The 8 Best Web Development Courses To Enroll In 2024 For Steep Career Advancement

A career in web development is one of the most rewarding career choices today. It pays well, has room for creativity, and is flexible and future-proof. But, to excel as a web developer, you need the right web development skills, which means choosing a course that provides you with a comprehensive curriculum.

However, one quick search on the web for the best web development courses will present you with hundreds of results, all claiming to be the best.

Picking an appropriate web development course can be pretty puzzling in such scenarios. You also have to consider several other factors, such as course fees, course duration, level of difficulty, and whatnot.

Hence, to save you time and trouble, we have curated a list of some of the best web development courses available online.

The Best Web Development Courses of 2024

We have picked these courses based on the relevance of their course curriculum, course outcomes, and additional benefits such as placement support. So without further ado, let us take a look at these courses.

1. Web Development Course – Scaler Academy

The web development program by Scaler Academy is a complete web development package designed to cater to individuals across all levels of expertise. 

This course offers a structured curriculum tailor-made to suit the needs of the students. Furthermore, Scaler Academy boasts of a teaching faculty of industry veterans, making it another reason to opt for this course.

Thanks to it being an integrated course, applicants undertaking it can not only master web development but also upskill themselves with the knowledge of other advanced topics of software development, such as DSA, System Design, and concurrent programming to name a few.

Topics Discussed

  • Bootstrap and Javascript
  • Web Frameworks
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Problem-Solving
  • Database management
  • Usage of popular frameworks like ReactJS and NodeJS
  • Data Structures

Why this course?

  • Live classes for a more interactive learning experience as against the ones provided by recorded sessions
  • Rigorous practice using real-life projects for real-world development skills.
  • Freedom to specialize in backend or full-stack development during the course.
  • One-on-one mentorship sessions 
  • Access to 20K+ strong student community
  • Course completion certificate
  • Interview preparation with mock-interview questions. Additionally, they provide end-to-end placement support, thanks to their 600+ placement partners.

Course Duration

Applicants who enroll for this course must take a 30-minute MCQ test that determines their level of expertise. Based on the test results, they are mapped to the following methods:

  • Beginners: 44 weeks
  • Intermediates: 37 weeks
  • Advanced: 30 weeks

This test is handy for those unsure of which level to opt for.

Course Fee

Scaler charges INR 2.5 L for this course (with a money-back guarantee if the students choose to withdraw within the first 2 weeks). Students can either pay the entire fee at once or in monthly installments.

Scaler also provides scholarships up to INR 25,000 based on how the students perform in the 30-minute MCQ test.


2. Full Stack Web Developer Program – Udacity

Udacity’s full-stack web developer nano degree program helps individuals master building APIs and robust web applications. After completing this course, students can create databases for software applications & web APIs and excel at backend development.

However, unlike the previous course, the full-stack web developer program requires applicants to;

  • Have beginner-level experience in working with python
  • Possess HTML, CSS, and Javascript coding skills. 
  • Know how to use Git
  • Know professional English (Spoken & written)

Topics Discussed

  • SQL
  • Data Modeling for the Web
  • APIs
  • IAM (Identity access management)
  • Server Deployment and Containerization

Why this course?

  • Flexible learning schedule
  • Real-life projects to enhance industry-relevant coding skills
  • Career support services
  • Technical mentors for constant guidance
  • Constant feedback on projects
  • Course completion certificate

Course Duration

4 months with a pace of 5-10 hours per week.

Course Fee

INR 22,489/Month or INR 77,676/4 Months


3. Web Design for Everybody – Coursera

Coursera is a household name when it comes to online courses. Its database consists of thousands of courses offered by several institutions and trusted by millions of learners.

The University of Michigan offers this particular course on web development. It is a go-to course for anyone looking to start with web development to learn the basics. After completing this course, learners can design interactive websites and web portfolios.

Topics Discussed

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Web Design
  • Javascript
  • DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Bootstrap

Why this course?

  • Flexible learning schedule
  • Complementary projects that learners need to finish for course-completion
  • Cancel enrollment at any point in the duration of the course
  • Certificate of completion from the institution offering the course

Course Duration

  • 1 month with a pace of 18 hours per week
  • 3 months with a rate of 6 hours per week
  • 6 months with a rate of 3 hours per week

Course Fee

  • 1 month: INR 3,652
  • 3 months: INR 7,304
  • 6 months: INR 10,956

Coursera also has an audit mode for its courses, allowing you to access the course materials for free. However, you must pay to use features such as assignment submission or feedback and obtain specialization certificates.

For those who cannot afford the courses, Coursera also provides financial aid.


4. Full Stack Web Development – Coding Elements

The brainchild of Coding Elements, a Delhi-based software training institute, the full-stack web development course explains web development from the ground up.

This course sheds equal light on theory and practice, providing students with copious projects to test their skills. It aims to equip students with industry-ready web development skills to help them find jobs without hassle.

Moreover, Coding Elements also provides extra homework projects to use for your college assignments or include in your resume.

Topics Discussed

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJs for front-end development
  • NodeJS and Google Cloud for backend development
  • Databases
  • APIs, Hosting & Push Notifications

Why this course?

