Best Universities in Denmark for International Students | Ranking

Denmark is one of the most peaceful countries in the World. Their peaceful nature comes from a culture of excellence. This cultural trait has been reflected in its educational system, thereby, making it a top study destination for most international students.

According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, International students from all higher education programs contribute between DKK100,000 and 350,000 (US$15,222-53,2777) per student on average to the Danish economy in their lifetime. Moreso, Master’s graduates contribute the most.

These statistics actually reveal that international and local students love to study in Denmark for so many reasons.

The table below clearly outlines all you’ll learn from reading this article in terms of the best universities in Denmark and international students.

What is Higher Education in Denmark Like?

As of 2003, the Danish education system follows the same two-cycle model as the rest of Europe, dividing study into undergraduate (Bachelor’s) and postgraduate (Master’s and Ph.D./Doctorate).

This system facilitates and encourages international mobility within Europe, as the qualifications are equivalent throughout all countries involved in the Bologna agreement.

According to, Higher Education in Denmark was ranked 3rd in 2016. Also, Government-funded education is usually free of charge and open to all. Denmark has a tradition of private schools; about 15.6% of all children at the basic school level attend private schools, which are supported by a voucher system.

However, Danish higher education comprises a university sector, a college sector, and an academy sector. There are five types of institutions offering higher education programs:

  • Artistic Higher Education Institutions: Thes include research and/or artistically based undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • Universities: It involves research-based undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • University Colleges: Involves Academy Profession and professional Bachelor’s programs.
  • Business Academies: includes short-cycle higher education institutions offering Academy Profession and joint Bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Adult education. The opportunities for lifelong learning in terms of adult education are many. They are offered at all levels. Individual courses are also offered under the Act on Open Education, either at college or university

Moreso, It has been developed as a standard for governments, educational institutions, and individuals, and it aims to highlight the importance of:

  • Create a solid environment for higher education institutions to contribute to economic and cultural development.
  • Provide a high-quality experience for students.

Why should I study in Denmark?

Studying in Denmark can give you the greatest experience of your life. First, studying in any of the Danish universities can promote your personal initiative and problem-based learning.

Also, it allows you to get a practical application of studies and prepare you to meet the needs of the global labor market.

In addition, as a student, you are set loose to experience innovative teaching methods, allowing you to acquire the skills to become an independent learner.

Moreso, the system of education in Denmark, can keep your focus and encourage you to express your opinions freely.

Furthermore, Denmark Universities and colleges provide diverse study subjects, and they pay special attention to innovation, hands-on experience, and research.

How many Universities are in Denmark?

Denmark has 8 universities and other Higher education institutions like university colleges, business academies, and specialized institutions.

However, these universities offer bachelor’s degrees which last for three years, master’s degrees (two years), and doctoral degrees (three years).

Also, these Universities are being chartered, licensed, or accredited by the appropriate Danish higher education-related organization

Below is a list of the eight universities in Denmark awarding bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees:

  • The University of Copenhagen,
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg 
  • Aarhus University
  • Roskilde University, Roskilde 
  • Aalborg University
  • University of Southern Denmark
  • IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

What is the Tuition fees Like in Denmark?

There are no tuition fees for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland who are pursuing either Bachelors’ and Masters’s. Similarly, for students on an exchange program and those with non-study-related residence permits.

All others must pay tuition fees typically ranging from 45,000 to 120,000 DKK per year, equivalent to 6,000 to 16,000 EUR.

Are there Universities in Denmark in English?

Yes of course. Although Denmark has only one official language which is Danish which most universities in Denmark teach, there are also some Universities in Denmark in English. These universities offer different degree programs for both national and international students. Below is a list of some of the Universities in Denmark in English

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  • Aalborg University (AAU)
  • Aarhus School of Architecture.
  • Aarhus University (AU)
  • Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
  • Dania Academy.
  • Danish National Academy of Music.
  • Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX)
  • Design School Kolding.

What are Best Universities in Denmark for International Students?

There are the best universities in Denmark which anyone that really wants to study in Denmark should think of considering or making his or her choice. Thus, these Universities offer top-notch education services in different courses and programs they run.

Basically, these top universities in Denmark provide undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degree programs to both national and international students.

