summer programs:

Amphibious Achievement

Amphibious Achievement is an athletic and academic mentorship program for high school students in the greater Boston area. Through coaching, our approach works to expand higher education opportunities for students. 

Boston University Artemis

Artemis is a five-week summer program for rising 9th-grade girls focused on computer science. $100 registration fee, free otherwise including lunch. All materials must be received by May 1.

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City Sprouts Summer Program

CitySprouts’ tuition-free summer program provides a unique opportunity for young people to learn firsthand about the natural ecology of their local environment, starting with the school garden.

Engineering Design Workshop

This summer program runs for four and a half weeks during the whole month of July. The Engineering Design Workshop (EDW) engages Cambridge, Boston. And Greater Boston-area 9th-12th grade students also engage in hands-on engineering projects.


The junction is a summer program for advanced, self-driven high school students held on the MIT campus for two weeks in mid-August.


DynaMIT is a completely free, week-long science program for economically-disadvantaged middle school students hosted on the MIT campus. The program has different dates for rising sixth and seventh graders and for rising eighth and ninth graders.

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New England Aquarium

The New England Aquarium offers a variety of volunteer and paid opportunities for teens ages 13 through 19.

Northeastern University Summer STEM Program (NUSSP)

NUSSP is a free (after $50 acceptance fee) academic program run by the Center for STEM Education. This takes an active role in shaping education in students entering grades 6, 7, and 8. Applications are due March 31.

SeaGlide Workshop

The SeaGlide Workshop is an intensive one-week workshop for high school teachers and rising ninth through 12th graders in the greater Boston area.

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The MIT summer program is divided into various categories which include: MIT summer research program, a summer program for college students, kids, teachers, and other engineering programs.

If you’re the kind of student who would like to spend much of your summer learning as much hands-on math, science, and engineering as you can, MIT summer programs might be the right fit for you.



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