10 Best Boarding Schools in Atlanta For Boys & Girls |  Rankings

If you really want to know about the best boarding schools in Atlanta for boys and girls, this piece is obviously for you. Boarding schools in Atlanta don’t just offer the best of academic excellence, they offer an all-around student experience, not to forget, there are also financial aid opportunities in place to assist parents to bear the financial burden.

Boarding schools in Atlanta get the best of academics blended with amazing hospitality. While there are not as many boarding schools located in Georgia, the available ones are distinguished and viewed very favorably by parents and students alike.

In this article put together by The World Scholarship Forum, we’ll look at the best Co-ed boarding schools in Georgia and why they should be top of your list not just ours. Carefully read through.

Why Should I Choose A Boarding School In Atlanta?

Located in the heart of the South, Atlanta is known for its amazing hospitality. Boarding schools in Atlanta get the best of academics spiced up with amazing hospitality.

While there are not as many boarding schools located there as in other states, the available ones are distinguished and viewed very favorably by parents and students alike.

Furthermore, boarding schools in Atlanta offer financial aid to students in order to reduce the financial burden. This financial aid comes in the form of tuition reduction or grants that can help offset the cost of tuition or supplies.

With tuition billed in two large sums a year, most boarding schools in Atlanta liaise with financial service companies to give payment plans which enables you to break the full tuition into several payments, making it easier to budget. There are also scholarship opportunities for students.

Benefits Of Attending A Co-ed Boarding School In Atlanta

Choosing a boarding school in Atlanta is one big decision to take. To some the idea of single-sex boarding school is ideal while to others, the idea of co-ed boarding school seems nice.

However, the choice should be based on what you want for your kids. This is because you’ll definitely get to live with the choices you make. Majority of students who experience co-ed dorm life fully enjoy it, and would not change dorms if given the opportunity.

Living in a dormitory with the opposite sex gender has been proven to affect the social, educational, and environmental aspects of a student’s life in a positive way.

Here are key points to note…

Improves social atmosphere

Living in a coed boarding school greatly affects one’s social life. Ideally, students spend most of their time together. Through these relationships, students get to learn how to interact effectively and comfortably with one another.

Furthermore, attending boys and girls boarding school in Atlanta will enhance the maturity level of students within the learning environment. That is to say, boys and girls boarding schools in Atlanta give students a balanced exposure of both genders.

Thus, reducing the stereotypes enforced by genderism.

It creates room for collaboration

Boys and girls boarding school in Atlanta help boys and girls gain ideas from each other intellectually, socially, and become more confident in expressing their views in the presence of members of the opposite sex.

According to research, students in co-educational schools are often better prepared to succeed in post-secondary education and beyond. More so, it fosters a positive self-image and helps to develop the confidence of future leaders.

Co-ed schools bring a greater diversity of perspectives into the mix – providing an opportunity to learn from each other.

It breaks down gender misconception

Co-ed boarding schools in Atlanta help reduce gender misconceptions, thus, provide an excellent base for the growth of realistic and beneficial relationships later in life. Furthermore, it introduces students to both male and female role models.

Furthermore, Co-ed settings help to redefine unbalanced social constructs, preparing students to be positive, progressive global citizens after graduation.

Co-Ed students develop stronger self-confidence and Leadership Skills

Boys and girls boarding schools in Atlanta, Georgia provide an environment where students get to communicate and interact with all kinds of people.

This helps develop a child’s confidence level and a sense of responsibility and leadership. You won’t get too shy when a girl is looking into your eyes during presentations.

What Is The Perfect Age To Enter Boarding School In Atlanta?

Typically, the age bracket for children to enter boarding school in the United States ages 13–18. 

How Much Does Boarding School Cost In Atlanta?

If you’re a parent looking at boarding school options for your children, financial consideration is important. Paying for boarding school is a big expenditure involving financial preparation and consideration of return on investment.

The average boarding school tuition in Georgia is approximately $10,800 – $52,820 per year.

Do Boarding Schools In Atlanta Offer Students Financial Aid Opportunities?

