British American Tobacco Bursaries Program 

British American Tobacco is glad to announce that the application is currently ongoing for the British American Tobacco Bursaries 2024. World scholarship forum being the best scholarship/bursary portal has decided to provide you with all South African Scholarships/Bursaries for local and international studies and this is one of them that you can take advantage of.

These British American Tobacco bursaries provide applicants the opportunity of completing their graduate education, in addition to postgraduate Degrees or Honors.

If you’re thinking about registering for their Management Trainee Program see BAT careers and register your details with them.

If you are a South African student this could be the lifetime opportunity you have been waiting to push your academics further.

What You Need To Know About BAT Bursaries 

Bursaries applications can be submitted throughout the year, as this bursary does not have an appointed time of closing date, candidates applying are urged to send their applications ahead of time, so it reaches them before the closing date.

Once a candidate has applied for their Management Trainee Program, British American Tobacco will have a look at each candidate and if your expertise is needed within the company, they will arrange for an interview.

These interviews will take place with a company manager in your area and also one of their Human Resources members.  After the interview, you may receive an invitation to demonstrate your skills at one of their assessment centers.

Here you will be assessed through a number of activities. They will, nevertheless, keep you informed through the whole selection procedure.

British American Tobacco Bursaries Available

The company recognizes the need for proper education as well as its importance when it concerns the individual; therefore, they have a couple of different programs available.

The organization grants aid for exceptional undergraduate students who want to successfully finish their education. If you think you have what it takes subsequently British American Tobacco South Africa bursary may possibly be what you are searching for.

After the successful conclusion of your education, they have a global Management Trainee Program. This program gives talented individuals the opportunity to train intensively and develop their own talents.

It’s a two-year program that offers a stable job opportunity. This program provides applicants with excellent leadership and business advancement chances within a high presentation setting.

Level/ Field of Study

Bursaries are available to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate.

If you are a graduate and keen on completing your studies these are the options they offer, but their bursaries are not limited to these fields of study.

  • Information Technology
  • Industrial Engineering

For the postgraduate level, they invite candidates following these fields of study, although also not limited to only these.

  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Information Technology
  • Industrial Engineering

Their Management Trainee Program has the following fields of study available but not limited to only these.

  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Natural Science
  • Public / International Relations
  • Commercial Law
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Human Resources

Host Nationality

This Scholarship is to be taken in SOUTH AFRICA. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you: Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

The Bursary is open to all South African students to study in any of the country’s universities. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

The financial assistance program covers expenses such as tuition fees, prescribed books, and accommodation. Upon graduation, students will be obliged to a service binding contract for a period of three years.

BAT Bursaries Requirements

Students wanting to apply for a bursary will require the following:

  • Undergraduate or Final Year of Undergraduate Degree in one of the following:
  • Commerce
  • Agricultural Science
  • Food Technology
  • Food Chemistry
  • Natural Science (Organic Chemistry)
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Public / International Relations or Communications
  • BCom Law
  • Human Resources
  • Candidates must have a learner or a drivers license
  • You need to be a South African Citizen
  • A valid South African ID

British American Tobacco Bursaries Application

Bursaries online applications are not available at present but candidates can contact Riana in connection with the BAT South Africa Bursary Program by sending her an e-mail at

You can also obtain more information regarding the British American Tobacco Company’s bursary program by visiting their web page British American Tobacco Company, South Africa.

The company believes in each individual as well as South Africa’s diverse communities and is, therefore, looking forward to your applications. They are directed on values of independence with responsibility and offer candidates an extraordinary performance-based setting wherein to excel.

British American Tobacco is an open-minded company that also inspires its employees to show enthusiasm and spirit.

Their Management Trainee Program information can be found here, and British American Tobacco encourages candidates to register their information with them.

British American Tobacco Bursaries Closing Date

Bursaries applications usually close at the end of August each year so be sure to enter your application in on time.


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