10 Best Nail Tech Schools in Miami Requirements

Looking to perfect your manicure or pedicure skills in the Sunshine State? Check out our roundup of the ten best nail tech schools in Miami! From high-end salons to community colleges, there’s a program for every budget and interest.

We’ve included 2024 requirements so you can start your path to becoming a licensed nail technician today.

So, if you’re looking for the best nail tech schools Miami offers, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of 10 top-notch schools that can help you begin your journey in this field. Let’s get started!

What are the Requirements of Nail Tech Schools in Miami?

Nail technician schools in Miami require you to have a high school diploma or equivalent, although some may accept a GED. You’ll also need to be at least 18 years old and have a valid Florida driver’s license. Some schools may require you to take an entrance exam.

Most nail tech programs in Miami last between three and six months, although some may be as short as eight weeks. During your program, you’ll learn about manicures, pedicures, artificial nails, salon safety and sanitation, state laws and regulations, and more. We have some Esthetician Schools Online. You can check them out

After completing your program, you’ll need to pass the Florida Board of Cosmetology’s written and practical exams before you can get your license. Once you’re licensed, you’ll be able to start working in salons, spas, or other establishments that offer nail care services.

Find some Free Online Courses With Printable Certificate to start your career.

How Much Does it Cost to Attend Nail Tech Schools in Miami?

Nail technicians are in high demand, and Miami is the perfect place to start your career. But how much does it cost to attend one of Miami’s best nail tech schools?

The average cost of tuition for a nail tech program in Miami is around $10,000. However, many financial aid options are available to help offset tuition costs.

Several factors go into determining the cost of attending a nail tech school, including the length of the program and the type of training you receive. The good news is that plenty of affordable options are available in Miami.

So if you’re interested in beginning your journey as a nail technician, don’t let the cost deter you. There are several methods to reduce the cost of attending one of Miami’s top nail tech schools.

What are the Best Nail Tech Schools in Miami?

Find below some of the best nail tech schools in Miami. Carefully read through the following:

  • City College-Miami
  • Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers
  • Florida Career College
  • The Salon Professional Academy
  • Aveda Institute-Miami
  • Pivot Point Academy-Miami Beach
  • International Academy of Design and Technology-Tampa
  • La Belle Beauty Academy
  • Nail Academy of Art & Design
  • Beauty Academy of South Florida

City College-Miami

City College Miami is one of the best nail tech schools in Miami. The program is a two-year Associate’s degree program and offers great flexibility. Students can take as many or as few classes per semester as they want, depending on their schedule and personal preference.

The curriculum includes basic manicure skills such as filing, cutting, and shaping nails; pedicure techniques; nail art design.

Students will also learn how to style artificial fingernails or natural nails using nail hardeners, painting tips for acrylic or gel polish application on fingers/toes/heels/toenails (and much more).

Many students work part-time to pay for tuition costs while attending school full-time to graduate on time with their certificate in hand before starting the job search process again after graduation!

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Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers

Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers is a for-profit school in Miami, Florida. It offers programs for manicurists, estheticians, and spa technicians. The school has a good graduation-rate and a low student loan default rate.

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Florida Career College

The Florida Career College is located in Miami, FL, and offers various career education programs. It has campuses in Miami-Dade County and other locations throughout the state.

This school offers hours Monday through Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, with Saturday classes available too! You can expect to pay between $700-$1,000 per year for tuition at this institution which includes books and supplies but not room or board fees; however, if you’re looking at an online program, then those will be extra costs associated with it (more on this below).

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The Salon Professional Academy

The Salon Professional Academy is one of the best nail tech schools in Miami. They offer a wide range of services and have a team of highly skilled professionals. Their facilities are top-notch, and their curriculum is designed to give students the best possible education.

The school has been operating for over ten years and has a proven track record. Some of the most prosperous nail technicians in the business are graduates. There are many reasons why The Salon Professional Academy is the best choice for those looking to get into the field, but here are just a few:

-They offer a comprehensive education that covers all aspects of nail care.

-Their facilities are clean, modern, and well-equipped.

-Their staff is friendly and knowledgeable.

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Aveda Institute-Miami

Aveda Institute-Miami is located in Miami, Florida, and is a branch of Aveda Institute-Chicago. It offers students a certificate, diploma, and associate degree program.

