Biometrika Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for International Students in UK, 2024

Research opportunities are now available at the ongoing Biometrika Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for International Students in UK, 2024. The Biometrika Trust offers a 2 or 3-year research fellowship, for junior researchers in statistical theory or methodology.

Its aim is to produce the most outstanding recent PhD graduates who are capable of self-direction.

About Biometrika

Biometrika is primarily a journal of statistics in which emphasis is on papers containing original theoretical contributions of direct or potential value in applications. Oxford University Press produces papers in bordering fields from time to time, on behalf of the Biometrika Trust.

Scholarship Type:

Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral program. 

Field of study:

The Biometrika Trust offers a 2 or 3-year research fellowship, for junior researchers in statistical theory or methodology (despite the name of the Trust, the research does not have to be biostatistical).

Scholarship Benefits:

The fellowship offers an annual salary on the scale £33,518-£37,551 (plus London weighting if appropriate), research support costs of £4000 (2 years) or £5000 (3 years), and up to £5000 funding for a ‘career development event.

To be taken in(Country):


Scholarship Number :

Not Specific

Eligible Nationality:

Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

  • No citizenship restrictions.
  • Candidates must hold a PhD before taking up the Fellowship or at least have passed their degree subject to minor amendments. Preference will be given to applicants with at most three years of post-doctoral experience.
  • Fellowships must be in a UK university or a suitable UK public-sector research institution.
  • Compliance with UK Visa requirements: it is the responsibility of the host department to get UKVI approval once an award is due.
  • Applicants whose first language is not English are to provide evidence of proficiency in English at a higher level.

Application Deadline:

30th March 2024

Application Procedure: 

Submit the application by email to, by 30 March 2024. Attachments must be in plain text, Word, or PDF format. Informal inquiries about this Fellowship can be to the same email address. Interviews are likely to take place in  May/June 2024.

  • Covering letter, about 1 page in length, describing in general terms future research direction, career plans and the benefit from a Biometrika Fellowship, and indicating the start date.
  • CV, including names and contact details of three referees.
  • Complete WWW links but unpublish the papers.
  • Description of the research program, in not more than 4 pages, to include the following information:
    (a) What are your research achievements so far? its method of publication or presentation and its impact?
    (b) What is the background to your research?
    (c) What research will you undertake? Why is it important and timely? Why are you applying for a 2 or a 3-year fellowship?
    (d) Which areas of your research are speculative or adventurous and which are more ‘safe’?
    (e) How independent are you and your research plan? How much do you rely on your thesis advisor or another collaborator? Why is your proposed host department appropriate?
    (f) What is your current plan for disseminating your research in the form of conference presentations, papers, or other media?
    (g) Justification for travel costs (for conferences and research collaborations) and other research support resources, up to a total of £4K.
  • Plan for a career development event for young statisticians to be organized by the fellow.
  • Letter of support from the host institution(s), describing the research environment, including the presence of cognate researchers and promise of mentoring, and expectations on the Fellow in terms of teaching and other duties.

You can begin the application by clicking on Scholarship Link

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