  • Access to course videos for 4 years after completion
  • Live doubt sessions daily
  • Pre-enrollment assessment to assign appropriate curriculum to students
  • Students can pause and resume the course anytime
  • Offline and online classes
  • Career counseling
  • Course completion certificate 

Course Duration

The course consists of 24 classes that students can take at their pace. 

Course Fee

INR 26,000. Coding Elements also provides scholarships that one can apply for by filling out a form. However, the scholarships are only limited to the Classroom (offline).


5. The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp – Udemy

Helmed by the renowned instructor Dr Angela Yu, this Bootcamp offers lectures and other course material to build foundational knowledge on web development.

The course helps you learn to build websites from scratch, grasp full-stack development, and get acquainted with multiple web development frameworks.

Topics Discussed

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Javascript, Web design
  • Node Js, Express Js
  • SQL
  • Git
  • MongoDB, Mongoose
  • React Js
  • APIs

Why this course?

  • 54.5 hrs of on-demand video lectures
  • Tons of downloadable content
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • Course completion certificate
  • Complementary coding exercises

Course Duration

Since the lectures are pre-recorded, the course duration depends on how long the learners go through them.

Course Fee

  • Original price: INR 3,499
  • Discounted price (at the time of writing this blog): INR 700
  • A money-back guarantee of 30 days


6. Front-End Web Development with React – Coursera

Another course on this list is Coursera, put together by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

This course is for those who want to master front-end web development. It focuses primarily on React (ver. 16.3), and JavaScript ES6 and expounds on several fundamental and advanced concepts concerning these two technologies.

To undertake this course, applicants need to:

  • Have prior knowledge of or worked with Bootstrap 4
  • Be thorough with JavaScript (ES5 recommended)

Topics Discussed

  • React
  • SPA (single page applications)
  • Redux
  • Client-server communication

Why this Course?

  • Flexible schedule
  • Course completion certificate
  • Excellent reviews from students
  • Course completion certificate from the institute offering the course

Course Duration

  • 1 month with a pace of 18 hours per week
  • 3 months with a rate of 6 hours per week
  • 6 months with a rate of 3 hours per week

Course Fee

  • 1 month: INR 3,652
  • 3 months: INR 7,304
  • 6 months: INR 10,956


7. The Complete Web Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery – Udemy

Another Udemy branded course, The Complete Web Developer stays true to its name by concisely explaining the fundamentals of web development. It will also help students understand user authentication and learn beginner and advanced Javascript topics.

   Topics Discussed

  • The internet (history & how it works)
  • HTML 5 (basics and advanced)
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap & Landing pages
  • JavaScript
  • DOM
  • React JS, Node JS, Express JS
  • Database
  • Windows command line

Why this Course?

  • Lifetime access
  • Complementary coding exercise
  • A blanket course on web development
  • Additional bits for career advancement

Course Duration

Again, because the lectures are pre-recorded, the course’s duration depends on the learners’ pace.

Course Fee

  • Original price: INR 3,499
  • Discounted price (at the time of writing this blog): INR 455
  • A money-back guarantee of 30 days


8. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python – edX

A joint enterprise of MIT and Harvard, edX is a formidable name when it comes to MOOC platforms.

This course on CS and Python programming is for those who want to specialize in backend web development. It aims to provide the applicants with an inclusive knowledge of python and explanations of data structures and computer algorithms.

Topics Discussed

  1. Python Programming
  2. The complexity of computer algorithms
  3. Data structures

Why this Course?

  1. Suitable for complete beginners who want to learn python
  2. Curated by the world’s leading technical institutions
  3. Technical support by edX
  4. Course completion certificate
  5. Audit mode for free access to course contents

Course Duration

Approximately 9 weeks with a pace of 14-16 hours/week

Course Fee

INR 5,627 (unlimited access to course materials), or free if opted for the Audit track (will lose out on some features).



So there you have it, a list of some of the top web development courses available today that you can uptake to become a web developer.

As the internet penetrates our world to newer depths, the demand for skilled and qualified web developers steadily rises. If you also want to jump on the “web developer” bandwagon, we suggest you pick one of the best web development courses.

Some of these courses are extensive, covering all aspects of web development and other broad topics. On the other hand, some systems are more condensed and suited for particular specializations. Hence, when it comes to choosing the right one among them, you might still get confused.

Citing this, we have put forward some more distinctions to help you choose better. If you are looking for something narrow and brief, one of the Udemy or Coursera courses will be a good deal for you.

Since these courses are pre-recorded and offer lifetime access, they allow for learning at your own pace and convenience. These are for you if you are only looking forward to a specific certification or short-term course.

However, elaborate courses, such as Scaler’s Web Development Program, allow for more extensive learning in terms of curriculum and guidance.

With such in-depth courses, you can learn through live classes organized by top mentors and have your doubts addressed in live one-on-one sessions.

Their career counseling services can open opportunities to work with some industry leaders with placements and effectively prepare you for job interviews. So if you are looking forward to a full-fledged career program that offers you more than a textbook course, this is the one you should opt for.

We hope this blog helped you get more insights into these popular web development courses and find the best-suited system.

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