Below is a list of Best Universities in Denmark for International Students

#1. University of Copenhagen

Location: Fredrik Bajers Vej 5, DK 9220 Aalborg

The University of Copenhagen is one of the premier European universities and one of the best universities in Denmark.

The university is basically known as an established research center owned by the International Alliance of Research Universities. Note, this IARU is a network of research-intensive institutions that also includes the University of California, Berkeley, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Yale University. 

However, the university offers 49 programs ranging from undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degree programs in a wide range of fields. Meanwhile, many courses at this university are taught in Danish, English courses are just a few. Also, the university has 9 Student-Faculty Ratio.

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- of Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark), and its acceptance rate is 44%.

Official Website

#2. Aarhus University

Location: Nordre Ringgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Aarhus is a city on the west coast of Denmark’s Jutland peninsula and the university campus is located in the city center. As well as being a leading research institution, Aarhus is a university well known for its arts subjects. 

Basically, this top university in Denmark offers over 229 courses taught in English which combine both an undergraduate, master, and postgraduate level. Note, a Danish green-card program allows international students to stay in Denmark for up to six months after the end of their degree.

However, the Student-Faculty Ratio of this top university in Demark is 4 and it enrolls up to 33900 students every year.

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark).

Official Website

#3. Technical University of Denmark

Location:  Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Bygning 101A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark is among the top universities in Denmark and is also known as the forefront of engineering institutions across the European continent, having merged with five other research centers in 2007. The university enrolls up to 11,190 students every year which includes both national and international students.

Basically, the university offers undergraduate courses that are taught in either Danish or English. Also, the university offers 32 master’s programs that are focused on modern engineering are taught entirely in English.

Below are the courses offered.

  • General Engineering
  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Computer science
  • Physical sciences
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
  • Life sciences
  • Veterinary Science
  • Biological Sciences
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

However, the Student-Faculty Ratio of this top university in Demark is 20% and it enrolls up to 33900 students every year.

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Danish Accreditation Institution (member of ENQA). 

Official Website

#4. Aalborg University

Location: Fredrik Bajers Vej 5 P.O. Box 159, DK – 9100 Aalborg, Denmark

Aalborg University is among the best universities in Demark for international students. However, equal funds will be allocated to international students who are registered as full-time students for Danish students.

Basically, the University of Aalborg offers 130 courses in undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees programs. Certificates in a wide range of subjects in social sciences, humanities, information technology, design, engineering, exact sciences, and medicine.

However, the Student-Faculty Ratio of this top university in Demark is 7% and it enrolls up to 20900 students every year. And the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark).

Furthermore, it has the following colleges, such as the Faculties of Humanities, the College of Social Sciences, the Technical College for Information Technology and Design, the College of Engineering and Science, and the College of Medicine.

Official Website

#5. Copenhagen Business School

Location: Solbjerg Pl. 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

Located in the affluent Frederiksberg region, 23,000 students from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) study economics, languages, communications, politics, and more, all with an industrial and business focus. This is one of the universities in Denmark for international students.

Basically, CBS carries out a large number of part-time programs and courses. These include two-year executive masters and 4-year diplomas, along with summer university and short courses. Moreso, the university offers the following courses.

  • Business & economics
  • Business & Management
  • Economics & Econometrics
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Sociology
  • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Communication & Media Studies

In addition, this top university in Denmark’s student Faculty Ratio is 34 and it enrolls up to 22830. And the No. of students per staff is 30:9.

Furthermore, CBS offers an MBA with accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS, and AACSB, which has been awarded the “Triple Crown”, an award that includes only 56 business schools internationally.

Official Website

#6. University of Southern Denmark

Location: Campusvej 55 DK-5230, Odense M, Denmark

Next on our list of the best universities in Denmark is the University of Southern Denmark. This top Danish University offers world-class education to both national and international students at all levels.

Basically, the institution has five faculties which include the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Engineering, Science, and Health.

