15 Best Mobile Apps for Mechanical Engineering Students | 2024 Reviews

Because Engineering deals with the study of complex systems, its effective operations are enhanced by computer applications.

Students must use these best and simple mobile apps for mechanical engineering students to make their work easier and more efficient. Right in this post are the 15 easy and best apps for mechanical engineers.

Since some students find it easier to use their phones, these apps are mobile-friendly. With it, students can work while walking.

Mechanical engineering students just got lucky because these apps will cure many headaches that come with a load of courses like advanced machine designs and CAD.

These apps are not only for working-class mechanical engineers; students should make use of them to get acquainted with some of the software they need to know of when in the practical field.

This post has answered all the questions you can ask about the mobile app for mechanical engineering students.

Who Are Mechanical Enginners?

Mechanical engineers are engineers who create technologies to meet human needs. Virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way by a mechanical engineer to help humankind.

They apply principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering to design and manufacture objects until it gets to the marketplace. Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the principles of motion, energy, and force, ensuring that designs function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost.

Why Do Mechanical Engineers Need An App?

This question can be likened to people asking, why do you eat? The answer is quite simple, you cannot function effectively without food. Your body cannot function without the nutrients from food.

In the same vein, mechanical engineers cannot manually design the mother board of a computer. They just cannot function.

Using the best yet simple engineering apps makes their work efficient. In fact, most of their designs cannot be done without computer software.

That is why there are basic apps every mechanical engineering student is taught at school eg CAD, and they are expected to learn more for increased efficiency.

Apparently, the knowledge of some software can be substituted for real field experience.

What Are The Classifications of Engineering Apps?

Mechanical Engineering apps are classified into two; Pc apps and mobile apps.

Mechanical Engineering apps for PC are mechanical engineering apps that work only when used only on the computer. While mobile apps can be used on phones, whether it is an android device or an iPhone.

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Benefits Of Using a Mechanical Engineering App?

Basically, there are numerous benefits of using an engineering mobile app and a mechanical engineering app specifically. If you have been following this discussion, you’d find out that we have mentioned some of them already.

However, we will outline them.

Are you having trouble creating an accurate mechanical drawing using the traditional ways of drafting? Inaccurate drawings can cost you valuable time and money

Improves the quality of the design: 

For instance, using 3D CAD modeling for mechanical engineering design allows designers to use the existing templates, thus ensuring the accuracy of the design. Besides, the quality of 3D CAD modeling cannot be compared to manual work. Also, it enhances productivity and work accuracy.

Easy documentation: 

The traditional methods of drafting involve manually documenting various aspects of the mechanical component, which is a tedious process and needs high levels of accuracy. Using applications makes the entire design process easy. In addition, dimensions for product design will be accurate and try can be saved for future reference.

Compatible with International Standards: 

Every industry, including mechanical engineering, has standards they adhere to. Anyone who doesn’t abide by them can lose his license for the practice. Using mobile apps that have already been built to these standards makes it practically impossible to fall short.

Automatic Redrawing of Design:

 Designs done with mechanical engineering apps are easy to redesign if any errors or components do not meet the specification.

Reduces design time, Saves data and drawing:

You can easily save your designs for future use when a mobile app is used for the initial design. Furthermore, the time spent on design is also reduced because of the added help you receive from the app.

Better Visualization for Clients: 

With visuals, you can explain how the design will function, its properties, and its mechanical components to the clients while they see it for themselves and understand it. If there are corrections, they will be made before the product is built. Invariably, this will save costs and time.

Saves cost: 

Because of the standard components in the mobile app, you get to save costs and time.

How Can I Get These Best Mobile Apps For Mechanical Engineering?

The good news is that they are downloadable. So, to get these mechanical engineering apps, you will visit the apps website or Google play store.

However, each of the apps we will list has a download link attached where you can download them from.

Best Mechanical Enginnering Apps

There are thousand and one mechanical engineering apps in the world for students. In Google play store there are several mechanical engineering apps for mechanical engineering students. But, most of them are not good for you. These apps will help students understand machine drawing, calculations, etc.

But, the best 15 has been sifted and written about. Here they are;

Mechanical Engineering

Publisher: Softecks

This Mechanical Engineering mobile App is the One Stop Solution for All Mechanical Engineering needs. It contains many important Mechanical Engineering Concepts that mechanical engineering students need to learn. Over 4000+ topics are found in it, which is useful for all mechanical engineering students as well as mechanical professionals.

Basically, it contains questions and answers for engineering students who are preparing for competitive exams, as well as job interviews and GATE.

This great is effective for civil engineering, and other engineering fields. Thus, can be downloaded below.

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Engineering Cookbook

Publisher: Loren Cook Company

The Engineering Cookbook is a convenient reference guide for mechanical designers and students. It provides easy access to frequently needed information, including:

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  • Fan Basics
  • System Design
  • Duct Design
  • Motors & Drives
  • Heating & Refrigeration
  • Formulas & Conversion Factors
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Engineering Unit Converter

Publisher: Vector 254 LLC

Engineering Unit Converter is a comprehensive powerful, user-friendly unit and currency converter designed for use by everyone and built by engineering professionals!

For instance, the app has a built-in Calculator and a spreadsheet-style Mass Fraction/Mole Fraction Converter. Also included are a very useful Thermocouple module and a database of physical constants.

 This app is incredibly helpful to students and it can just become your favorite. Bear in mind that this one is for iPhone users.