The school also has an open house every year where students can talk with instructors and other interested parties about their coursework at the school.

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Pivot Point Academy-Miami Beach

Pivot Point Academy-Miami Beach is a private for-profit college in Miami Beach, Florida. It has a great reputation as it’s been ranked as one of the best nail schools in America by U.S News and World Report, Forbes Magazine, and others.

The school offers a certificate program in Nail Technology/Specialist that can be taken online or on campus according to the requirements of each student’s needs. The curriculum covers all aspects of nail care, including pedicures, manicures, and more!

Students interested in obtaining this certification should first complete their high school diploma or GED before applying for admission into this program at Pivot Point Academy– Miami Beach.

Pivot Point is where students will have access to many resources, such as instructors who are experts at teaching this topic, so they can get straight into learning immediately.

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International Academy of Design and Technology-Tampa

The International Academy of Design and Technology (IADT) is a private, non-profit school in Tampa, Florida. The school was founded in 2008 by Bernard Segal and has since expanded to include other locations around the country.

IADT offers three-degree programs: an Associate of Science degree in Nail Technology; certificates in Nail Technology and Manicuring. 

Furthermore, the school offers a 12-month accelerated program for students who already have some experience with previous nail tech jobs or are interested in continuing their education at another college or university.

The accreditation process for this institution begins when you apply for admission through its website. Once IADT’s admissions team approves, you will be given access to all kinds of resources related to your chosen coursework—including videos that teach how each subject area works.

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La Belle Beauty Academy

When it comes to beauty schools, La Belle Academy is one of the best in Miami. With a wide range of courses and programs, students can find the perfect fit for their career goals. From hair and makeup to nails and skincare, La Belle has something for everyone.

Whether you’re looking to start your salon or become a freelance artist, La Belle can help you reach your goals. With experienced instructors and a supportive environment, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in the beauty industry.

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Nail Academy of Art & Design 

This school offers two-year programs that lead to an associate’s degree from Florida International University (FIU) or Miami Dade College (MDC). Students must complete at least 48 credits before graduating; it takes about one year to complete all requirements for graduation from either institution.

The program focuses on providing hands-on experience with various materials, such as acrylics or gel polishes, through lectures. It also includes plenty of time spent working on clients’ nails at their own homes during class breaks.

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Beauty Academy of South Florida

The Beauty Academy of South Florida is one of Miami’s best nail tech schools. The school offers a variety of courses that teach students how to be professional nail technicians.

The courses cover topics such as manicures, pedicures, and nail art. The school also offers a variety of other beauty services.

The school has a team of experienced instructors passionate about teaching their students the latest techniques and trends in the industry. The instructors offer their students one-on-one support to ensure they are successful in their chosen career paths.

The Beauty Academy of South Florida has a modern facility that is equipped with the latest technology. The school also has a salon where students can practice their skills with real clients.

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How to Find the Best Nail Tech Schools in Miami

When it comes to choosing a nail tech school, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are the best tips for finding the best nail tech schools in Miami.

Firstly, you should make sure that the school is accredited. This is important because it will ensure that you’re getting a quality education.

Secondly, you should look for schools that have a good reputation. You can ask around for recommendations from friends or family members who have attended nail tech schools in Miami.

Finally, you should make sure that the school offers the courses you’re interested in. For example, if you want to specialize in acrylic nails, make sure the school offers this course.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does beauty school cost?

The cost of beauty school varies depending on the type of program and the length of the program. For example, a cosmetology program at a community college may cost around $3,000, while a private beauty school may charge up to $20,000.

How much do nail techs make in Florida?

Salaries for nail techs can vary depending on factors like location, experience, and the type of salon they work in. However, according to salary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for a nail technician in Florida is $12.14.

Is being a nail tech hard?

No, being a nail tech is not hard. It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but once you do, it’s pretty easy. Plus, it’s really satisfying to see your work pay off in beautiful nails!


If you’re looking for the best nail tech schools Miami has to offer, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 schools in this area and broken down their requirements, benefits, and what they can offer students who are interested in becoming nail techs.

So, if you’re interested in learning more about these top 10 nail tech schools Miami has to offer, then check out their websites. They will help you determine which option is best for your education and future career.

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