Wondering about how you’ll offset the high bills? Boarding schools in Atlanta offer financial aid to students in order to lessen the financial burden. This financial aid can be in the form of tuition reduction or grants that can help offset the cost of tuition or supplies.

With tuition billed in two large sums a year, most boarding schools in Atlanta liaise with financial service companies to give payment plans which enables you to break the full tuition into several payments, making it easier to budget. There are also scholarship opportunities for students.

Best Boarding Schools in Atlanta For Boys & Girls

Before we go on to list the best boarding schools in Atlanta for boys and girls, it’s also important you understand that these fully-equipped boarding schools offer nothing less than academic excellence.

Our list of best boarding schools in Atlanta was selected based on the following ranking factors;

Accreditation – The accreditation status shows if the school is dully approved to function.

The student to teacher ratio – This ratio shows the number of students assigned to a teacher. It is believed that a smaller class size enhances learning.

Acceptance rate – The acceptance rate of a school shows the percentage of students admitted each year.

1. Brandon Hall School

The Co-ed boarding school in Georgia is more than just a school – it’s a community – it’s a home away from home. Being a boarding student of Brandon Hall puts you in an environment that allows you to find your own path and help lead the way for others.

Furthermore, boarders gain the skills required to be independent and successful as the environment gives you lifelong friends, motivates you, and challenges your perspectives. With inspiring and dedicated teachers, the students get the best of mentorship.

With a 100% acceptance rate, the Co-ed boarding school in Atlanta houses 150 students with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1-8. Brandon Hall is accredited by SACS and SAIS.

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2. Darlington School

Founded in 1905, Darlington School is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory school for students in pre-K through grade 12, with boarding in grades 9-12.

Darlington has a proven track record in equipping students well for college. It boasts of world-class facilities, and its wide array of academic, artistic, athletic, and social opportunities makes it a top boarding school in Atlanta.

All boarding students live in one of six English-style boarding houses on campus. Each of the boarding houses is managed by a full-time head of house who serves only that role for students. Day or night, they are always there to assist students.

The Co-ed boarding school in Atlanta assigns not more than 10 students to a teacher. Its acceptance rate is at 46% and it holds accreditation from SACS/SAIS TABS.

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3. Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School

Rabun-Gap Nacoochee School is a private coed boarding school in Georgia. It combines its strong academic program with Christian principles.

Rabun Gap truly is the world in one place. They teach students how to be global citizens who stretch beyond the familiar to understand other cultures and beliefs. Furthermore, Rabun Gap encourages natural curiosity through holistic teaching and shows that discovery and learning are lifelong pursuits.

The academic center has a teacher-student ratio of 1:12. Additionally, students spend 9 hours in class. 100% of its graduates go on to top colleges and colleges.

With over 600 students, Rabun Gap is highly selective with a 48% acceptance rate. It holds accreditation from SAIS and TABS.

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4. Tallulah Falls School

Tallulah Falls School is an independent, co-educational boarding and day school serving more than 500 students in grades 5-12. Its boarding facility houses 132 students.

The quality of the academic program and the academic success of students are priorities that form the foundation of the school. With dedicated and highly qualified faculty, outstanding facilities, a broad and challenging curriculum, small classes, and eager, motivated students, the goal of achieving quality education is met.

The Co-ed boarding school’s teacher to student ratio is 1:10 with an acceptance rate of 50% which makes it highly competitive.

Tallulah Falls School is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools (SACS).

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FAQs On Best Boarding Schools in Atlanta For Boys & Girls

Most boarding schools in the U.S. recommend 12 and above to be the most suitable age for studying in boarding. This is an age when children attain a maturity level to be able to leave outside the home.

Boarding schools in Atlanta get the best of academics spiced up with amazing hospitality. While there are not as many boarding schools located there as in other states, the available ones are distinguished and viewed very favorably by parents and students alike.

Boarding schools in Atlanta offer financial aid to students in order to lessen the financial burden. This financial aid can be in the form of tuition reduction or grants that can help offset the cost of tuition or supplies.


To sum it up, a Co-ed boarding school in Atlanta offers the best of academic excellence which prepares students for college life and the world at large.


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