Bryan Cameron Impact Scholarships –

Bryan Cameron foundation is glad to announce its Bryan Cameron scholarship, With regards to the information on the official website, the Cameron Impact Scholarship is said to be granted yearly (from December), to approximately 15 high school seniors who are citizens of the United States.

This four-year, merit-based scholarship is meant to pay for the complete tuition and also qualified educational expenses (according to the Internal Revenue Service) at the receiver’s preferred collegiate institution (anticipated to be between $20,000-$50,000 yearly ).

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The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation was established in 2015 on the principle of making a difference by investing in young people’s education.  Founder Bryan Cameron has enjoyed a long and successful career in asset management.

His recognition and appreciation of his own blessings have inspired his extensive philanthropic initiatives over the years. 

In this post, we will share with you all the information you need to help you apply for the Bryan Cameron Impact Scholarships 2024. You will learn about the criteria that make you eligible to apply, the worth of the scholarship, and how to apply for the scholarship.


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What is the Cameron impact scholarship?

As a privately-owned family foundation, the Bryan Cameron Education Foundation is determined to invest in students through a four-year undergraduate Cameron Impact Scholarship program. Its firm belief is that one of the most worthy and impactful investments they can make is in a young person’s education.

They also recognize and are grateful to the institutions, teachers, families, and citizens which contribute their time, talent, and treasure to help educate our nation’s youth.

It is their definitive objective to identify a select group of outstanding rising college students each year who they expect to positively impact the lives of their family, friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens.

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More You Need To Know About Bryan Cameron scholarship

There are countless ways to make a positive impact in many professional careers (Finance, Education, Healthcare, Technology, Military, Legal, Sports, Engineering, and Art to name but a few).

In either the Private or Public Sector, the Cameron Impact Scholar has the ability to make real, tangible contributions in their lifelong dedication to the greater good.

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More About Bryan Cameron Education Foundation

The Foundation has decided to allot about a quarter of the scholarships to individuals pursuing careers in education, nonprofits, government, and/or military and have a clear target of pursuing a professional goal of public service. However, the criterion for the Scholarship is intentionally broad.

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Who is Bryan Cameron?

Brian Cameron is the Chairman and President of the Brian Cameron Educational Foundation. Through the Foundation, hopes to invest in the lives of many eligible students while seeking to continue their development at the university and during their lifetime have a significant impact on their professional and personal activities.

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What is an impact scholarship?

The Community Impact Scholarship (CISP) will be awarded only to high school seniors, depending on application completion, two letters of academic recommendation and implementation, commitment, creativity, originality, project completion, and presentation. Serve the community in face-to-face jury assessment.

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Eligibility Requirements

In other to be considered eligible for the Cameron Impact Scholarship, the applicant is expected to fulfill the following requirements;

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  • The student must give maximum attention to attain academic excellence (maintaining a minimum cumulative unweighted 3.7-grade point average/4.0 scale or equivalent within their own high school studies);
  • The student must be described as a citizen of the United State;
  • The candidate is expected to be a student of high school graduating set of 2019, intending to register at a full-time path of study toward a bachelor’s degree at a licensed academic U.S. faculty or university for the complete academic year after high school graduation;
  • Candidate must excel at an extensive assortment of extracurricular pursuits including, but isn’t limited to sports, academic teams, music courses, performance arts, and philanthropic associations;
  • Applicants are required to be highly motivated leaders, having a powerful work ethic and social acumen. Scholars increase to the occasion and therefore are both blunt and optimistic;
  • Must prove active involvement in community support and also at civic-minded arenas, demonstrating an appreciation to the world out themselves and also a belief in their capacity to effect change on scales both large and small;
  • Candidate is to send an online application, two (two ) mandatory letters of recommendation (link given once the student-portion of this application form is filed — in the event that you’re looking for additional hours for the tips, you can communicate with the Foundation right to ask the sort ), also transcript certifying his previous academic operation, by the application deadline. )
  • Applicants may not be related to, or have pre-existing relationships with any members of the Bryan Cameron Education Foundation staff, Board of Directors, or Selection Committee.
  • The Foundation is committed to a policy against discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability or any other characteristic protected by law.
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Scholarship number

Cameron Impact Scholarship has up to 10 to 15 scholarships opportunities available for this academic year.

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Cameron Impact Scholarship deadline

Cameron Impact Scholarship program for its class of 2024 has a standard early deadline of May 25th for early application and September 12, for regular applicants.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

For more information on Cameron Impact Scholarship program, click on the link.

to know more about the Bryan Cameron Education Foundation, click on the link

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Cameron Impact Scholarship FAQ

The Cameron scholarship is currently accepting applications from the Class of 2024.  US Citizens who have an unweighted GPA of a 3.7 or higher are eligible to apply. 
The Foundation is specifically looking for candidates who have displayed strong evidence of leadership, involvement in extracurriculars and community service, and who want to make a positive impact on the world around them.  

Early Application Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2019 at 12:00PM PT (NOON) – CLOSED
Regular Application Deadline: Friday, September 13, 2019 12:00PM PT (NOON) – CLOSED

They review all Applicants fully and fairly, regardless of when they apply.  However, there are some benefits to applying early.  

The scholarship limit the number of applications they will accept to 3,000.  If and when they reach this limit, the scholarship will shut down the Application, regardless of deadlines. 

They will also make a note on their website and on their social media platforms if they are approaching this limit, to notify prospective Applicants;
Early Applicants will find out if they have received a Finalist Interview in June, rather than in the Fall – which is the case for the Regular Applicants;

The scholarship award 80-100 Finalist Interviews each year.  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and the Interview slots filled in the Early Application Round determine the number of Interview slots that they have available for Regular Round Applicants; and
They receive the majority of our Applications for the Regular Application Deadline.

The Cameron Impact Scholarship is intended to cover the full tuition and ‘qualified educational expenses’ (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service) at the recipient’s chosen collegiate institution.

‘Educational expenses’ vary amongst higher institutions, but the Scholarship is intended to cover tuition, fees, course-related expenses, books, supplies, and equipment.  The Cameron Impact Scholarship does not cover Room and Board. 

10-15 Cameron Impact Scholarships are awarded each year.

The Foundation notifies all Applicants of their status, regardless if they receive a Finalist Interview or not.  We notify Early Applicants by June 30th, and Regular Applicants are notified by October 31st. 

Sometimes, correspondence may end up in SPAM.  You are welcomed to contact them at to inquire more about the status of your Application.

Applicants who wish to take a Gap Year are welcome to apply to the Cameron Impact Scholarship.  The scholarship do, however, request that you apply with the graduating high school class that you would be attending your first year of college with. 

So if you were to take a gap year, apply by May or September of your Gap Year. They also find that it is additive to the Application if you describe what you have done with your Gap Year.

Thier deadlines are hard ones, and any incomplete Applications will NOT be reviewed.  They do not accept any late Transcripts or Recommendations. 

If any information is missing for the Early Application Deadline – your submission will automatically roll to the Regular Applicant Pool.  

The Cameron Impact Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship.  They will never ask you any personal or familial financial information.  Financial need is not taken into consideration in their evaluation process.

There are!  While they are honored to award a significant number of merit-based scholarships each year, they recognize that there are many deserving candidates out there whom they are not able to recognize through our program alone. 

While they do not claim to have an exhaustive list of all merit-based opportunities, the scholarship forum are making an effort to familiarize themselves with other programs that are worth pursuing. 

We recommend other scholarship opportunities.

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