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NPTEL: Mechanical Engineering

Would you like to learn Mechanical Engineering (MECH) by IIT professors at any time and place? If yes, then you are in the right place.  Use the NPTEL Mechanical Engineering app to understand your subjects better using video lectures and PDFs and make your concept stronger.

Using NPTEL Mechanical Engineering (MECH) app you can read text content (PDF) of all videos which helps you to save mobile data.

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Basic Mechanical Engineering


Basic mechanical engineering notes for mechanical engineering students. The basic mechanical engineering app almost covers all important Mechanical Engineering topics. They are Materials, Measurement, Fluids, Reciprocating Machines, Thermodynamics, and lots more. Bear in mind that it is only notes, no practice questions.

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GATE Mechanical Engineering Free prep App

Publisher : EduRev

This is one of the best mechanical engineering students apps that every engineering student should get. Here is why, it offers MCQ Questions, GATE Solved Question Papers, Online Mock Tests, Question Bank, GATE Online Mock Test Series, Topic-wise Online Tests, GATE Previous Year Question Papers with solutions, revision notes, etc.

They are for;

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  • Mechanical Engineering (ME)
  • Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
  • Electrical Engineering (EE)
  • Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ECE)

With this, you don’t need any other GATE coaching.

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Mechanical Engineering One

Publisher: Multi Disciplinary Software

You see this mobile app for mechanical engineers and students, is your primary engineering aid in the field, design process, and school. Mechanical Engineering One is designed by an engineer for engineers. One of the most comprehensive engineering tools on the market.

Basically, the main goal is to help you in daily mechanical engineering problems that you may encounter. It is not only for mechanical engineers but also for naval architects, civil engineers, HVAC engineers, electrical engineers, and all engineers and students that use some common unit conversions and math.

Furthermore, there is a paid pro version.

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AUDCADViewer – DWG Fast Viewer & Editor

Publisher: Autodesk Inc.

Basically, AutoCAD mobile is a DWG viewing application, with easy-to-use drawing and drafting tools that allow you to view, create, edit, and share AutoCAD drawings on mobile devices. Simplify your site visits with the most powerful CAD app and do real CAD work on the go.

Furthermore, you get to enjoy 7 unrestricted access to all premium drawing, drafting and editing tools.

Take the power of AutoCAD wherever you go!

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AutoCAD 360- DWG Fast Viewer & Editor

Publisher: Autodesk Inc.

This is the ios version of the app above.  AutoCAD 360 is a great little app for your iPhone that makes sketching out designs very easy and convenient on your smartphone.

It is a DWG viewing and editing application even with easy-to-use drawing and drafting tools. View, markup, edit, and create DWG files on your smartphone. With this app, you work on the go.

Many users attest to its utility who also agree it’s one of the best apps get for any self-respecting engineer.

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Mechanical Terms

Publisher: Useful education

So, the mechanical glossary offers definitions for terms that are commonly used in mechanics and mechanical engineering. This is a list of Mechanical terms, including laboratory tools and equipment.

Mechanical engineering students will find this app very useful. The easy search feature arranges alphabetically. Each word gives you a proper definition/description.

If you are a student of Mechanical Engineering or if you are working in the Mechanical industry, if you like machines, Mechanical Terms is just an app that you need.


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Mechanics of Materials

Publisher: All Edu Apps

In other to have a successful career in mechanical engineering, you must have strong fundamental knowledge in structural/solid mechanics/strength of materials/finite element analysis.

This application will help you in understanding the concepts in the Mechanics of Materials and test your knowledge for exams like GATE. It contains mock questions as well.

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Mechanical Terms Dictionary

Publisher: Amaze Infotech

This Mechanical dictionary app will help you build your career strongly. Technically, it is free and offline. Mechanical Dictionary Offline is designed for Mechanical students, helping them in their studies.

Free Offline Mechanical Dictionary app containing words and their pronunciation, definition, and synonyms for Mechanical practitioners and students to look up the definitions and technical terms in a second.

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CalcKit: All-in-One Calculator Free

Meet CalcKit, the most powerful All-in-One Calculator Pack for Android. It features over 150 unique calculators and unit converters, a highly customizable scientific calculator that even allows you to build your own calculators and converters. CalcKit is the calculator you’ve been dreaming about. 

In addition to everyday use, it is suitable for a large variety of professions and students of engineering. How about you give it a try.

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Interview Mechanical Engineering

Publisher: Sdcodes

Interview Mechanical Engineering is the One Stop Solution for All Mechanical Engineering needs. It Contains Various Important Mechanical Engineering Concepts. It is another mobile app for mechanical engineering students.

As a result, it contains questions for interviews for mechanical engineering students and job seekers.

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Mechanical Engineering

Publisher: Doctor Apps

Mechanical engineering is a professional app that helps people to understand the working mechanisms of machineries. Learn about mechanical engineering from the comfort of your own home!

Download this mobile app for mechanical engineering students below.

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There are so many mobile apps for mechanical engineering students and professionals alike. But, these 15 listed are very essential for students as they will make their study time easier and without stress.

In a bid to make your education easier, there are also many scholarship options for mechanical engineering undergraduates and graduates.

Worldscholarshipforum cares!

FAQs on Best Apps For Mechanical Engineering Students

They are the computer applications which mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students use to make their work easier, time-efficient, and less costly.

There is basically no best mobile mechanical engineering app for students because they all are for different functions. However, for the sake of this post, we will make a choice between Mechanical Engineering One, Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering Cookbook.

The everyday app is Engineering Unit Converter.

Very safe especially if you download from google play store or apple store.
They make learning easier.


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