Thus, these faculties put together offers 82 courses in different programs ranging from undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degree programs. This is done in a wide range of fields. Some of the courses offered include;

  • Economics & Econometrics
  • Business & Management
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Social sciences
  • Communication & Media Studies
  • Sociology
  • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Engineering & technology
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • General Engineering
  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Physical sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health
  • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Other Health
  • Life sciences
  • Sport Science
  • Biological Sciences
  • Arts & humanities
  • Art, Performing Arts & Design
  • History, Philosophy & Theology
  • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
  • Computer science
  • Law
  • Psychology

In addition, programs offered include three years of university studies, while master’s programs include two years of graduate studies. Also, the university has about 35 departments, 30 research centers, and a well-equipped university library.

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark) and its No. of students per staff ratio is 12:1.

Official Website

Interestingly, you can even apply for a Danish Government Scholarship at the University of Southern Denmark 2024

#7. Roskilde University

Location: Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Roskilde University is a public university and among the best universities in Denmark for international students. Basically, this university relies on innovative forms of student-centered education, and strong multidisciplinary research environments. And also, has a common approach to addressing great social, cultural, economic, and economic challenges.

Moreso, Roskilde University offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and postgraduate programs taught in English in Social Sciences, Business Studies, Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Medical Care, and Environmental Assessment.

In addition, the University enrolls up to 8040 students every year and employs 570 researchers in four departments: Communication and Arts, People and Technology, Science and Environment, Social Sciences, and Business. Some of the courses offered include;

  • Social sciences
  • Geography
  • Sociology
  • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Communication & Media Studies
  • Psychology
  • Physical sciences
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Chemistry
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health
  • Other Health
  • Life sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Business & Management
  • Arts & humanities
  • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
  • History, Philosophy & Theology
  • Computer science
  • Education

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- of Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark), and its Student Faculty Ratio is 18:0.

Official Website

#8. IT University of Copenhagen

Location: Rued Langgaards Vej 7 2300 Copenhagen Denmark

The University of Information Technology in Copenhagen is a public university and a research institution in Copenhagen. It is known as one of the top universities in Denmark.

The University of Information Technology in Copenhagen offers 3 undergraduate programs, 4 master’s programs, and an extensive doctoral program.

In addition to professional master’s and diploma programs, which include interdisciplinary studies in science, humanities, design, and business.

Moreso, these university facilities provide a workspace for group work and individual studies after school.

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- of Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark).

Official Website

University Colleges in Denmark

University Colleges in Denmark are one of the higher education in Denmark. They provide profession-specific tertiary education, which is also known as medium higher education (MVU), and diploma courses.

Also, they offer first-cycle higher educational programs (i.e. professional bachelor programs) and certain academy profession programs, further adult education, and diploma programs. There are also eight university colleges in Denmark that award professional bachelor’s degrees;

  • KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Copenhagen 
  • Danish School of Media and Journalism, Aarhus
  • University College Absalon, Sorø 
  • University College Lillebaelt, Vejle 
  • Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen 
  • University College Copenhagen, Copenhagen 
  • University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg
  • VIA University College, Aarhus 
  • University College South Denmark, Esbjerg 
  • The Necessary Teacher Training College, Ulfborg 

Here are the 2024 Top University Colleges in Denmark

  • The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation
  • University College South Denmark
  • Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX)
  • Copenhagen School of Design and Technology

#1. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation

Location:  Philip De Langes Allé 10, 1435 København, Denmark

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, also known as the Danish Design School is an institution of higher education in Copenhagen and among the top Universities in Denmark. Basically, this institution offers a five-year design education. (Xanax)

Moreso, KADK builds on strong traditions in the three historically rooted schools: architecture, conservation, and design. The school enrolls up to 8040 students and its student-faculty ratio is 15.

In addition, KADK education is based on a mixture of theory and practice. Much of the teaching is done on the drawing board, in workshops, in joint presentations, and in academic seminars in small units of teachers and students. Programs they offer include;

  • Architecture and Extreme Environments 
  • Computation in Architecture
  • Crafts in Glass and Ceramics |
  • Fashion Design 
  • Graphic Communication Design
  • Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability
  • Spatial Design 
  • Spatial Design
  • Strategic Design & Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic Design & Entrepreneurship 
  • Urbanism and Societal Change
  • Visual Game and Media Design

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Kulturministeriet, Denmark (Ministry of Culture, Denmark), and its acceptance rate is 6% which makes it be more competitive.

Official Website

You can also apply for DTU Fotonik Ph.D. Scholarships In Denmark, 2024

#2. University College South Denmark

Location: Campusvej 55, 5230 , Denmark, Odense, Odense,-, Denmark

University South Denmark is a university college in southern Denmark and among the top universities in Denmark for international students. Basically, this college university offers undergraduate courses in various disciplines and includes approximately 5,900 students and 700 employees.

Currently, the University of Southern Denmark has five faculties: Humanities, Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences. Also, It has about 35 institutes, 30 research centers, and a well-equipped university library.

Here are some programs offered by this university College;

  • Crossing Borders – Social Education
  • English and Marketing Communication
  • Inclusive Practice – Special Education Needs and Inclusive Teaching
  • Living and Learning Together – Teacher Education
  • Marketing Communications
  • Teacher Education

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- of Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark) and its No. of students per faculty is 8.

Official Website

#3. Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX)

Location: Olof Palmes Allé 11, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark

The Danish School of Media and Journalism is an institution of higher education at the Center for Media and Journalism and is among the top schools in Denmark.

Basically, the Danish School of Journalism offers advanced programs in English in photojournalism, multimedia, global politics, public relations, communication design, etc. The school also offers an Erasmus Mundus master’s program in cooperation with the University of Aarhus and other universities.

Some of the Short-term Programs offered include

  • Corporate Communication
  • Creative Communication 
  • Europe in the World
  • Graphic Design 
  • Interactive Design
  • Journalism, Multimedia and World Politics
  • Media Production and Management 
  • Photojournalism – Advanced Visual Storytelling 
  • Photojournalism – The Language of Photojournalism
  • TV and Media Production
  • TV Journalism: Video Storytelling 

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark).

Official Website

#4. Copenhagen School of Design and Technology

KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology is a higher education school in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Basically, the degree programs offered are mainly applied degrees, especially in design, technology, and information technology. The academy awards university and professional degrees and does not have a high school.

In addition to full-time studies, the Academy offers complimentary educational programs, part-time programs at the undergraduate level, and short-term courses for people who need to improve their qualifications.

  • Architectural Technology and Construction Management 
  • Business Economics and Information Technology
  • Computer Science 
  • Design and Business
  • Design, Technology, and Business 
  • Jewellery Technology and Business
  • Multimedia Design
  • Product Development and Integrative Technology
  • Production Technology
  • Software Development 
  • Web Development

Furthermore, the university was officially accredited by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark).

Official Website

What are the Differences between Universities and University Colleges?

Universities and University Colleges are two different institutions. You can say that University colleges are a smaller part of universities. Basically, University Colleges offer bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, or certificates. Also, the number of courses offered is limited, and the study programs take between two and four years to complete.

Moreso, they do not have full or independent university status.

Universities, on the other hand, are larger educational institutions compared to universities and offer undergraduate and graduate programs. They have a more varied curriculum and offer a variety of courses, which generally include research facilities and sports centers.

Moreover, the number of students enrolled in universities is much greater than the number of students in colleges. And, International students generally choose universities, rather than university colleges, which tend to be a more popular option for local students.

In general, universities consist of schools, colleges, or academic departments. In this case, universities are the same departments within the university.


The University of Copenhagen,
Technical University of Denmark
Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg 
Aarhus University
Roskilde University, Roskilde 
Aalborg University
University of Southern Denmark
IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

Yes, there is a great difference. University Colleges are a smaller part of universities that are offered is limited, and the study programs take between two and four years to complete. While universities are larger educational institutions compared to universities and offer undergraduate and graduate programs. They have a more varied curriculum and offer a variety of courses, which generally include research facilities and sports centers.

Denmark’s official language is Danish which is taught in all the universities in Denmark.

Here is a list of University Colleges in Denmark
KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Copenhagen 
Danish School of Media and Journalism, Aarhus
University College Absalon, Sorø 
University College Lillebaelt, Vejle 
Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen 
University College Copenhagen, Copenhagen 
University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg
VIA University College, Aarhus 
University College South Denmark, Esbjerg 
The Necessary Teacher Training College, Ulfborg 



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